Page 4 of 13

Re: US date

Posted: 22. October 2008 18:03
by DianaRae
DianaRae wrote:I too would really appreciate knowing what file to change & what to change to make the "events" date have the Day and month like this for October 20: [10.25] instead of how it is current showing [25.10]

Can anyone please help?
Surely someone has an answer to this? :(

Re: Calendar block for phpBB Calendar 0.0.8

Posted: 22. October 2008 19:01
by Kevin
As i took a first look on the code, please try the following (not tested, as i don't use this block)):

Open includes/functions_calendar.php


Code: Select all

$event_output['NUMBER'] = $dayOfEvent["mday"].".".$dayOfEvent["mon"]."."; 
replace with:

Code: Select all

$event_output['NUMBER'] = $dayOfEvent["mon"].".".$dayOfEvent["mday"]."."; 

Re: Calendar block for phpBB Calendar 0.0.8

Posted: 22. October 2008 19:14
by DianaRae
Kevin wrote:As i took a first look on the code, please try the following (not tested, as i don't use this block)):

Open includes/functions_calendar.php


Code: Select all

$event_output['NUMBER'] = $dayOfEvent["mday"].".".$dayOfEvent["mon"]."."; 
replace with:

Code: Select all

$event_output['NUMBER'] = $dayOfEvent["mon"].".".$dayOfEvent["mday"]."."; 

Re: Calendar block for phpBB Calendar 0.0.8

Posted: 22. October 2008 19:39
by Kevin
Fantastic! Image

Re: Calendar block for phpBB Calendar 0.0.8

Posted: 17. November 2008 18:17
by pizza_guy
I wasn't able to get to work, however it looks like a section is missing
frold wrote: OPEN


Code: Select all

$mode_sel_code = "";
AFTER ADD I recommand you do the changes you find in this treat too....
I started to follow the next section however I couldn't find this section in my code..
Graceland wrote: SEARCH

Code: Select all

function calendar_display_mini_month() { 
REPLACE THE COMPLETE FUNCTION WITH (UP TO function get_weekday_names_mini ...)

Code: Select all

function calendar_display_mini_month()
   global $auth, $db, $user, $config, $template, $date, $available_etype_colors, $available_etype_images, $available_etype_display_names, $month_sel_code, $day_sel_code, $year_sel_code, $mode_sel_code;
   global $phpEx, $phpbb_root_path;


   // data of akt. month
   $time = getdate(time());
   //create next and prev links
   set_date_prev_next( "month" );
   $calling_page = (!empty($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) ? $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] : $_ENV['PHP_SELF'];
   $mini_prev_link = append_sid($calling_page, "calM=".$date['prev_month']."&calY=".$date['prev_year']);
   $mini_next_link = append_sid($calling_page, "calM=".$date['next_month']."&calY=".$date['next_year']);

   //find the first day of the week
   $first_day_of_week = get_calendar_config_value("first_day_of_week", 0);
   get_weekday_names_mini( $first_day_of_week, $sunday, $monday, $tuesday, $wednesday, $thursday, $friday, $saturday );

   //get the first day of the month
   $date['num'] = "01";
   $date['fday'] = get_fday( $date['num'], $date['month_no'], $date['year'], $first_day_of_week );

   $number_days = gmdate("t", gmmktime( 0,0,0,$date['month_no'], $date['day'], $date['year']));

   //$mini_calendar_header_txt = $user->lang['MONTH_OF'] . sprintf($user->lang['LOCAL_DATE_FORMAT'], $user->lang['datetime'][$date['month']], $date['day'], $date['year'] );
   $mini_calendar_header_txt = $user->lang['datetime'][$date['month']] . ' - ' . $date['year'];
   $subject_limit = get_calendar_config_value("display_truncated_name", 0);

   // Is the user able to view ANY events?
   $user_can_view_events = false;
   if ( $auth->acl_get('u_calendar_view_events') )
      $user_can_view_events = true;

      /* find the group options here so we do not have to look them up again for each day */
      $group_options = get_sql_group_options($user->data['user_id']);

   $counter = 0;
   for ($j = 1; $j < $number_days+1; $j++, $counter++)
      // if it is the first week
      if ($j == 1)
         // find how many place holders we need before day 1
         if ($date['fday'] < 7)
            $date['fday'] = $date['fday']+1;
            for ($i = 1; $i < $date['fday']; $i++, $counter++)
               // create dummy days (place holders)
               if( $i == 1 )
                  $mini_calendar_days['START_WEEK'] = true;
                  $mini_calendar_days['START_WEEK'] = false;
               $mini_calendar_days['END_WEEK'] = false;
               $mini_calendar_days['HEADER_CLASS'] = 'bg3';
               $mini_calendar_days['DAY_CLASS'] = 'bg2';
               $mini_calendar_days['NUMBER'] = 0;
               $mini_calendar_days['DUMMY_DAY'] = true;
               $mini_calendar_days['ADD_LINK'] = '';
               $mini_calendar_days['BIRTHDAYS'] = '';
               $template->assign_block_vars('mini_calendar_days', $mini_calendar_days);
      // start creating the data for the real days
      $mini_calendar_days['START_WEEK'] = false;
      $mini_calendar_days['END_WEEK'] = false;
      $mini_calendar_days['DUMMY_DAY'] = false;
      $mini_calendar_days['HEADER_CLASS'] = 'bg3';
      $mini_calendar_days['DAY_CLASS'] = 'bg2';
      $mini_calendar_days['NUMBER'] = 0;
      $mini_calendar_days['ADD_LINK'] = '';
      $mini_calendar_days['BIRTHDAYS'] = '';
	  $mini_calendar_days['WRITE_BOLD'] = 100;
      if($counter % 7 == 0)
         $mini_calendar_days['START_WEEK'] = true;
      if($counter % 7 == 6 )
         $mini_calendar_days['END_WEEK'] = true;
      $mini_calendar_days['NUMBER'] = $j;
      if( $auth->acl_get('u_calendar_create_events') )
         $mini_calendar_days['ADD_LINK'] = append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}calendarpost.$phpEx", "mode=post&calD=".$j."&calM=".$date['month_no']."&calY=".$date['year']);
      $mini_calendar_days['DAY_VIEW_URL'] = append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}calendar.$phpEx", "view=day&calD=".$j."&calM=".$date['month_no']."&calY=".$date['year']);
      $mini_calendar_days['WEEK_VIEW_URL'] = append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}calendar.$phpEx", "view=week&calD=".$j."&calM=".$date['month_no']."&calY=".$date['year']);

      //highlight selected day
      if( $j == $date['day'] && $date["month_no"] == $time["mon"])
         $mini_calendar_days['DAY_CLASS'] = 'bg4';

      //highlight current day
      $test_start_hi_time = mktime( 0,0,0,$date['month_no'], $j, $date['year']) + date('Z');
      $test_end_hi_time = $test_start_hi_time + 86399;
      $test_hi_time = time() + $user->timezone + $user->dst;

      if( ($test_start_hi_time <= $test_hi_time) &&
          ($test_end_hi_time >= $test_hi_time))
         $mini_calendar_days['HEADER_CLASS'] = 'bg3';
         $mini_calendar_days['DAY_CLASS'] = 'bg4';

      if ( $user_can_view_events && $auth->acl_get('u_viewprofile') )
         // find birthdays
         $mini_calendar_days['BIRTHDAYS'] = generate_birthday_list( $j, $date['month_no'], $date['year'] );
      $arrayOfDays[] = $mini_calendar_days;

   	  if ( $user_can_view_events )
      	if($time["mon"] == $date["month_no"]) $day = $date['day']; else $day = 1;
      	// startDate = first Day of viewed month
      	$start_temp_date = gmmktime( 0,0,0,$date['month_no'], $day, $date['year']);

		$end_temp_date = $start_temp_date + 2678400;
		// find all day events that are still taking place
		$sort_timestamp_cutoff = $start_temp_date - 86400+1;

		// don't list events that are more than 1 year in the future
				WHERE ( (event_access_level = 2) OR
					(event_access_level = 0 AND poster_id = '.$db->sql_escape($user->data['user_id']).' ) OR
					(event_access_level = 1 AND ('.$db->sql_escape($group_options).') ) ) AND
				((( event_start_time >= '.$db->sql_escape($start_temp_date).' AND event_start_time <= '.$db->sql_escape($end_temp_date).' ) OR
				 ( event_end_time > '.$db->sql_escape($start_temp_date).' AND event_end_time <= '.$db->sql_escape($end_temp_date).' ) OR
				 ( event_start_time < '.$db->sql_escape($start_temp_date).' AND event_end_time > '.$db->sql_escape($end_temp_date)." )) OR (sort_timestamp > ".$db->sql_escape($sort_timestamp_cutoff)." AND event_all_day = 1) ) ORDER BY sort_timestamp ASC";
		// find next 5 events
		$result = $db->sql_query_limit($sql, 5, 0);

//         $result = $monthEventResult;
         while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
         	$dayOfEvent =  getdate($row["sort_timestamp"]);
            $event_output['COLOR'] = $available_etype_colors[$row['etype_id']];
            $event_output['IMAGE'] = $available_etype_images[$row['etype_id']];
            $event_output['EVENT_URL'] = append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}calendar.$phpEx", "view=event&calEid=".$row['event_id']);
            $event_output['NUMBER'] = $dayOfEvent["mday"].".".$dayOfEvent["mon"].".";
            $event_output['DAY_VIEW_URL'] = append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}calendar.$phpEx", "view=day&calD=".$dayOfEvent["mday"]."&calM=".$dayOfEvent["mon"]."&calY=".$dayOfEvent["year"]);
            $event_output['WEEK_VIEW_URL'] = append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}calendar.$phpEx", "view=week&calD=".$dayOfEvent["mday"]."&calM=".$dayOfEvent["mon"]."&calY=".$dayOfEvent["year"]);

            if($date["month_no"] == $dayOfEvent["mon"]) {
            	$arrayOfDays[$dayOfEvent["mday"]-1]["WRITE_BOLD"] = "bold";
            // if the event was created by this user
            // display it in bold
            if( $user->data['user_id'] == $row['poster_id'] )
               $event_output['DISPLAY_BOLD'] = true;
               $event_output['DISPLAY_BOLD'] = false;

            $event_output['ETYPE_DISPLAY_NAME'] = $available_etype_display_names[$row['etype_id']];

            $event_output['EVENT_SUBJECT'] = censor_text($row['event_subject']);
            if( $subject_limit > 0 )
               if(utf8_strlen($event_output['EVENT_SUBJECT']) > $subject_limit)
                  $event_output['EVENT_SUBJECT'] = truncate_string($event_output['EVENT_SUBJECT'], $subject_limit) . '...';

            $template->assign_block_vars('events', $event_output);

     for($a=0;$a<count($arrayOfDays);$a++) {
     	if(!empty($arrayOfDays[$a]["NUMBER"])) {
     		$template->assign_block_vars('mini_calendar_days', $arrayOfDays[$a]);
   $dummy_end_day_count = 6 - ($counter % 7);
   for ($i = 1; $i <= $dummy_end_day_count; $i++)
      // create dummy days (place holders)
      $mini_calendar_days['START_WEEK'] = false;
      if( $i == $dummy_end_day_count )
         $mini_calendar_days['END_WEEK'] = true;
         $mini_calendar_days['END_WEEK'] = false;
      $mini_calendar_days['HEADER_CLASS'] = '';
      $mini_calendar_days['DAY_CLASS'] = '';
      $mini_calendar_days['NUMBER'] = 0;
      $mini_calendar_days['DUMMY_DAY'] = true;
      $mini_calendar_days['ADD_LINK'] = '';
      $mini_calendar_days['BIRTHDAYS'] = '';
      $template->assign_block_vars('mini_calendar_days', $mini_calendar_days);

   // A typical usage for sending your variables to your template.
      'CALENDAR_HEADER_MINI'         => $mini_calendar_header_txt,
      'DAY_IMG'                  => $user->img('button_calendar_day', 'DAY'),
      'WEEK_IMG'                  => $user->img('button_calendar_week', 'WEEK'),
      'CALENDAR_PREV_MINI'         => '<a href=\''.$mini_prev_link.'\'><img src="' . $phpbb_root_path . 'styles/' . $user->theme['theme_path'] . '/theme/images/portal/mini_cal_icon_left_arrow.png' . '" title="' . $user->lang['View_previous_month'] . '" height="16" width="16" alt="<<" /></a>',
      'CALENDAR_NEXT_MINI'         =>  '<a href=\''.$mini_next_link.'\'><img src="' . $phpbb_root_path . 'styles/' . $user->theme['theme_path'] . '/theme/images/portal/mini_cal_icon_right_arrow.png' . '" title="' . $user->lang['View_next_month'] . '" height="16" width="16" alt=">>" /></a>',      
      'CALENDAR_VIEW_OPTIONS'       => $mode_sel_code.' '.$month_sel_code.' '.$day_sel_code.' '.$year_sel_code,
      'SUNDAY_MINI'               => $sunday,
      'MONDAY_MINI'               => $monday,
      'TUESDAY_MINI'               => $tuesday,
      'WEDNESDAY_MINI'            => $wednesday,
      'THURSDAY_MINI'               => $thursday,
      'FRIDAY_MINI'               => $friday,
      'SATURDAY_MINI'               => $saturday,
      'S_POST_ACTION_MINI'         => append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}calendar.$phpEx" ),

OPEN styles/prosilver/template/portal/block/calendar.html


Code: Select all

<div class="portal-panel">
   <div class="inner">
      <span class="corners-top"><span></span></span>
         <h3><table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><td><img src="{T_THEME_PATH}/images/portal/portal_calendar.gif" width="18px" height="15px" alt=""/>&nbsp;</td><td><a href="{U_CALENDAR}" title="{L_CALENDAR}">Kalender</a></td></table></h3>
<table cellspacing="0" width="100%">
				<td align="left" colspan="2"><!-- IF CALENDAR_PREV_MINI -->{CALENDAR_PREV_MINI}</a><!-- ENDIF --></td>
				<td colspan="3" align="center"><span class="genmed">{CALENDAR_HEADER_MINI}</span></td>
				<td align="right" colspan="2"><!-- IF CALENDAR_NEXT_MINI -->{CALENDAR_NEXT_MINI}</a><!-- ENDIF --></td>


<table class="table_minical" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
   <th style="text-align:left;" colspan="7">{L_MINI_CAL_CALENDAR}</td>
  <tr class="row1">
    <td style="width: 5%; text-align: center"><span class="gensmall" style="color:#0000FF">{SUNDAY_MINI}</span></td>
    <td style="width: 5%; text-align: center"><span class="gensmall" style="color:#0000FF">{MONDAY_MINI}</span></td>
    <td style="width: 5%; text-align: center"><span class="gensmall" style="color:#0000FF">{TUESDAY_MINI}</span></td>
    <td style="width: 5%; text-align: center"><span class="gensmall" style="color:#0000FF">{WEDNESDAY_MINI}</span></td>
    <td style="width: 5%; text-align: center"><span class="gensmall" style="color:#0000FF">{THURSDAY_MINI}</span></td>
    <td style="width: 5%; text-align: center"><span class="gensmall">{FRIDAY_MINI}</span></td>
    <td style="width: 5%; text-align: center"><span class="gensmall" style="color:#FF0000">{SATURDAY_MINI}</span></td>
  <!-- BEGIN mini_calendar_days -->
  <!-- IF mini_calendar_days.START_WEEK -->
    <!-- ENDIF -->
    <!-- IF mini_calendar_days.DUMMY_DAY -->
    <td valign="top" class="bg3_calMon">&nbsp;</td>
    <!-- ELSE -->
     <td valign="top" class="{mini_calendar_days.DAY_CLASS}">
     <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1" border="0" width="100%">
          <td class="{mini_calendar_days.HEADER_CLASS}" style="font-weight:{mini_calendar_days.WRITE_BOLD}; text-align:center;">
             <!-- IF mini_calendar_days.ADD_LINK -->
            <a href="{mini_calendar_days.ADD_LINK}">{mini_calendar_days.NUMBER}</a>
            <!-- ELSE -->
            <!-- ENDIF -->
            <br />
    <!-- ENDIF -->
    <!-- IF mini_calendar_days.END_WEEK -->
  <!-- ENDIF -->
  <!-- END mini_calendar_days -->
<br clear="all" />

<table class="table_minical" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%">
  <tr class="row1">
      <td style="width: 100%; text-align: center" class="bg4">Veranstaltungen</td>

<table class="table_minical" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
    <td class="row1">

      <!-- BEGIN events -->
      <!-- IF events.S_FIRST_ROW -->
      <!-- ELSE --><hr><!-- ENDIF -->
      <a href="{events.DAY_VIEW_URL}"><!-- IF events.COLOR --><span style="color:#{events.COLOR}"><!-- ENDIF -->
      [{events.NUMBER}]<!-- IF events.COLOR --></span><!-- ENDIF --></a>
      <a href="{events.EVENT_URL}" title="{events.EVENT_SUBJECT}">
      <!-- IF events.COLOR --><span style="color:#{events.COLOR}"><!-- ENDIF -->
      <!-- IF events.DISPLAY_BOLD --><strong><!-- ENDIF -->
      <!-- IF events.IMAGE --><img src="{events.IMAGE}" title="{events.ETYPE_DISPLAY_NAME}" height="20" width="20" /><!-- ENDIF -->
      <!-- IF events.ETYPE_DISPLAY_NAME -->{events.ETYPE_DISPLAY_NAME}:<!-- ENDIF -->
      <!-- IF events.DISPLAY_BOLD --></strong><!-- ENDIF -->
      <!-- IF events.SHOW_TIME --><br /><!-- IF events.ALL_DAY -->{L_ALL_DAY}<!-- ELSE -->
      {L_FROM_TIME}: {events.START_TIME} <br />{L_TO_TIME}: {events.END_TIME}<!-- ENDIF -->
      <!-- ENDIF -->
      <!-- IF events.COLOR --></span><!-- ENDIF --></a><br />
      <!-- END events -->


      <span class="corners-bottom"><span></span></span>
<br style="clear:both" />
I hope you understand my english and could use these modifications.

Urgent! Code missing.

Posted: 3. December 2008 01:24
by schnapp
pizza_guy wrote:I wasn't able to get to work, however it looks like a section is missing
frold wrote: OPEN


Code: Select all

$mode_sel_code = "";
Seems that it got lost somehow.
Please provide the missing lines of code, because without the mod won't work.

Thank you.

Re: Urgent! Code missing.

Posted: 3. December 2008 11:49
by frold
schnapp wrote:
pizza_guy wrote:I wasn't able to get to work, however it looks like a section is missing
frold wrote: OPEN


Code: Select all

$mode_sel_code = "";
Seems that it got lost somehow.
Please provide the missing lines of code, because without the mod won't work.

Thank you.
Should be fixed now...

Re: Calendar block for phpBB Calendar 0.0.8

Posted: 8. December 2008 09:10
by jotne
I do not find this file:

All other is OK.
This is a phpBB 3.0 with standard board3 Portal 1.02
File is not included with

Re: Calendar block for phpBB Calendar 0.0.8

Posted: 8. December 2008 19:41
by frold

Re: Calendar block for phpBB Calendar 0.0.8

Posted: 9. December 2008 17:44
by jotne
Please help me.
Where do I find this file: includes/functions_calendar.php

Re: Calendar block for phpBB Calendar 0.0.8

Posted: 9. December 2008 18:23
by frold
jotne wrote:Please help me.
Where do I find this file: includes/functions_calendar.php
You find it there - after you have installed phpBB Calendar 0.0.8 properly!!

Re: Calendar block for phpBB Calendar 0.0.8

Posted: 9. December 2008 19:26
by jotne
It is not included with
And it is not created following the first post in this thread.

This is created during install:


Can you provide an exact link to point out where it is created.
Or can you upload it here, or post it to me?

Re: Calendar block for phpBB Calendar 0.0.8

Posted: 10. December 2008 20:16
by frold
you are wasting my time...

Before using this block you need to install phpBB Calendar 008 you have obviously not done that!

Re: Calendar block for phpBB Calendar 0.0.8

Posted: 10. December 2008 22:59
by jotne

That did make it some more clear.
I thought that this mod was for upgrading the function in Board3portals calender, and did not see anywhere that you needed to download and install phpBB Calendar 0.0.8.
I thought this was "phpBB Calendar 0.0.8"

It may be made some more clear in the 1st post, what prerequest that you have to have to install this mod.
A link to the calender also should be listed. ... 0&t=666195

Now all do work fine.

Re: Calendar block for phpBB Calendar 0.0.8

Posted: 13. December 2008 07:29
by the.ronin
So this actually does not display upcoming events? Just a mini calendar that links to the main calendar?