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Failing to access Portal page.

Posted: 2. February 2010 11:42
by Jeff1494
Your Portal Version: 1.0.5
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: Yes
Your knowledge: Basic Knowledge

What have you done before the problem was there?
Searches on Forums

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?

Description and Message
Hi all;
I am working locally on my PC using easyphp (Apache 2.2.13, MySql 5.1.37, Php 5.2.10) under WinXP for testing purpose.
As I would like to migrate my real site from PhpBB2 to PhpBB3, and take advantage of this migration to implement the portal.
I set up the ste structure as following :
WWW/totoforum, where "totoforum" is the name of my forum.

I just Installed the board on top of a PhpBB3.06 verison, and every thing went OK. No messages during installation.
I am able to access the mo from the ACP Panel, no problem at all.

My issue is that when I type in the following adress in my web browser (Firefox) : the system displays the forum index page.
As soon I type in it is of course OK, it displays the portal page.

Within the install instructions I have to modify the ".htaccess" file, what I did as follow :

Code: Select all

<Files "config.php">
Order Allow,Deny
Deny from All

<Files "common.php">
Order Allow,Deny
Deny from All

DirectoryIndex portal.php index.php index.html index.htm
I made the modification using "Notepad++" and checked that the file is encoded in UTF-8(Without BOM).

So there is some thing I did wrong, for sure, but I do not see what.
If someone could help to fix this issue it would be very much appreciated.
(Excuse my bad English, I am French).

Re: Failing to access Portal page.

Posted: 2. February 2010 12:01
by Marc
I don't know how easyphp works, but I think there is a configuration settings in apache that determines wether .htaccess files will be ignored or not. The easiest way to solve this is probably contacting the people of easyphp, they should know how to do this.

Re: Failing to access Portal page.

Posted: 2. February 2010 22:12
by Jeff1494
Thank you Marc;
It's what I suspected. I'll have a look at the apache config file, and let you know.
Thanks for your help.

Re: Failing to access Portal page.

Posted: 2. February 2010 22:27
by Jeff1494
Hi Marc;
You were right about the conig files.
In fact I had to change the value of "AllowOverride" directive to "All" in the httpd.conf file.
Once I did that it works perfectly.
Thanks again for your advice.
Have a nice day.