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Making changes to the Menu?

Posted: 23. November 2008 11:28
by essexstardust
Your Portal Version: 1.0.0RC3
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: Yes
Your knowledge: Basic Knowledge

What have you done before the problem was there?
Looked for where to change whats in the menu

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?
loooked and looked

Description and Message
Hi, I want to make changes to the menu on my portal, so i can include a link to my main forum page and website, is this possible and if so what do i need to go into to change, I have looked in main_menu file but it doesn't seem to relate to the menu at the top of the portal page. Any help appreciated, :mrgreen:

Re: Making changes to the Menu?

Posted: 23. November 2008 11:54
by Marc
The menu you are referring to is not from the Board3 Portal, it comes with your style. You should be able to find the menu in overall_header.html.
It is this part:

Code: Select all

<table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">

        <td class="forum-buttons" colspan="3" width="100%">
                <a href="">Home</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src="./styles/milky_way/theme/images/menu_sep.png" alt="" />&nbsp;
                <a href="./ucp.php?mode=register">Register</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src="./styles/milky_way/theme/images/menu_sep.png" alt="" />&nbsp;                        <a href="./ucp.php?mode=login">Login</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src="./styles/milky_way/theme/images/menu_sep.png" alt="" />&nbsp;
                        <a href="./portal.php">Portal</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src="./styles/milky_way/theme/images/menu_sep.png" alt="" />&nbsp;
                <a href="./index.php">Forum</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src="./styles/milky_way/theme/images/menu_sep.png" alt="" />&nbsp;
                <a href="./search.php">Search</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src="./styles/milky_way/theme/images/menu_sep.png" alt="" />&nbsp;                <a href="./faq.php">FAQ</a>

Moved to General phpBB3 Support.

Re: Making changes to the Menu?

Posted: 23. November 2008 12:10
by essexstardust
That will be why i cant find it then :? Thanks very much

Re: Making changes to the Menu?

Posted: 24. November 2008 12:58
by essexstardust
what I really wanted to do is insert a large forum button or text in the welcome box under my image, so it really stands out and people know how to get to the forum easily, but not sure How would i go about creating a link from this button to the forum.

Re: Making changes to the Menu?

Posted: 24. November 2008 15:32
by j.rhy@n
Simply create your forum button and upload to your forums/image folder and create a direct link to that image..

Then navigate to:

Code: Select all

and open up

Code: Select all

Then to add your button to the welcome.html simply add the following code where you would like the image to show..

Code: Select all

Example of welcome.html

Code: Select all

<!--version $Id: welcome.html 216 2008-04-29 07:23:22Z kevin74 $ //-->
<table class="tablebg" width="100%" cellspacing="1">

	<tr class="row1">
		<td style="padding:5px 5px 5px 5px;">
			<div class="postbody">

<br clear="all" />[/code]

I added <br><br> to put a gap between your image button and the welcome message, you could put the forum button under the {PORTAL_WELCOME_INTRO} so that the Image shows below your welcome message.. I use a web program called Go Live for making my changes..