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Black Perl theme

Posted: 18. April 2009 22:23
by unknown2
Your Portal Version: 1.0.0RC3
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: ACP Announcement Centre 1.1.4
Your knowledge: Beginner

What have you done before the problem was there?

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?

Description and Message
Im using black pearl theme, and i have a mod called "ACP Announcement Centre 1.1.4" and this mod insert a column in the upper side of my forum (u can check in the announcment that im talking about). Does the make conflict with this?

Is possible to use with black pearl theme?
Can come1 send me a screenshot with the ACP of the mode so i can check how it works??
I use 3.0.X phpbb version, and i want to install this mode but only after some1 confirm to me, that it will not ruin my forum!

Tks for helping me out on this!
best regards!

Re: Black Perl theme

Posted: 18. April 2009 22:28
by Kevin
Moved to "style requests".
A short search would have brought up this: Black Pearl

Portal ACP demo: acp_demo/en/

Re: Black Perl theme

Posted: 18. April 2009 22:38
by Christian_N
Status: Done (double)
Kevin wrote:A short search would have brought up this: Black Pearl
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