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Re: [Rel] (WoW) Application form + ACP sup. (v3.1.x)

Posted: 14. November 2009 21:17
by Dr Nick^
read 2 posts below, test new app form small.html

wowhead tooltip on name looks oke, can make that in a future build.
but fully up for it, since it will break up some things in my code for the 'nice and smooth' handeling of the post ;)

Re: [Rel] (WoW) Application form + ACP sup. (v3.1.x)

Posted: 15. November 2009 00:34
by Spadewar
i orignally did it the way you suggested did not work with this theme i dont know y it just threw it way off. so took me few diff methods to " tweak " that code in that html file, but having the blocks below the questions is amazing for " not so wide websites "

Re: [Rel] (WoW) Application form + ACP sup. (v3.1.x)

Posted: 15. November 2009 14:29
by Dr Nick^
oke i made 2 prosilver tests for the reduced width sites.
:oops: i found maybe why the forms keep being big :oops:
but thats not the point now ;)

board v1.0.3: Prosilver test v1.0.3
board v1.0.4: Prosilver test v1.0.4

board v1.0.3: Subsilver2 test v1.0.3
board v1.0.4: Subsilver2 test v1.0.4

How to use/install:

File: applicationform_small.html
place in: \root\styles\<theme>\template\portal\block\

in application_body.html

Code: Select all

			<!-- INCLUDE portal/block/applicationform.html -->
		<!-- ELSE -->
			<!-- INCLUDE portal/block/applicationform_dis.html -->
		<!-- ENDIF -->
Replace With

Code: Select all

			<!-- INCLUDE portal/block/applicationform_small.html -->
		<!-- ELSE -->
			<!-- INCLUDE portal/block/applicationform_dis.html -->
		<!-- ENDIF -->

i Tested them on my portals, both styles, both v1.0.3 and v1.0.4 i changed the code a little bit to make it better read-able
and changed some alligns.
For now: edit the application_body.html soon i will maybe make something for it in ACP maybe with the width in it aswell.

to see tests: - v1.0.3 - prosilver - v1.0.4 - subsilver2

Re: [Rel] (WoW) Application form + ACP sup. (v3.1.x)

Posted: 23. November 2009 05:39
by TomyVk
Well, i dont think i did anything wrong, copy'd all files on the right place and in the language folders...

Here's what i get then installing the module.


Re: [Rel] (WoW) Application form + ACP sup. (v3.1.x)

Posted: 24. November 2009 23:35
by Dr Nick^
try to redo your installation, and double check it 2 times.
i will try and see if i can see where it goes wrong (by doing it myself)
but that will be tomorrow late somewhere, work etc

Re: [Rel] (WoW) Application form + ACP sup. (v3.1.x)

Posted: 2. December 2009 06:19
by jerkstore
Yeah make sure the files actually copied to the right location. For some reason when I dragged everything into root, not everything got copied to the right places, so I manually checked and copied over and it works fine.

Re: [Rel] (WoW) Application form + ACP sup. (v3.1.x)

Posted: 6. December 2009 15:41
by Unrak
I have 4 possible styles on my forums.
These are Prosilver (works fine)
Subsilver (defaults to Prosilver)
Prosilver_wow_Wrath (defaults to prosilver)
and Wowmoonclaw (based on subsilver2)(defaults to prosilver)

Whenever i am using a different style to prosilver, clicking on a link to the application form bereaks the style and defaults it to prosilver.
If i manually type the '?style=4' where 4 is the style name it looks fine.

Can you point out where i may have made a mistake in my edits to make it always point to prosilver?


Re: [Rel] (WoW) Application form + ACP sup. (v3.1.x)

Posted: 7. December 2009 10:51
by Thresherinc
I use a different application form to this one, however it is my experience that if the mod works but with a different style then I have usually forgotten to copy one of the templates from the style directory that works to the style directory that doesn't.

Re: [Rel] (WoW) Application form + ACP sup. (v3.1.x)

Posted: 7. December 2009 16:16
by Unrak
yes, this was my first thought also. Had i been a numpyty and forgotten to copy the styles folder into the alternate styles?

I checked and double checked today and no, the files are all in place, so there is something else i am missing. the annoying thing is that i can 'almost' see where it is going wrong, but i just can't put my finger on it :?

EDIT: by forcing the style (setting style to overide users choice) i can get this to work in my other styles. It is only when allowing open switching of styles that this is a problem.

Re: [Rel] (WoW) Application form + ACP sup. (v3.1.x)

Posted: 9. December 2009 01:36
by Dr Nick^
hey mate,

i never experienced it this way, basicly since i overwrite userstyle always =D
i will see what and how the error is produced. ty for letting me know.

(stays wierd since i dont use style links or something,
he gets userinfo and then does his thing)

so maybe if board style = wow and your style is subsilver, he changes?

Re: [Rel] (WoW) Application form + ACP sup. (v3.1.x)

Posted: 9. December 2009 09:58
by Fearil
Unrak wrote:yes, this was my first thought also. Had i been a numpyty and forgotten to copy the styles folder into the alternate styles?

I checked and double checked today and no, the files are all in place, so there is something else i am missing. the annoying thing is that i can 'almost' see where it is going wrong, but i just can't put my finger on it :?

EDIT: by forcing the style (setting style to overide users choice) i can get this to work in my other styles. It is only when allowing open switching of styles that this is a problem.
I have the same problem on my site... I like to offer both light and dark background styles, so I'm using ElementRed and AeroRed. If forced to one style the application appears fine, but when open switching is on I also have the problem of the application reverting to prosilver. Any possible fix to this would be appreciated. :D

I also ran into a problem. When testing the script originally I had it pointing to a forum and working without issue. However, I got ahead of myself and changed some forums, edited the application a bit, and tested it again. Now I have a test application as a global announcement, not associated with any board, that I cannot read or delete. Any idea how I can remove that from my database? Thanks again.

Re: [Rel] (WoW) Application form + ACP sup. (v3.1.x)

Posted: 10. December 2009 01:33
by Dr Nick^
deleting global announcements should be able to do by any admin i assume,
else you messed it up rly badly ;)

else go to a phpmyadmin sort of thing and delete it there. but i wont advice that, got some more hooks on it.

ps can you post a list of your styles too?
since i tried every combo with both default styles,
in 1.0.3 and 1.0.4 but i cant seem to be able to recreate the error you saying

Re: [Rel] (WoW) Application form + ACP sup. (v3.1.x)

Posted: 12. December 2009 23:07
by Fearil
I believe I've solved the problem. I ended up backing up my board and reinstalling the script. I may have neglected to make the proper header changes on all my styles before, because now the application displays properly for all styles.

Re: [Rel] (WoW) Application form + ACP sup. (v3.1.x)

Posted: 13. December 2009 09:10
by Fearil
Couldn't delete post, issue fixed. :D

Re: [Rel] (WoW) Application form + ACP sup. (v3.1.x)

Posted: 18. December 2009 11:53
by Swinder
Hey I am back.

Everything is working fine but I am not using the latest release, I just manually edited widths and moved things around to make it all work how I wanted it.
However I have a request to ask, not sure how simple it is going to be but I can't imagine it being over complicated.

I installed the script which links to the armory and pulls lots of information depending upon which bbcodes I use. One of the bbcodes is for the armory, it pulls the specified character name and displays the name in a link for a java tooltip popup which obviously gives information requested. In my application form I ask for the players character name so I was wondering whether it would be possible that this mod adds for example [armory gearlist]char name[/armory] around the specified name but then also repeats the name without bbcode after just in case the bbcode does not work.

One of the biggest problems I saw is determining the where the character is. The bbcode allows the following [armory loc="{region},{realm}"]char name[/armory] so obviously you would set the region to what ever region you are recruiting in and then pull the answer from another question to add the correct realm name.

So for example;
Form Input
Q1: Character Name: Skeksix
Q2: Realm: Alonsus

Form Output to Forum Post
Q1 would post [armory loc="{eu},{Q2 answer}"]Q1 answer[/armory] and then also a blank answer for Q1 without bbcode.
Q2 would post a blank answer without bbcode attached.