Your Portal Version: 1.0.0RC3
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: No
Your knowledge: Beginner
What have you done before the problem was there?
What have you already tryed to solve the problem?
Description and Message
hi, I updated everything, the portal to 2.0.2, the phpbb to 3-0-12, style aero alla1.5.2, but now I see the portal with the blocks not perfect, I kindly ask your help
Aero1.5.2 problem
Re: Aero1.5.2 problem
Creating board3 website? check the sites out below for board3 compatible extensions
Talonos: Pretereo stormrage EU OFFLINE!
Talonos: Pretereo stormrage EU OFFLINE!
Re: Aero1.5.2 problem
ok, Thank you for answer
Edit, i soved for portal, no for arcade
Edit, i soved for portal, no for arcade