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Search Block Question

Posted: 23. October 2008 22:42
by dv-design

I was looking at the search block today and noticed that you have included search engine search's within the block.

My question is, google offers adsense for searches. Im not sure of the specifics but is it possible to setup google (or the other engines) advertising programs with the search box, so that if people use my search box and click an ad or something i get paid for it?

just wondering if this is a known ability, if someone has doen this, or if it simply doesnt work like that.

Re: Search Block Question

Posted: 26. October 2008 02:24
by dv-design
So im still wondering is it possible to replace my phpbb3 sites standard seach and use googles search from adsense instead...and incorporate that into the portal3 search block?