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Re: General Error: Forum Not Working

Posted: 4. November 2012 21:44
by WendyCroft
It told me to copy portal/root/umil

to umil.

Where should that folder have gone?

Re: General Error: Forum Not Working

Posted: 4. November 2012 22:07
by WendyCroft
Please tell me what the correct path is, then.

Re: General Error: Forum Not Working

Posted: 4. November 2012 23:59
by Marc
That's the correct path if that folder is in your forum's root folder.

Re: General Error: Forum Not Working

Posted: 5. November 2012 00:10
by WendyCroft
Which it is, but I'm STILL getting that error, which is why I'm here pleading for help.

Re: General Error: Forum Not Working

Posted: 5. November 2012 08:33
by Marc
What is with the file it mentions, /includes/acp/auth.php?

Re: General Error: Forum Not Working

Posted: 5. November 2012 14:22
by WendyCroft
There's no such file in root/includes/acp/auth.php.

In root/includes there's only two folders, acp and trim_message.

In the acp folder there's only a folder called info. In that, there's only acp_portal.php.

I'm missing a file, it seems.

It's not in the original .zip file, either.

Re: General Error: Forum Not Working

Posted: 5. November 2012 17:00
by archivar
WendyCroft wrote:I've just updated an old installation from 1.6.0 to 2.0 at ......
Please try to translate these instructions with Google, because my English is very bad. :oops:
Update of B3P v.1.0.6 (and older) on B3P v.2.0.0

Re: General Error: Forum Not Working

Posted: 5. November 2012 17:44
by WendyCroft
Apparently I'm missing this file: auth.php.

Can you point me to where I can obtain it?

Re: General Error: Forum Not Working

Posted: 5. November 2012 17:56
by archivar
Minimum requirement for Board3 Portal-version: 2.0.0
php-version: php 5.+
phpBB-version: phpBB 3.0.10
WendyCroft wrote:Apparently I'm missing this file: auth.php.
WendyCroft wrote:Can you point me to where I can obtain it? ... c472b77593

Re: General Error: Forum Not Working

Posted: 6. November 2012 00:09
by Marc
Where is the rest of your fourm and where did you copy the portal files?

If the files you mentioned is really all you have then you are obviously missing phpBB. :?

Re: General Error: Forum Not Working

Posted: 6. November 2012 01:01
by WendyCroft is the forum. I copied the files as instructed. The portal files were copied from portal/root to the places I was told to copy them. I appear to be missing a file. The forum is working, the portal is not.

Re: General Error: Forum Not Working

Posted: 6. November 2012 12:00
by Marc

Code: Select all 404 exists 403 & 404
I'm not sure why you'd be missing that file. You might want to contact the phpBB support for that. AFAIK this file should be needed for permission checks. :?

Additionally the template files of your current style are outdated.

Re: General Error: Forum Not Working

Posted: 6. November 2012 22:20
by WendyCroft
Well, what can I do about that? I've updated to the latest version? Is there not a simple way of doing this? It seemed simple but has turned into a total nightmare.