can user-defined groups appear in the extended team block?

Current Version: 1.0.6
Released: 09.01.10
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can user-defined groups appear in the extended team block?

Post by nothingworks »

Your Portal Version: 1.04
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: No
Your knowledge: Basic Knowledge
Boardlink: http://localhost

What have you done before the problem was there?
This is not so much an encountered problem as it is a feature I'm trying to enable.

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?
Searched these boards for settings confirmation. Tried different ACP settings combinations (see message).

Description and Message
I'm running Board3 1.04 on PHPBB 3.06. FWIW, I've also installed the v1.04 Gallery mod.

I'm trying to extend the Team block to include a user-defined group. I have seen another support request here (at viewtopic.php?f=10&t=2427&p=16318 where the straightforward solution worked for the user, but I can't seem to achieve the same success.

- Both the "Leaders / Team block" and the "Extended Leaders / Team" options on the .MODS>General Settings page have been enabled.
- On my user-defined group's settings page, the "Display group in legend" option has been enabled, and the group is not set to Hidden.

Despite this, neither the group nor its members appear on the Team block on my portal. The only groups that appear in the Team block when I enable the "Display group in legend" option are the Pre-Defined Groups (e.g., Administrators, Guests, Registered Users).

Do group permission settings have any influence on whether the group appears on the Team block? (I'd think not, since I could get Guests to appear there.)

Can only Pre-Defined Groups appear on the Team block? (I'd think not, since User-Defined Groups have the "Display group in legend" option.)

Do I need to modify any of the .PHP files to make this work? (I'd think not, since this should all be able to be performed on the ACP.)

I'm really out of ideas. This is such a straightforward feature, I can only imagine I am missing something obvious. Please advise, and let me know if I can provide more information to help out.

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Re: can user-defined groups appear in the extended team block?

Post by nothingworks »

I tried a few more things out.

Beyond enabling the "Extended Leaders / Team" option, and setting "Display group in legend" for a group, are there ANY other variables that affect whether a user group will appear in the Team block?

Only three of the five pre-defined PHPBB3 groups I enable appear in the extended team block (Administrators, Guests, Registered Users do, but Global Moderators and New Registered Users do not). NONE of my user-defined user groups appear in the block.

I can't see why some of these groups would appear while others don't unless there are other variables at play.

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Re: can user-defined groups appear in the extended team block?

Post by Chef_uk »

Adding the group to the legend was only the first part of the task for me. Try making that group the default group for each member in it. Click the members tab of the group in "manage groups", click each member and then from the dropdown menu hit groups. Then just choose the group you want to show up in the block "The Team", as their default group.

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