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New Categories and Forums do not display anywhere!

Posted: 22. October 2008 21:11
by dv-design
Your Portal Version: 1.0.2RC3
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: No
Your knowledge: Basic Knowledge

PHP Version: 3.0.2
MySQL Version: 5.0?

What have you done before the problem was there?
Fresh install of phpbb3, SF_Glacier style, board3

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?
tried to purge cache, tried to refresh theme, tried to resync the forum

Description and Message

I came accross your mod on the forums. Its really awsome and was a relatively painless install. Aside from a few styling issues (which i posted on, there is only one major problem i have had with your mod.

I went to create some new categories, forums, posts and to my dismay they do not show up. Ive tried reordering the forums/categories, ive cleared the cache, ive tried refreshing the theme, even resyncing the forums...none of it is making the new forums/categories i created to show up.

Did i miss something easy or did i really screw something up here?

just in case my site is "".

I could really use some help with this. I need to get a working test site up with phpbb3, SF_Glacier, board3 working before i can start to apply the changes to my actual site. Thanks.

Re: New Categories and Forums do not display anywhere!

Posted: 22. October 2008 21:58
by Ice
What do you mean they don't show up? Where should they how up?

Re: New Categories and Forums do not display anywhere!

Posted: 22. October 2008 22:02
by Kevin
This board has no forums.
I'd bed that you have not set the permissions correctly.

Stuff to read: Knowledge Base wrote:Question: Nobody can see any of my new forums
Answer: By default, new forums have no permissions assigned. You have to assign forum permissions, or copy them from another forum before anyone can see them.
It has nothing to do with the portal - moved to "general support"

Re: New Categories and Forums do not display anywhere!

Posted: 22. October 2008 22:40
by dv-design
Thank you for the information. I did goto set permissions, unfortunatly i didnt do it exactly right and just got it. Apreciate it.