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Last post username aligned far left

Posted: 21. May 2009 17:22
by Smokin_Cache
Your Portal Version: 1.0.3
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: No
Your knowledge: Beginner

What have you done before the problem was there?
Just tested at 1024 X 768 and discovered problem

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?
Nothing. Post this message

Description and Message
Just found the problem today when I used an old non-wide screen laptop to check the site. The usernames in the General Forum in the Board index on the portal page are not it the correct spot. The usernames in the general forum index block only are covering the forum icons. The rest of them are in the correct spot.


Smokin Cache

Re: Last post username aligned far left

Posted: 27. May 2009 17:53
by Marc
Try this:
Open your ACP and browse to the Portal Config.
In the left side bar, click on News.
At the bottom part of the page, set "Display the number of replies and views" to No.

Re: Last post username aligned far left

Posted: 29. May 2009 04:16
by Smokin_Cache
That didn't help. I have looked to the best of my ability and can't figure it out. I changed it to no and purged the cache.

Smokin_Cache ***.***.***.*** Thu May 28, 2009 8:06 pm Purged cache
Smokin_Cache ***.***.***.*** Thu May 28, 2009 8:04 pm Altered Portal settings ยป News

Re: Last post username aligned far left

Posted: 29. May 2009 12:38
by Mike
Maybe you set the wrong switch, or in the wrong block. Because as you can see, these two collums (topics | Posts ) are already there.
Try it again, and link a screenshot from your Acp please...

Re: Last post username aligned far left

Posted: 31. May 2009 01:00
by Smokin_Cache
Here is a screenshot. Thanks for the help! I have also refreshed the templates and themes.

Re: Last post username aligned far left

Posted: 31. May 2009 18:12
by Mike
You disabled this Block. So the Problem only appears in the Forumindex Block, wich sadly cant be configured, since we use the original Board index.
This may not what you want to hear, but thats a problem on prosilver based Styles only. If you really want to solve this, you can use any subsilver2 based styles ;)

Re: Last post username aligned far left

Posted: 1. June 2009 05:20
by Smokin_Cache
Well I didn't configure the other style so I will have to figure that out. Thanks for the help!!

Re: Last post username aligned far left (Clock quit working)

Posted: 1. June 2009 05:46
by Smokin_Cache
Would refreshing the templates, themes, images have cause the clock to be shown as a red X?