Fix für phpBB 3.3.9

Aktuelle Version: 2.1.0
Veröffentlicht: 26.10.2015
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Joined: 27. July 2010 18:02 User: Kirk

Fix für phpBB 3.3.9

Post by Kirk »

[+] English: Fix for phpBB 3.3.9
  • Since a fatal error occurs after updating to phpBB 3.3.9, here is a small fix.
  • Open: root/ext/board3/portal/styles/prosilver/template/event/overall_header_head_append.html
  • Replace the complete Code with this:

    Code: Select all

    <!-- IF T_EXT_THEME_PATH -->
    <!-- INCLUDECSS @board3_portal/portal.css -->
    <!-- IF S_PORTAL_ALL -->
    <!-- INCLUDECSS @board3_portal/portal_all.css -->
    <!-- INCLUDECSS @board3_portal/portal_all_responsive.css -->
    <!-- ELSE -->
    <!-- INCLUDECSS @board3_portal/portal_responsive.css -->
    <!-- ENDIF -->
    <!-- ENDIF -->
  • In the end "ACP -> General" --> purge cache
  • It's recommended to purge your browser cache too.
[+] Deutsch: Fix für phpBB 3.3.9
  • Da es nach einem Update auf phpBB 3.3.9 zu einem Fatal error kommt, gibt es hier einen kleinen Fix.
  • Öffne: root/ext/board3/portal/styles/prosilver/template/event/overall_header_head_append.html
  • Ersetze den kompletten Inhalt damit:

    Code: Select all

    <!-- IF T_EXT_THEME_PATH -->
    <!-- INCLUDECSS @board3_portal/portal.css -->
    <!-- IF S_PORTAL_ALL -->
    <!-- INCLUDECSS @board3_portal/portal_all.css -->
    <!-- INCLUDECSS @board3_portal/portal_all_responsive.css -->
    <!-- ELSE -->
    <!-- INCLUDECSS @board3_portal/portal_responsive.css -->
    <!-- ENDIF -->
    <!-- ENDIF -->
  • Danach den Foren und Browser Cache leeren!
Gruß Udo

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