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portal.php outside of my forums directory and gallery

Posted: 28. November 2009 23:08
by axel13
Your Portal Version: 1.0.4
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: Yes
Your knowledge: Basic Knowledge

What have you done before the problem was there?
Install phpbb3.0.6, connect old cleaned database, install board3 portal, move portal.php from mydomain/forum/ to mydomain/ using this instruction knowledge/kb_show.php?id=2, install ultimate seo mod, install phpbb gallery by nickvergessen.

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?
nothing serious

Description and Message
i have board3 portal installed and portal.php is placed in mydomain/ and forum is placed in mydomain/forum/
From image_page.php or album.php links on Logo and on Portal in header are mydomain/forum/portal.php, but i need (and i did it in overal_header.php, but it doesn't work here) mydomain/portal.php

And from mydomain/forum/gallery/search.php (for example, if i click - last comments) it doens,t download styles and all links are mydomain/target.php, not mydomain/forum/targen.php.

Sorry for my english, but i really need help... :(

Re: portal.php outside of my forums directory and gallery

Posted: 28. November 2009 23:52
by axel13
And from mydomain/forum/gallery/search.php (for example, if i click - last comments) it doens,t download styles and all links are mydomain/target.php, not mydomain/forum/targen.php.
This problem is solved - i need seo gallery mod ;)

But the link on Logo doesn't work correct....

Re: portal.php outside of my forums directory and gallery

Posted: 14. December 2009 21:05
by axel13
still wondering.... :oops: