Your Portal Version: 1.0.0RC3
Your phpBB Type: Standard version: 3.0.6
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Your knowledge: Beginner
Link of the stijl
Style that I have is Absolution. The style is based on prosilver.
I have a probleme with my block_config.html
If you look at my forum you will see what the problem is wiht this block_config.html
Can somebody look to this block_config.html and tell what's wrong is.
Thanks a lot and sorry for my bad english.
<!--version $Id: _block_config.html v1.0.5 adapted by: Mike $ //-->
<!-- Config for the left and right blocks //-->
<!-- DEFINE $LR_BLOCK_H_L = '<div class="inner"><ul class="topiclist"><li class="header"><div class="custom-cat-header" style="width:100%"><dl class="icon">' -->
<!-- DEFINE $LR_BLOCK_H_R = '</dl></div></li></ul><div class="custom-row">' -->
<!-- DEFINE $LR_BLOCK_F_L = '' -->
<!-- DEFINE $LR_BLOCK_F_R = '</div><div class="custom-foot"></div><br style="clear:both" />' -->
<!-- Config for the center blocks //-->
<!-- DEFINE $C_BLOCK_H_L = '<div class="inner"><ul class="topiclist"><li class="header"><div class="custom-cat-header"><dl class="icon">' -->
<!-- DEFINE $C_BLOCK_H_R = '</dl></div></li></ul><div class="custom-row">' -->
<!-- DEFINE $C_BLOCK_F_L = '' -->
<!-- DEFINE $C_BLOCK_F_R = '</div><div class="custom-foot"></div><br style="clear:both" />' -->
<!-- Images-URL //-->
<!-- DEFINE $NO_AVATAR_IMG = '/images/no_avatar.gif' -->
<!-- Vertical distance between left/right and center Blocks -->
<!-- DEFINE $BLOCK_DISTANCE = '10px' -->
<!-- show Icons in left/right Blocks? 0=no 1=yes -->
<!-- DEFINE $S_BLOCK_ICON = 1 -->
<!-- postbody top (default 1 by prosilver) 0=no 1=yes -->
<!-- override the column width settings of the ACP for this style? 0=no 1=yes -->
<!-- override the column width settings of the ACP - set the width if enabled -->
Probleme with Absolution Style.
- Dev
- Posts: 2504
- Joined: 17. July 2008 21:08
- User: marc1706
- User: Marc
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Re: Probleme with Absolution Style.
I think Mike is already working on a config for Board3 Portal. Please be a little bit more patient.
Re: Probleme with Absolution Style.
okay Marc,
Thanks for the information.
Thanks for the information.
Re: Probleme with Absolution Style.
I've already tried something... More playing with the style than really grapple with it, but I would be pleased about comments
... I think it would be looks better if the right and the left column would have the same style like the middle, or not?
... I think it would be looks better if the right and the left column would have the same style like the middle, or not?