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How do you change the portal page title

Posted: 24. October 2008 00:49
by dv-design
Your Portal Version: 1.0.2RC3
Your phpBB Type: Premodded phpBB
MODs installed: Yes
Your knowledge: Basic Knowledge

PHP Version: 4

What have you done before the problem was there?

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?
tried chaning it in portal.php, when i cleared cache and went back to portal page it loaded, but at the very top i got errors. Something along the lines of the title being called in includes/functions.php already

Description and Message

Im trying to change the titles of both my portal page and my gallery page (i installed gallery mod from this site). I have changed the titles on other pages by editing the root php file that belongs to the page, but when i tried it this time on portal.php i got an error and it did not put the text in i wanted for the title.

I could use some help with this please, thanks.

Re: How do you change the portal page title

Posted: 24. October 2008 05:34
by dv-design
I know i have been asking alot of questions, but its only because i care. So, when i find the answer to my own question i intend on comming here to provide the answer in case others have the same concerns.

I figured out how to change the title of the portal page.

open portal.php


Code: Select all

Replace with

Code: Select all

page_header('Your title Here');
'Your title Here' can be any text you want for the title. It must be surrounded by single quotes.

This edit will change the title at the top of the browser window, but will not change the name "portal" in your navigation bar.

Re: How do you change the portal page title

Posted: 24. October 2008 10:03
by dragz
that's great, :D

Re: How do you change the portal page title

Posted: 24. October 2008 10:25
by dragz
Is there a way to change the word "portal" in the navi bar to "Home"?

Re: How do you change the portal page title

Posted: 24. October 2008 22:37
by dv-design
dragz wrote:Is there a way to change the word "portal" in the navi bar to "Home"?
Good question, afraid i have only a partial answer. When i was playing with this i accidently changed that, but it affects both the title and the title in navi bar.


Code: Select all

Edit to

Code: Select all

page_header($user->lang['Your Stuff Here']);
'Your Stuff Here' should be changed to whatever you want both the page title and the navi title to be. If the title you want for your page is short, this will work fine...however if your like me and wanted a long page title, it will make your navi bar the same text, too long, and wont look good.

Im not sure how to independantly change both your navi title and the page title.

Re: How do you change the portal page title

Posted: 26. January 2009 04:12
by Blind Dragon
hmm, I would think that you could edit (to change independently):



Code: Select all

	'PORTAL'				=> 'Portal',
Replace with:

Code: Select all

	'PORTAL'				=> 'Your title here',