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Re: New block in the portal

Posted: 4. August 2008 19:02
by Kevin
Your portal.php

Code: Select all

		if ( version_compare( $current_version, $portal_config['portal_version'], '<=' ) === TRUE )
			  'S_DISPLAY_GALLERY'   => ($portal_config['portal_gallery']) ? true : false,
				'S_DISPLAY_GENERAL'	=> true,
				'GEN_TITLE'				=> $user->lang['PORTAL_ERROR'],
				'GEN_MESSAGE'			=> sprintf( $user->lang['PORTAL_DELETE_DIR'], $phpbb_root_path . 'install_portal' )

Code: Select all

'S_DISPLAY_GALLERY'   => ($portal_config['portal_gallery']) ? true : false,

Code: Select all

	'PORTAL_LEFT_COLLUMN' 	=> $portal_config['portal_left_collumn_width'],
	'PORTAL_RIGHT_COLLUMN' 	=> $portal_config['portal_right_collumn_width'],
replace with:

Code: Select all

        'S_DISPLAY_GALLERY'   => ($portal_config['portal_gallery']) ? true : false,
	'PORTAL_LEFT_COLLUMN' 	=> $portal_config['portal_left_collumn_width'],
	'PORTAL_RIGHT_COLLUMN' 	=> $portal_config['portal_right_collumn_width'],

Re: New block in the portal

Posted: 4. August 2008 19:22
by JirkaX
Now it works. Thanks a lot for your support.

Re: New block in the portal

Posted: 6. January 2010 10:16
by JirkaX
JirkaX wrote:Hi, I have question regarding adding new block to the portal page.
I inserted in the acp_portal.php file this row:

Code: Select all

'portal_gallery'				=> array('lang' => 'PORTAL_GALLERY'	, 'validate' => 'bool'	, 'type' => 'radio:yes_no'	, 'explain' => true),
Hi guys, I just updated my portal to 1.0.4 and I'd like to ask where I can add code below to have possibility of changing gallery block via ACP. acp_portal file seems to be different.

Re: New block in the portal

Posted: 11. January 2010 10:59
by JirkaX
Any idea, guys?