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Blank forum index page

Posted: 24. January 2011 21:39
by MayBeatle
I guess I should write it in previous message.

Yes, certainly I tried to uncomment that code line by line. The only line that is not commented now is

Code: Select all

$user->add_lang(array('mods/lang_portal', 'mods/additional_blocks'));
If this line stays uncommented and all other lines stay commented then everything works fine. If only I try to uncomment first IF statement or second IF statement or both of them — the index page becomes invisible again.

I realized that this code is responsible for getting the state ot the portal (switched on or switched off). And this is just for another line in the same file

Code: Select all

		'U_PORTAL'				=> (isset($portal_config['portal_enable']) && $portal_config['portal_enable'] == true) ? append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}portal.$phpEx") : '',
Correct me please if I`m wrong about it. But if I suppose that I`m right then I just have to change the line to this

Code: Select all

		'U_PORTAL'			=> generate_board_url() . "/portal.$phpEx",
and everything starts to work as it should work. The only wrong thing is that the link to the portal is gonna be always available even if the portal is switched off in ACP. Right? Because changing that line erases checking of the state of the portal.

Hope I made myself clear.

I solved my problem for now. It`s not completely correct but it allowed me to start the portal without loosing the index. And well, I`m still wayting for some help in complete solving my problem without changing some lines of the code. Anyway that portal works somehow for other people who install it step by step from your instruction. Right?

Re: Blank forum index page

Posted: 24. January 2011 23:26
by Marc
Please try using append_sid, i.e.:

Code: Select all

      'U_PORTAL'            => append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}portal.$phpEx"),

Anyhow, I have no idea why that causes a white page. Did you try re-uploading the portal files? Maybe a file is corrupted?

Blank forum index page

Posted: 25. January 2011 05:25
by MayBeatle
I have already tried that but when I used append_sid the white screen appeared again.
Did you try re-uploading the portal files? Maybe a file is corrupted?
Several times. But it didn`t help either.

Anyway thanks for trying to help me, Marc. If I find another solution I`m gonna post it here.