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Mod tab

Posted: 4. November 2008 10:28
by essexstardust
Your Portal Version: 1.0.0RC3
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: Yes
Your knowledge: Beginner

What have you done before the problem was there?
Installed Milky_way style portal

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?

Description and Message
Hi, at the risk of sounding daft can anybody tell me where is the Mod tab in the ACP. I have installed the board3portal 1.0.2 (milky way style) but cant seem to find any access to it on the Acp. Have I missed something????. Thanks essexstardust

Sorry just to add it says this in diy instructions "Go into your ACP and then click on Mods. After that choose News in the Portal settings. Set "Reply and view counts display" to no, or the portal blocks will be pushed aside." This is what I cant seem to find, thanks

Re: Mod tab

Posted: 4. November 2008 10:58
by Marc
Did you install the portal itself and did you run the installer as instructed in the portal installation?

Re: Mod tab

Posted: 4. November 2008 13:17
by essexstardust
No I didnt run the installer :oops: I didnt realise you had to, I made all the file changes etc but didnt notice the installer. Since you mentioned it I have gone in and tried to browse to the install.php file as per the instructions but it doesnt't find it, its says cant find webpage, not sure exactly what to put in the address, I have tried this ... stall_php/. Sorry this is quite new to me, I am on a very steep learing curve.

Re: Mod tab

Posted: 4. November 2008 15:15
by thomas.d
install.xml wrote:...
File Copy
Copy: root/install_portal/*.*
To: install_portal/*.*
You got to copy the install_portal-folder to your root folder!

Obviously you have installed your style (milky way) to a separate folder, styles have to be copied to /root/styles

root/phpBB3/milky_way/board3portal_1_0_2/install_portal/install_php/ will not work and root/phpBB3/milky_way/board3portal_1_0_2/ won't either!
install.xml wrote: File Copy
Copy: root/portal.php
To: portal.php
means clearly to copy root/portal.php (from the downloaded archive) to root/ on your server.

"root" is the folder, where your phpBB3 is installed, in your case "phpBB3".

Re: Mod tab

Posted: 4. November 2008 15:20
by essexstardust
Thanks very much Thomas, i will work through this now, should set me on the staright and narrow, thanks again :D

Re: Mod tab

Posted: 4. November 2008 18:46
by essexstardust
Hi, I have installed the install_portal to my root (phpBB3) now. but when I try to browse to it I get this -----General error -Language file portal_install.php couldn't be opened. any idea why this would happen ?

Re: Mod tab

Posted: 4. November 2008 18:52
by Kevin

Re: Mod tab

Posted: 4. November 2008 19:05
by essexstardust
:? :? :? but WHY!!!

Re: Mod tab

Posted: 4. November 2008 20:18
by Kevin
Cause the language file is not where it is supposed to be. What should i say?
Please read the install instructions (in special the copy instructions) and the KB carefully again and follow them step by step.