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Use a custom style?

Posted: 8. February 2010 18:36
by DeadandWalking
Your Portal Version: 1.0.0RC3
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: No
Your knowledge: Beginner

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Description and Message

I've just installed the portal to my root directory. However I had to have prosilver installed when my previous theme was a custom one name sliced. How can I get this theme to work with the portal?

Thank You!

Re: Use a custom style?

Posted: 8. February 2010 18:43
by Marc
As sliced is based on subsilver2, try doing the subsilver2 edits on your style.

Re: Use a custom style?

Posted: 8. February 2010 18:45
by DeadandWalking
Thanks for the fast reply!

Just one thing, where is a link to the subsilver edits? I only got prosilver with my readme. :)

EDIT: Never mind. I found it. Thank you. I'll repost if I get any problems :)

Re: Use a custom style?

Posted: 8. February 2010 18:57
by DeadandWalking
Hi again,

When using sliced I now get this: "Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in /home/deadandw/public_html/zombies/cache/tpl_sliced_overall_header.html.php on line 205"

I don't suppose anyone knows how to fix this?

Thank you

Re: Use a custom style?

Posted: 9. February 2010 12:44
by Mike
You have done a wrong edit in your overall_header.html
Find it, or replace ot with the original. Here you can make a request ;)