Installing problems,require help to install PLEASE..!!!

Current Version: 1.0.6
Released: 09.01.10
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Re: Installing problems,require help to install PLEASE..!!!

Post by Chayil »

HA!!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

I found PHP Expert Edit and did everything as written.

TA DA!!!

Now, all I have to do is do the template edits for Milky Way. I did the Subsilver edits as written and it works fine. I only have one user that uses that particular template.

I ASSUME that all I have to do is the same changes in Milky Way that was done in Subsilver since it is based off of that template.

I'll let ya'll know how it works.

Yeah, I think my main problem was not getting the code in the right spot.



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