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Re: [RC] Portalview v1.0.0RC3
Posted: 5. February 2010 15:58
by Falke
Oh! oops
The temp site is up
Re: [RC] Portalview v1.0.0RC3
Posted: 5. February 2010 17:27
by Marc
Make sure you included portal/includes/portalview.php in includes/functions.php as instructed.
Re: [RC] Portalview v1.0.0RC3
Posted: 5. February 2010 17:47
by Falke
Ah!!! That's where the problem was - I did add the code as instructed; however, install.xml tells you to find the following:
Code: Select all
$user->add_lang(array('mods/lang_portal', 'mods/additional_blocks'));
if (!function_exists('obtain_portal_config'))
include($phpbb_root_path . 'portal/includes/functions.' . $phpEx);
if(sql_table_exists(PORTAL_CONFIG_TABLE) == true)
$portal_config = obtain_portal_config();
And add the lines on a blank line after it.
The instructions said it could be a partial find. The only thing my file had was this:
Code: Select all
So I just went ahead and added it on the next line and then went on my way.
After reading your post, I decided to take everything from the first code block above and paste it in there, and it's working now.
Thanks very much! You're awesome.
EDIT: disregard my question about removing the right side of the portal blocks - I found it in the portalview.php and just pulled out everything after // load blocks in the right column.
Re: [RC] Portalview v1.0.0RC3
Posted: 9. February 2010 13:57
by wintstar
Habe eben festgestell das bei eingebauter Portalview Mod der Moderatorenbereich der phpbb Gallery nicht geht. Den Code von hier hab ich nach Ausbau des Portalview Mod drinn belassen und der Moderatorenbereich der phpbb Gallery geht wieder
Re: [RC] Portalview v1.0.0RC3
Posted: 16. February 2010 12:54
by andrew55
Mod installed fine and looks great. The menu appears in index.php, but no other blocks are showing. I have several blocks activated but still nothing showing.
Any clear instructions for how to get this mod to show more blocks, as with the great instructions for arranging/adding blocks in portal.php? I've seen post about overall_header.php in regards to this, but nothing that makes sense to me. I would love to get a right column mini paypal block, a latest members block, and a custom block all through my forums. Any suggestions greatly appreciated.
Re: [RC] Portalview v1.0.0RC3
Posted: 13. March 2010 21:52
by RocknRoll
andrew55 wrote:Mod installed fine and looks great. The menu appears in index.php, but no other blocks are showing. I have several blocks activated but still nothing showing.
I have the same type of problem. I want the "Left Column" from the Portal to be throughout the forums.
My site:
Thanks in advance.
Re: [RC] Portalview v1.0.0RC3
Posted: 14. March 2010 14:53
by Normi
Hi Marc.
Ich habe mich eben auch hier versucht, vergeblich:
Forum ist unter: zu finden.
Ich habe den PV_103RC3 runtergeladen, entpackt, die Installationsanleitung angeschaut, die 3 Files kopiert und die 4 Files angepasst. Anschliessend Caches gelöscht....
Wo ist es aber nun ?
Re: [RC] Portalview v1.0.0RC3
Posted: 14. March 2010 15:19
by Marc
Also ich sehe es. Hast du deinen Browser Cache schon geleert?
Re: [RC] Portalview v1.0.0RC3
Posted: 14. March 2010 15:40
by Normi
Ja, eigentlich schon....
Re: [RC] Portalview v1.0.0RC3
Posted: 14. March 2010 16:41
by Marc
Also ich sehe den Portalview MOD und sehe auch keine Probleme.
Re: [RC] Portalview v1.0.0RC3
Posted: 14. March 2010 17:34
by Normi
ähmmm wo siehst du ihn? kannst Du bitte nen Screenshot anhängen?
Re: [RC] Portalview v1.0.0RC3
Posted: 25. April 2010 01:51
by Fasttracks0
Great mod...
Re: [RC] Portalview v1.0.0RC3
Posted: 30. April 2010 17:22
by kieboom
I installed the Portal view and it works great,, everywhere i go on my forum i still see the Portal.
But now i installed the acidtech style , did the modifications, and again portal works great on this style.. only the Portal is not locked anymore, if i go somewhere on the forum , the portal is gone..
If i wanna see the portal again , i have to click on the portal ) left corner, and there it is..
How can i make it happen that the Portal is locked too on the acidtech Style ?
Re: [RC] Portalview v1.0.0RC3
Posted: 30. April 2010 22:18
by Marc
Try doing the subsilver2 edits in AcidTech. If you can find the parts in overall_header.html and overall_footer.html, put the code at the beginning of overall_footer.html and at the end of overall_header.html.
Re: [RC] Portalview v1.0.0RC3
Posted: 9. June 2010 13:20
by booti
erstmal gratz der Mod gefällt mir sehr gut.
So nun habe ich aber noch eine Frage.
Ist es möglich Latest News und ein paar andere Boxen die normalerweise in der mittleren Spalte stehen mit anzeigen zu lassen?