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Missing block headers

Posted: 5. February 2009 11:41
by ttkk
Your Portal Version: 1.0.2
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: No
Your knowledge: Beginner

What have you done before the problem was there?

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?

Description and Message
Hello. This problem can be seen on too.

The problem is, when you scroll little down on main page to see "THE TEAM" block, you can see the header "THE TEAM". But, if you move your mouse over this: "17 announcements • Page 1 of 9 • 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ... 9", i mean over the numbers, just move your mouse there, you can see, that the header "THE TEAM" is missing. Its missing when you move your mouse over the number, over the menus .... The same problem is on my website and on each website with Board3. Where can be problem? (I use internet explorer 6)

With internet explorer 6 is this problem
With internet explorer 7 i have this problem: viewtopic.php?f=17&t=1614

Board3 is working without problems with Firefox and Chrome... It seems, that internet explorer doesnt like Board3 :?

Edit: The same problem here is with the "BOARD STYLE" header, "Tip for phpBB3 admins" header, "Top poster" header, "Latest members" header ...

Re: Missing block headers

Posted: 5. February 2009 12:23
by Mike
ttkk wrote:(I use internet explorer 6)
I'll never understand people who rather post a problem with their stone aged Browser, instead of updating their software... :?
btw. IE7 doest have your reported problem... (at least in my portal)

Re: Missing block headers

Posted: 5. February 2009 12:27
by ttkk
Mike wrote:
ttkk wrote:(I use internet explorer 6)
I'll never understand people who rather post a problem with their stone aged Browser, instead of updating their software... :?
btw. IE7 doest have your reported problem... (at least in my portal)
I understand you, but if I can see this problem in IE6, and in not Firefox, its ok for me, but not for the visitors of my website. I cant tell everybody, "dont use IE6, use just Firefox, because my website is working fine only in Firefox.".

Re: Missing block headers

Posted: 5. February 2009 12:50
by Mike
You are right... nobody has to use ff only. There are tons of current Browsers which working perfekt with the Portal... (
I think if you always work backward-compatible they never need to update their browser. And for me, there is no reason, not to update IE to 7...

Maybe you can made a hint in a Block like: "If you having trouble to view this site, i recommended you to update your Browser"

Re: Missing block headers

Posted: 5. February 2009 16:11
by ttkk
Any idea?

Re: Missing block headers

Posted: 5. February 2009 21:21
by thomas.d
Hi ttkk,

please keep in mind that ... Rules wrote:...
  • ...
  • Topic-Bumping is only accepted at least 24 hrs. after posting.

Re: Missing block headers

Posted: 6. February 2009 04:25
by japagun
ttkk i have the same opinion of Mike..... i should advise your users to update their browsers...

Re: Missing block headers

Posted: 6. February 2009 07:18
by Kevin
Let's stop starting a discussion if it is ok to force users to update their browsers.
e.g. just until last week i had only IE6 at work and had no chance to use anything else. Just this week the permission from our IT came to update to IE7. But i'm not allowed to use Firefox or any other browser.

Anyway, back to topic:
So i have used at work IE6 the last months with and had no problems. :?
Maybe you can post a screenshot?

Re: Missing block headers

Posted: 6. February 2009 09:20
by ttkk

Normally, you will not notice that problem till you will know about it. Remember, that this happens only if you will move your mouse over the numbers of pages, over the menus ... The header just disappear...

Re: Missing block headers

Posted: 6. February 2009 10:36
by Kevin
As stated before, i haven't had this problem with IE6. Can anybody else confirm this problem?

Re: Missing block headers

Posted: 6. February 2009 15:46
by Marc ... bd51b9.png

One header is missing, but it seems like it is a browser settings problem, since you didn't see those errors on your computer Kevin.