CVS Checkins - März 2006

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CVS Checkins - März 2006

Post by Kevin »

Was tut sich bei der Entwicklung von Olympus?

Um immer mitzubekommen woran gerade bei Olympus gearbeitet wird, kann man sich in die Phpbb-checkins Mailingliste eintragen.

Diese Mails dokumentieren die Änderungen der Entwickler an den Dateien.

Hier nun eine Liste mit den Beschreibungstexten der Checkinmails für Olympus im März 2006 (die Checkins für phpBB 2.0.x werden nicht berücksichtigt). Erfreulicherweise tut sich nach wie vor einiges. Die Codeänderungen in den verschiedenen Dateien werden hier nicht einzeln aufgeführt. Das Mailarchiv findet man hier.
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 01.03.06
    Entwickler: Meik Sievertsen

    Modified Files:
    message_body.html board.php common.php
    functions.php functions_transfer.php message_parser.php
    session.php schema_data.sql coding-guidelines.html
    download.php memberlist.php ucp.php viewforum.php
    viewonline.php viewtopic.php mcp_queue.php
    acp_board.php acp_permissions.php
    ucp_pm_compose.php ucp_pm_options.php mcp_front.php

    Log Message:
    - some bugfixes
    - committed coding guidelines as they are at area51
    - removed script_path (needs a close inspection later)
    - removed the need for server_name and server_port
    - able to define server port/name/protocol and force the user-defined server vars (very handy for proxy setups)
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 02.03.06
    Entwickler: David

    Modified Files:

    Log Message:
    This should work.. maybe... :P
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 02.03.06
    Entwickler: David

    Modified Files:
    install.php functions_jabber.php

    Log Message:
    - The sha1 hash is a standard part of PHP, mhash is not needed for Jabber :D
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 03.03.06
    Entwickler: Meik Sievertsen

    Modified Files:

    Log Message:
    show links to topic/log/forum...
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 04.03.06
    Entwickler: Bart van Bragt

    Modified Files:
    constants.php mysql_schema.sql schema_data.sql

    Added Files:
    mcp_reports_front.html mcp_reports_topic.html
    ucp_reports_list.html ucp_reports_report.html
    mcp_reports.php ucp_reports.php

    Log Message:
    Reporting system revised. Needs some major cleanup and is missig some functionality (assign report, some overviews, decent notifications) but the basics are there. More after the weekend :)
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 04.03.06
    Entwickler: GrahamJE

    Modified Files:
    schema_data.sql cron.php
    functions.php functions_admin.php

    Log Message:
    Expire issued warnings after and admin configurable time
    TODO: Add config option for this value to the ACP
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 06.03.06
    Entwickler: Meik Sievertsen

    Modified Files:
    ucp_pm_compose.php ucp_pm_viewmessage.php ucp_prefs.php
    ucp_profile.php board.php common.php permissions_phpbb.php
    mcp_main.php mcp_topic.php mcp_warn.php
    help_faq.php posting.php ucp.php
    firebird_schema.sql mssql_schema.sql mysql_schema.sql
    oracle_schema.sql postgres_schema.sql schema_data.sql
    posting.php report.php search.php viewtopic.php
    acp_bbcodes.html acp_forums.html acp_users.html
    acp_bbcodes.php acp_board.php acp_forums.php acp_users.php
    functions_admin.php functions_posting.php
    functions_privmsgs.php functions_profile_fields.php
    functions_user.php message_parser.php session.php
    posting_body.html ucp_prefs_post.html

    Log Message:
    - added "display_on_posting" setting to custom bbcodes (creates a button with the bbcode tag)
    - fixed forum editing and parent id selection
    - completely removed HTML support (it only creates security problems)
    - changed cache_moderators() to reflect permission changes
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 06.03.06
    Entwickler: GrahamJE

    Modified Files:
    board.php acp_board.php

    Log Message:
    Configure the warning expiry
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 06.03.06
    Entwickler: GrahamJE

    Modified Files:

    Log Message:
    Broken images begone!
    Who wants to go next?
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 06.03.06
    Entwickler: Nils Adermann

    Modified Files:
    search.php search_fill.php
    search_results.html viewforum_body.html
    fulltext_mysql.php fulltext_phpbb.php search.php

    Log Message:
    Me, me, me!

    - only search unapproved posts/topics in forums where the user got the m_approve permission
    - resize the search cache when it grows too huge (drop distant pages)
    - added unread link to search results page
    - streamlined search results and viewforum html code for displaying topics

    so we're waiting for David now :)
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 07.03.06
    Entwickler: David

    Modified Files:
    common.php viewtopic.php install.php

    Log Message:
    Weee! My turn to bug things up :D

    - A moved topic has _two_ forum_ids, we must update the tracking info on the "fake" forum and the "real" forum.
    - Welcome back to register_globals! :P
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 08.03.06
    Entwickler: Nils Adermann

    Modified Files:
    mcp_forum.html mcp_topic.html mcp_post.html
    mcp_forum.php mcp_front.php

    Log Message:
    - log entries for deleted topics don't provide a link to the topic or to the topic logs, do we need to change handling of this else where?
    - added select all/deselect all to mcp_forum
    - realigned mcp_forum.html
    - don't display announcements on all pages in mcp_forum => easier use of "select all" + delete/other function
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 08.03.06
    Entwickler: GrahamJE

    Modified Files:

    Log Message:
    Add the mcp log viewer to the initial module data
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 09.03.06
    Entwickler: David

    Modified Files:
    acp_attachments.php install.php functions.php

    Log Message:
    - By default, new installations of magick add itself to PATH and not to a variable that it creates.
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 09.03.06
    Entwickler: Meik Sievertsen

    Modified Files:
    functions.php functions_module.php acm_file.php acm_main.php
    acp_modules.php cron.php dbal.php

    Log Message:
    - fix cookie shortening
    - let the acm handle the module cache
    - call $cache->save() after destroying data if necessary
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 09.03.06
    Entwickler: GrahamJE

    Modified Files:

    Log Message:
    Efficiency change
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 10.03.06
    Entwickler: David

    Modified Files:

    Log Message:
    We all make mistakes :D
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 10.03.06
    Entwickler: David

    Modified Files:

    Log Message:
    - ord() always returns a unsigned integer, no need to force it positive
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 11.03.06
    Entwickler: David

    Modified Files:
    functions.php ucp_confirm.php

    Log Message:
    - Moved the image loading outside the big loop. This brings fewer comparisons and allows us to unload the image data sooner.
    - Used a more appropriate method to break the images into chunks.
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 12.03.06
    Entwickler: GrahamJE

    Modified Files:

    Added Files:
    index.php install_main.php
    install_header.html install_footer.html install_main.html

    Log Message:
    Building the foundations for some later changes to the installer
    This code doesn't actually do anything yet ;-)
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 13.03.06
    Entwickler: Meik Sievertsen

    Modified Files:
    acp_attachments.php acp_board.php acp_permission_roles.php
    acp_users.php auth.php
    acp_users.html auth.php constants.php functions.php functions_admin.php
    functions_display.php functions_messenger.php
    functions_privmsgs.php functions_upload.php session.php
    template.php mcp_main.php mcp_post.php mcp_queue.php
    auth_db.php install.php
    ucp_confirm.php ucp_pm_viewfolder.php ucp_pm_viewmessage.php
    ucp_prefs.php ucp_register.php
    index.php mcp.php report.php viewtopic.php
    firebird_schema.sql mssql_schema.sql mysql_schema.sql
    oracle_schema.sql postgres_schema.sql schema_data.sql
    common.php mcp.php ucp.php
    index_body.html login_body.html report_body.html
    ucp_pm_viewfolder.html ucp_pm_viewmessage.html
    ucp_prefs_personal.html stylesheet.css
    board.php common.php permissions_phpbb.php posting.php

    Added Files:

    Removed Files:
    ucp_reports_list.html ucp_reports_report.html
    new_report_pm.txt new_report_post.txt

    Log Message:
    - streamlined reports to consist of the feature set we decided upon (Nils, your turn now)
    - use getenv instead of $_ENV (with $_ENV the case could be wrong)
    - permission fixes (there was a bug arising with getting permission flags - re-added them and handled roles deletion differently)
    - implemented max login attempts
    - changed the expected return parameters for logins/sessions
    - added acp page for editing report/denial reasons
    - other fixes here and there
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 13.03.06
    Entwickler: Meik Sievertsen

    Modified Files:
    functions.php ucp_main.php acp_board.php memberlist.php
    board.php schema_data.sql
    memberlist_view.html ucp_main_front.html

    Log Message:
    - added users activity load setting
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 13.03.06
    Entwickler: David

    Modified Files:
    ucp_confirm.php install.php

    Log Message:
    - empty() expects a variable, not a function :D
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 14.03.06
    Entwickler: Meik Sievertsen

    Modified Files:

    Log Message:
    slightly different redirect function (now hopefully able to handle all sorts of uris)
    erm... actually remove the debugging thingy... holla
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 14.03.06
    Entwickler: GrahamJE

    Modified Files:

    Log Message:
    A q should be followed by a u ;-)
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 14.03.06
    Entwickler: GrahamJE

    Modified Files:

    Log Message:
    Base report reasons
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 14.03.06
    Entwickler: GrahamJE

    Modified Files:

    Log Message:
    We now return the log_id of newly created logs. This is used by the warnings code and may prove to be of use elsewhere or in MODs
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 15.03.06
    Entwickler: Meik Sievertsen

    Modified Files:
    mcp_move.html mcp.php posting.php
    ban.php permissions_phpbb.php
    functions.php functions_module.php functions_user.php
    session.php ucp_main.php mcp_queue.php
    schema_data.sql acm_file.php acp_ban.html
    acp_ban.php acp_forums.php acp_icons.php acp_modules.php
    posting.php viewtopic.php ucp_main.php

    Added Files:
    mcp_ban.html mcp_ban.php

    Log Message:
    - adding ability to assign moderator specific ban options
    - fixing destroying of sql caches
    - fixing referencing of sql cached queries if more than one are active on one page
    - other fixes
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 15.03.06
    Entwickler: GrahamJE

    Modified Files:
    index.php install_header.html admin.css

    Log Message:
    Some slight alterations for another forthcoming feature.
    Tom: If you want to clean up my CSS changes for this or change the colour for completed stages, feel free ;-)
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 16.03.06
    Entwickler: Nils Adermann

    Modified Files:
    fulltext_mysql.php fulltext_phpbb.php acp_board.php
    common.php board.php common.php schema_data.sql

    Added Files:
    acp_search.php progress_bar.gif search.php
    search_index_progress_bar.html acp_search.html

    Log Message:
    - removed search settings from load page
    - no need to retrieve mysql information on every page => removed (fulltext_mysql)
    - added init() method to search plugins which is called when the search backend is changed
    - optional create/delete index functions for methods which don't need to loop through all posts (like fulltext_mysql)
    - index statistic functions for search plugins, displayed on acp search index page
    - only remove words above 60% (fulltext_phpbb)
    - added acp method to search plugins so they can display config options specific to a certain search backend
    - renamed fulltext_phpbb specific options to make clear that they are a part of the plugin
    - reordered lang entries for the load settings section

    added acp_search.php:
    - settings: general options / search backend / backend specific options
    - index: statistics / delete index / create index (progress popup while processing)
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 16.03.06
    Entwickler: David

    Modified Files:
    sqlite_schema.sql sqlite.php

    Log Message:
    - SQLite is now usable; we died on certain queries as well as a schema issue (I took the liberty of applying some RegEx-Fu to the parser :D)
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 16.03.06
    Entwickler: Nils Adermann

    Modified Files:
    acp_search.php fulltext_mysql.php
    schema_data.sql permissions_phpbb.php search.php

    Log Message:
    - use a_search permission
    - check for MyISAM in fulltext_mysql
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 16.03.06
    Entwickler: Nils Adermann

    Modified Files:

    Log Message:
    Give us our old ACP design back :o
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 17.03.06
    Entwickler: David

    Modified Files:
    sqlite_schema.sql sqlite.php

    Log Message:
    - Fixing some borked stuff in the schema ( it is _still_ borked tho )
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 17.03.06
    Entwickler: David

    Modified Files:

    Log Message:
    - Postgre installs now work... kinda...
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 17.03.06
    Entwickler: Meik Sievertsen

    Modified Files:
    acp_forums.php acp_permissions.php acp_search.php
    acp_users.php acm_main.php ucp.php common.php
    ucp_pm_compose.php ucp_profile.php ucp_zebra.php
    functions.php functions_upload.php session.php
    firebird.php mssql.php mssql_odbc.php mysql.php mysql4.php
    oracle.php postgres.php sqlite.php ucp.php

    Log Message:
    - fix some bugs...
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 17.03.06
    Entwickler: Meik Sievertsen

    Modified Files:

    Log Message:
    remove the echo...
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 17.03.06
    Entwickler: GrahamJE

    Modified Files:
    firebird_schema.sql mssql_schema.sql oracle_schema.sql
    postgres_schema.sql sqlite_schema.sql

    Log Message:
    Warning changes for the other schema files
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 18.03.06
    Entwickler: David

    Modified Files:
    schema_data.sql install.php functions_compress.php
    postgres.php acp_database.php common.php

    Added Files:
    database.php acp_database.html

    Log Message:
    - Cleaned up some compress stuff
    - Replaced deprecated functions in the PostrgreSQL DBAL
    - Added an undefined constant during install
    - Oh, and we now have backups :D We currently work with all the MySQL flavors, PostgreSQL and SQLite...
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 18.03.06
    Entwickler: Nils Adermann

    Modified Files:
    schema_data.sql mcp_post.html mcp_reports.html
    mcp.php search.php viewtopic.php viewforum.php
    mcp_front.php mcp_queue.php mcp_reports.php
    common.php mcp.php permissions_phpbb.php

    Added Files:
    report_closed.txt report_deleted.txt

    Removed Files:
    mcp_reports_front.html mcp_reports_topic.html

    Log Message:
    - replaced mcp reports system with a simplified version
    - fixed links to mcp_reports
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 18.03.06
    Entwickler: Meik Sievertsen

    Modified Files:
    login_body.html ucp_agreement.html
    ucp.php ucp_register.php

    Log Message:
    thanks to SHS` for writing an updated version of the terms and the privacy policy.
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 18.03.06
    Entwickler: Nils Adermann

    Modified Files:
    mcp_reports.php search.php acp_search.php
    schema_data.sql fulltext_mysql.php fulltext_phpbb.php

    Log Message:
    - Lesson learned: If you rename something rename it in all places and not just in a few :)
    (min_search_chars/max_search_chars/load_search_upd now prefixed with fulltext_phpbb)
    - search_indexing_state should not be dynamic
    - a topic link should link to a topic ;-)
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 18.03.06
    Entwickler: Nils Adermann

    Modified Files:
    acp_board.php board.php auth_ldap.php

    Log Message:
    - Added init_{$auth_plugin} function which can be used to test a connection to the authentication system before actually saving the new configuration. This will hopefully stop people from locking themselves out by using an authentication system that they cannot connect to.
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 18.03.06
    Entwickler: GrahamJE

    Modified Files:
    install.php index.php common.php

    Added Files:
    install_install.php install_install.html

    Log Message:
    Replacing the first part of the installer ready for some testing
    This will bounce you back to the previous installer part way through
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 18.03.06
    Entwickler: GrahamJE

    Modified Files:
    common.php schema_data.sql

    Log Message:
    I got attacked by a dictinary..... :P
    And of course, this is going to be 3.0 and not 2.2.....
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 18.03.06
    Entwickler: Nils Adermann

    Modified Files:

    Log Message:
    - fixed a little bug in the (old) installer
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 18.03.06
    Entwickler: GrahamJE

    Modified Files:
    acp_users.php session.php ucp_profile.php

    Log Message:
    Cross-port a patch from 2.0.20 into the 3.0 branch
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 18.03.06
    Entwickler: Nils Adermann

    Modified Files:
    common.php schema_data.sql

    Log Message:
    And the typo-of-the-day-award goes to:

    Maintenance aka Maintenence aka Maintanence

    Who knows what it will turn out to look like next? (maybe Maitanance?)

    hmm .... so many commits today!
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 19.03.06
    Entwickler: GrahamJE

    Modified Files:

    Log Message:
    We'll extend the idea to the sessions themselves as well on reflection
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 19.03.06
    Entwickler: David

    Modified Files:

    Log Message:
    - Free some results!
    - Nicer MySQLhandling (still needs work)
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 19.03.06
    Entwickler: Meik Sievertsen

    Modified Files:

    Log Message:
    temporarily updated authors file
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 19.03.06
    Entwickler: Meik Sievertsen

    Modified Files:

    Log Message:
    - ok, we should try to write the sql data as early as possible (to prevent extensive memory consumption). What needs to be done now? Trying to compress in realtime if specified and it would be also nice if the filenames had a more meaningful naming. :)
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 19.03.06
    Entwickler: Meik Sievertsen

    Modified Files:

    Log Message:
    do not check forum acl for dropdown menus in permission screens
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 19.03.06
    Entwickler: Meik Sievertsen

    Modified Files:
    auth.php fulltext_mysql.php fulltext_phpbb.php search.php
    acm_main.php AUTHORS
    firebird.php mssql.php mssql_odbc.php mysql.php mysql4.php
    mysqli.php oracle.php postgres.php sqlite.php
    functions_privmsgs.php functions_template.php template.php

    Log Message:
    - add our beloved in_phpbb check
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 19.03.06
    Entwickler: Nils Adermann

    Modified Files:
    board.php common.php

    Log Message:
    Two little changes to language files:
    - Bug 1093
    - Bug 1087
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 19.03.06
    Entwickler: Meik Sievertsen

    Modified Files:

    Log Message:
    - bbcode ids need to be greater than NUM_CORE_BBCODES
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 19.03.06
    Entwickler: GrahamJE

    Modified Files:
    ucp_agreement.html ucp_register.html

    Log Message:
    Move the $Id tag to prevent output errors
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 19.03.06
    Entwickler: Nils Adermann

    Modified Files:
    search.php functions_messenger.php search_results.html

    Log Message:
    - Bug 1104: fixed a typo ($necoding => $encoding)
    - Bug 1139: active_topics now has a button to submit the "Display posts from previous <time>" form
    - active_topics doesn't return NULL rows anymore
    - fix a padding bug in the search forum listing
  • --------------------------------------------------------------
    Datum: 20.03.06
    Entwickler: GrahamJE

    Modified Files:
    mcp_warn_front.html mcp_warn_list.html
    mcp.php common.php

    Log Message:
    Missing language strings in warning system [Bug #1156]

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