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Sort topics in news system

Posted: 28. October 2008 18:27
by 1234homie
Your Portal Version: 1.0.0RC3
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: Yes
Your knowledge: Basic Knowledge

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Description and Message
Hi i have a question, how change a sorting displayed news in portal. In default news are displayed first when users write a post. I think how change this and sort by topic time. Can anyone help me?

Re: Sort topics in news system

Posted: 28. October 2008 18:42
by Kevin
Take a closer look in the ACP, this will answer your question. :roll:

Re: Sort topics in news system

Posted: 28. October 2008 19:12
by 1234homie
I dont have this option in acp... I think you dont see what i write.. How sort news by topic time? This is my answer..

Re: Sort topics in news system

Posted: 28. October 2008 20:06
by Kevin
Option in your ACP wrote:Sort in order to the newest posts:
When activated, the newest will be sorted in order to the newest posts. When deactivated, the news will be sorted in order to the newest topic.
Does this look like i dont see what you write?

Re: Sort topics in news system

Posted: 29. October 2008 13:27
by 1234homie
yes... you not understand me ( maybe my english is bad :p )

You write to me and quote option to only show posts in portal... :)

When user write a post in topic, this topic go up and news go up in portal.

My question:
How change it to sort by topic time and sort news in portal by topic start date.

Re: Sort topics in news system

Posted: 29. October 2008 13:40
by Kevin
1234homie wrote:My question:
How change it to sort by topic time and sort news in portal by topic start date.
This is exactly what i am talking about.
Kevin wrote:When deactivated, the news will be sorted in order to the newest topic.
Which means the topic start date.
Have you already tried this option?

Re: Sort topics in news system

Posted: 29. October 2008 13:48
by 1234homie
Ok :) , when user1 write a topicA his topic is visible up in forum and first in news in the portal, when user2 write second topicB, his topic is visible up on forum and first in portal news (good) and when user3 write a post in user1 topicA his topicA is up in forum and in portal news. My question is how change that to sorting by newest topic time (default sorting is by newest post time)? ;)

Re: Sort topics in news system

Posted: 29. October 2008 14:29
by Kevin
And again:
We are both talking about the same thing and it is an already build in feature of the portal as i said it two times before.
Please answer my question: have you already tried this switch in the ACP?? I cant believe its so complicated.

Re: Sort topics in news system

Posted: 29. October 2008 14:31
by 1234homie
Sort in order to the newest posts:
When activated, the newest will be sorted in order to the newest posts. When deactivated, the news will be sorted in order to the newest topic.
man when i change this option i see in portal only posts... this is not sorting...

Re: Sort topics in news system

Posted: 29. October 2008 14:35
by Kevin
Okay, i give up.

Re: Sort topics in news system

Posted: 29. October 2008 16:32
by 1234homie
I dont see this option in 1.0.0 portal version, Just see this screen please:


Re: Sort topics in news system

Posted: 29. October 2008 17:53
by dragz

I think you should upgrade the portal first,

Re: Sort topics in news system

Posted: 29. October 2008 18:08
by 1234homie
Its probably for me but i have errors... Its possibly to update only this?

Re: Sort topics in news system

Posted: 29. October 2008 18:17
by dragz
I upgraded to portal 1.2 from 1.0, Had no errors. Check your posted image again, I think you have the same


This is from the image you posted

Re: Sort topics in news system

Posted: 29. October 2008 18:21
by 1234homie
i have a problem when i update function.php in portal folder...

i cant see what is error but i have live, opened forum...