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Portal display CSS something missing

Posted: 18. December 2009 12:31
by jinbatsu
Your Portal Version: 1.0.4
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: No
Your knowledge: Basic Knowledge

What have you done before the problem was there?
Just installing the Portal with manual, step by step with default theme (prosilver).

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?
- refresh all type style , purge cache, just like what the installation suggest.
- Delete chache files from ACP
- Delete chache files from the file system under folder my /forum/cache/ excapt index.html and .htaccess

Description and Message
Please take a look at
The Navigation Menu UL and LI, that look like not loaded the correct css or missing small class or something like that..

I'm using phpBB 3.0.6
Thank you.

Re: Portal display CSS something missing

Posted: 18. December 2009 17:12
by Marc
It seems to me that your theme cache has not been refreshed properly. Please do this again.

Re: Portal display CSS something missing

Posted: 18. December 2009 18:34
by jinbatsu
OK it works..
but another question..

what should I do for getting the permanent style theme css?

1. I want to change 2 files, common.css and colours.css under folder /forum/styles/prosilver/theme/
2. and upload/replace to /forum/styles/prosilver/theme/
3. and ACP->General->purge chache
4. and ACP->Style->Themes->Subsilver->Refresh

It doesn't work..
Please take a look at
The background color is not white and the width is not fixed anymore..

Please help.


Re: Portal display CSS something missing

Posted: 18. December 2009 18:43
by jinbatsu
well ok solved and it works..
i just must the browser also clear the cache..

well thanks alot for the good Portal MOD. :ugeek: :mrgreen: