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Something with the database

Posted: 24. November 2008 07:52
by dragz
Your Portal Version: 1.0.2
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: No
Your knowledge: Beginner

What have you done before the problem was there?

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?

Description and Message
I backed up my current sql database and moved it to a new host. Almost everything works fine except the portal. When I go to the portal it says


So what do I have to do next?

Re: Something with tha database

Posted: 24. November 2008 08:14
by Kevin
Visiting your site, everything seems to be fine.
It would be helpful if you could post the complete error message, including the message which block causes the problem.
As well as the MySQL server versions (before and after).

Re: Something with tha database

Posted: 24. November 2008 08:40
by dragz
I'm sorry, I restored the database in the localhost
I put it online now,
Everything works fine when I direct it to the index.php

Re: Something with the database

Posted: 24. November 2008 09:45
by Kevin
First of all: determinate which block causes the problem.
Deactivate all blocks and reactivate them one by one, until the error occurs.

Re: Something with the database

Posted: 24. November 2008 11:47
by dragz
Announcement and News blocks are causing the error. Thanks kevin
May be its because I didn't copy all the posts?

Re: Something with the database

Posted: 24. November 2008 12:56
by Kevin
Hm, i don't believe so. The error message says that there is a problem with the MySQL syntax.
Kevin wrote:As well as the MySQL server versions (before and after).
Which MySQL version do you actually use and which one do you had on your old webspace?

Maybe you need to adapt this setting in your config.php file:

Code: Select all

$dbms = 'mysql'; 

Re: Something with the database

Posted: 24. November 2008 14:16
by dragz
I changed "mysqli" to "mysql"

Re: Something with the database

Posted: 24. November 2008 14:28
by Kevin
And this does the trick?

Re: Something with the database

Posted: 24. November 2008 18:04
by dragz
I did that in the first place, after that everything except the portal started working and still no solution for the news n announcement blocks