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Opening custom pages on portal center column

Posted: 24. June 2009 22:27
by Mr.Victor
Your Portal Version: 1.0.0RC3
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: No
Your knowledge: Basic Knowledge

PHP Version: 3.0.4
MySQL Version: 4.1

What have you done before the problem was there?

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?
searched google,, and this forum.

Description and Message

I saw your article in the knowledge base on how to add items to menu. Is there a way I can add a link to a new item (custom page created to match phpbb style) and when I click on the menu item, the portal opens the page in the center column leaving both side columns still there? When I click Portal link, it goes back to main portal layout. I want to add several items to menu that do this almost like a website layout.

Re: Opening custom pages on portal center column

Posted: 25. June 2009 00:33
by Mike
I've made a guide concerning your request ;)
I hope you understand any german... ;)

Re: Opening custom pages on portal center column

Posted: 25. June 2009 01:40
by Shaman
I was just about to post the same question. I don't suppose you have a link to your guide in English? Ah well, babblefish here I come!

By the way, is it any more difficult to keep certain blocks when displaying custom pages in the center column? Basically what I want is to only keep the navigation block (main menu block) while the rest changes, otherwise I'd have a pretty squished up center page, hehe. I'm going to try and glean some information from your guide, as a search didn't prove very helpful, and see if I can muddle my way through figuring it out myself, but any advice would be kindly appreciated!

Re: Opening custom pages on portal center column

Posted: 25. June 2009 02:23
by Mike
I'll made a guide in English too. But please have a litte patience... ;)

Re: Opening custom pages on portal center column

Posted: 25. June 2009 02:25
by Mr.Victor
I used Google web page translator. It was still a bit hard to fully understand but better. From what I understand, it won't work so good if I wanted to do 6 or 7 different pages?

Re: Opening custom pages on portal center column

Posted: 25. June 2009 04:44
by Shaman
Thank you, I appreciate it! Take your time, no rush here.