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SQL errors

Posted: 3. February 2009 17:05
by japagun
Your Portal Version: 1.0.2
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: Yes
Your knowledge: Advanced Knowledge
Boardlink: [url]http://localhost%20sorry[/url]

What have you done before the problem was there?
nothing, just finished the languague translation, and tried to update the DB to the version 3.0.4 i didn't have success, if i tried to enter in index.php, everything is gone fine....... but when i click in portal, or type portal.php in my browser, i have errors with mysql....

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?
searched here, but nothing help me yet

Description and Message
tried to update the DB to the version 3.0.4 i didn't have success, if i tried to enter in index.php, everything is gone fine....... but when i click in portal, or type portal.php in my browser, i have errors with mysql....

Code: Select all

SQL ERROR [ mysql4 ]

Error writing file '/tmp/MYP5T7uS' (Errcode: 28) [3]


SELECT topic_title, forum_id, topic_id FROM phpbb_topics WHERE topic_status <> 2 AND topic_approved = 1 AND topic_type = 0 AND topic_moved_id = 0 ORDER BY topic_time DESC LIMIT 10


FILE: includes/db/mysql.php
LINE: 174
CALL: dbal->sql_error()

FILE: includes/db/mysql.php
LINE: 221
CALL: dbal_mysql->sql_query()

FILE: includes/db/dbal.php
LINE: 170
CALL: dbal_mysql->_sql_query_limit()

FILE: portal/block/recent.php
LINE: 122
CALL: dbal->sql_query_limit()

FILE: portal.php
LINE: 80
CALL: include('portal/block/recent.php

Re: SQL errors

Posted: 5. February 2009 17:30
by japagun

Re: SQL errors

Posted: 5. February 2009 17:35
by Kevin
Are you working with a local server, like XAMPP?
Error writing file '/tmp/MYP5T7uS' (Errcode: 28) [3]
This points to missing writing access for temp files / wrong directory permissions. So i guess you need to edit your server configuration.

Re: SQL errors

Posted: 6. February 2009 04:18
by japagun
Kevin thanks for your reply, but did you know where i can set this configures???? When i activate the wordgraph, the same errors appears......

Re: SQL errors

Posted: 6. February 2009 07:09
by Kevin
Just tick the magic switch.
Maybe i can say more as far as i find my glass bowl. ;)

Seriously: with the information you gave at this time, i can say nothing. You haven't even answered my last question.

Re: SQL errors

Posted: 9. February 2009 04:28
by japagun
i didn`t saw your reply above sorry...
Yes i`m using xampp

Re: SQL errors

Posted: 9. February 2009 06:57
by Kevin
So this is the only hint i have for you:
Kevin wrote:
Error writing file '/tmp/MYP5T7uS' (Errcode: 28) [3]
This points to missing writing access for temp files / wrong directory permissions. So i guess you need to edit your server configuration.
This is definitely a XAMPP / Windows configuring issue.
Please refer to the belonging support forum.

Re: SQL errors

Posted: 9. February 2009 08:22
by japagun
Kevin wrote:So this is the only hint i have for you:
Kevin wrote:
Error writing file '/tmp/MYP5T7uS' (Errcode: 28) [3]
This points to missing writing access for temp files / wrong directory permissions. So i guess you need to edit your server configuration.
This is definitely a XAMPP / Windows configuring issue.
Please refer to the belonging support forum.
I`ll see if i have any answers from their....thanks for now....