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How do I know what styles support the portal?

Posted: 19. January 2010 12:08
by gwmara
Your Portal Version: 1.0.4
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: Yes
Your knowledge: Beginner

PHP Version: 3.0.6

What have you done before the problem was there?
It's not really a problem like that.

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?
No, I have no knowledge at all. We had everything installed for us.

Description and Message
I've downloaded, installed and try out a lot of different themes. What should I look for to make sure it support the portal? We have ajax chat and arcade installed as well and they don't seem to show up on most templates

*Edit sorry if I posted this in the wrong forum :oops:

Re: How do I know what styles support the portal?

Posted: 19. January 2010 12:46
by Marc
A lot of templates are more or less compatible with Board3 Portal. The most important part you should look for is the width. Some fixed width styles have a small width, which causes errors with Board3 Portal (i.e. boxes stick out of the normal forum wrap). I suggest you use styles with a dynamic width or at least width a decent width to work with.

Re: How do I know what styles support the portal?

Posted: 19. January 2010 16:41
by Mike
Here is a list with a few Styles i already adapted. (with demolinks)

Re: How do I know what styles support the portal?

Posted: 21. January 2010 08:00
by gwmara
I've downloaded some of them but got this error:
template->_tpl_load_file(): File ./styles/AeroRed/template//portal/portal_body.html does not exist or is empty
Didn't see them on this page so I guess the error is because I didn't change the _block_config.html

Code: Select all

<!--version $Id: _block_config.html v1.0.4 adapted by: Franki $ //-->
<!-- Config for the left and right blocks //-->
<!-- DEFINE $LR_BLOCK_H_L = '<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td width="18" height="18"><img src="./styles/AeroRed/theme/images/tl.png" width="18" height="18" alt="" /></td><td height="18" style="background:url(./styles/AeroRed/theme/images/tm.png);"></td><td width="18" height="18"><img src="./styles/AeroRed/theme/images/tr.png" width="18" height="18" alt="" /></td></tr><tr><td width="18" style="background:url(./styles/AeroRed/theme/images/ml.png);"></td><td><table class="tablebg" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tr><th><span style="float: left">' -->
<!-- DEFINE $LR_BLOCK_H_R = '</span></th></tr></table>' -->
<!-- DEFINE $LR_BLOCK_F_L = '' -->
<!-- DEFINE $LR_BLOCK_F_R = '</td><td width="18" style="background:url(./styles/AeroRed/theme/images/mr.png);"></td></tr><tr><td width="18" height="18" align="right"><img src="./styles/AeroRed/theme/images/bl.png" width="18" height="18" alt="" /></td><td height="18" style="background:url(./styles/AeroRed/theme/images/bm.png);"></td><td width="18" height="18"><img src="./styles/AeroRed/theme/images/br.png" width="18" height="18" alt="" /></td></tr></table>' -->

<!-- Config for the center blocks // -->
<!-- DEFINE $C_BLOCK_H_L = '<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td width="18" height="18"><img src="./styles/AeroRed/theme/images/tl.png" width="18" height="18" alt="" /></td><td height="18" style="background:url(./styles/AeroRed/theme/images/tm.png);"></td><td width="18" height="18"><img src="./styles/AeroRed/theme/images/tr.png" width="18" height="18" alt="" /></td></tr><tr><td width="18" style="background:url(./styles/AeroRed/theme/images/ml.png);"></td><td><table class="tablebg" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tr><th><span style="float: center">' -->
<!-- DEFINE $C_BLOCK_H_R = '</span></th></tr></table>' -->
<!-- DEFINE $C_BLOCK_F_L = '' -->
<!-- DEFINE $C_BLOCK_F_R = '</td><td width="18" style="background:url(./styles/AeroRed/theme/images/mr.png);"></td></tr><tr><td width="18" height="18" align="right"><img src="./styles/AeroRed/theme/images/bl.png" width="18" height="18" alt="" /></td><td height="18" style="background:url(./styles/AeroRed/theme/images/bm.png);"></td><td width="18" height="18"><img src="./styles/AeroRed/theme/images/br.png" width="18" height="18" alt="" /></td></tr></table>' -->

<!-- Images-URL //-->
<!-- DEFINE $WHOS_IMAGES = '/images/whosonline.gif' -->
<!-- DEFINE $NO_AVATAR_IMG = '/images/no_avatar.gif' -->

<!-- Vertical distance between left/right and center Blocks -->

<!-- show Icons in left/right Blocks? 0=no 1=yes -->
<!-- DEFINE $S_BLOCK_ICON = 1 -->

<!-- override the column width settings of the ACP for this style? 0=no 1=yes -->

<!-- override the column width settings of the ACP - set the width if enabled -->
In what file and where do I put the code? Or what am I doing wrong?

Re: How do I know what styles support the portal?

Posted: 21. January 2010 09:44
by Marc
Depending on wether your style is based on prosilver or subsilver2, you have to also upload the correct template and theme files for your style. For example, if your style is based on subsilver2, like AeroRed, upload the portal-files for subsilver2 to AeroRed.

Re: How do I know what styles support the portal?

Posted: 29. January 2010 23:58
by gwmara
Should the portal be updated before adding another template?

Re: How do I know what styles support the portal?

Posted: 30. January 2010 00:47
by Marc
I recommend updating to Board3 Portal 1.0.5, no matter what you want to do.