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News & Announcements

Posted: 14. December 2009 02:34
by demonicpagan
Your Portal Version: 1.0.4
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: Yes
Your knowledge: Advanced Knowledge

What have you done before the problem was there?

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?

Description and Message
I am curious as to if I set a topic in my News & Announcement forum to Announcement, do they not display in the news block on the portal?

I have a couple topics on my board set to announcement and they don't show up in the news block. If this is the case, what modification(s) do I need to make so they appear there? If you are looking for the URL for my board, I will PM it to the person assisting me as this board is to only be available to a select number of people and I don't want the link scrawled by a bot to show up in a search result.

Re: News & Announcements

Posted: 14. December 2009 09:42
by Mike
Announcements doesnt appear in the news Block. Therefore we have a announcement Block ;)

The problem is that the answers of this anouncement doesnt appear in your portal if the anouncement is old enough to disapear in this Block. If you want to avoid this behavior you can do it like set an anouncement with a link to an discussion at the bottopm. The discussion will be showed in the news Block since it is not an anouncement ;)