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Template issue on uninstall

Posted: 8. June 2009 17:59
by Jackal Osiris
Your Portal Version: 1.0.0RC3
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: No
Your knowledge: Beginner

What have you done before the problem was there?

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?
Replaced template files with originals
Deleted and then reinstalled temples through ACP
Deleted portalconfig table

Description and Message
I have decided to not use Portal 3 and am going to use MKPortal instead. It is not that I don't like Portal3, I just prefer MKPortal. The thing is that I can get the [portal] links off my boards. I don't understand why when I have replaced all template files, uninstalled and then reinstalled templates, etc. Why does the link keep appearing? I've even deleted my browser history and temp files...

Re: Template issue on uninstall

Posted: 8. June 2009 18:09
by Marc
Refreshing your board cache would help a lot.

Re: Template issue on uninstall

Posted: 8. June 2009 19:17
by Jackal Osiris
Wow, that did the trick. Thanks! Please don't get wrong. The portal is nice, I only prefer to use MKPortal because I'm familiar with it and it serves my purposes better