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Using a background image for mini blocks

Posted: 9. December 2008 16:57
by dragz
Your Portal Version: 1.0.0RC3
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: No
Your knowledge: Beginner

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Description and Message
I want to use a background image for mini portal blocks, [something like a gradient], can I do that? also can I remove the left bar by just removing

Code: Select all

<!-- [+] right block area -->

Re: Using a background image for mini blocks

Posted: 9. December 2008 21:37
by Huor
if you want to remove the left bar and want to remove the

Code: Select all

    <!-- [+] right block area -->
then i doubt that the left bar will disappear. Hence you should remove the left table bar - all what is between

Code: Select all

<!-- [+] left block area -->

Code: Select all

<!-- [+] center block area -->
just test it out... ;)

dunno about the background images for the mini blocks - do you mean those little icons?

Re: Using a background image for mini blocks

Posted: 10. December 2008 10:21
by dragz
no, I mean the whole background for a mini block, thanks....