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Re: Problem on Portal.php

Posted: 21. April 2009 03:24
by Brandonjjon
Bump, sorry guys.. its just a weird/annoying problem. Would like to get it fixed.

Re: Problem on Portal.php

Posted: 21. April 2009 06:57
by Kevin
Erm, the screenshot you have taken is of the forums index, not the portal, correct? So you are not talking about a portal issue.
Anyway: it looks like you have to re-check your edits for the template and:
Knowledge Base: Changes to forums styles

Re: Problem on Portal.php

Posted: 21. April 2009 09:01
by Brandonjjon
Yeah the error isnt there on the portal now.. its just on the forum index. And I downloaded the pre moded files for the template from this site I belive.

Re: Problem on Portal.php

Posted: 21. April 2009 12:56
by Mike
At this time you cant Download "premodded" Stylefiles from this Site :!: ;)

Open at least one Viewable Board for Guest, so we can have a look at your Problem.
We cant make an Account on every Board who want to have Support ;)

Re: Problem on Portal.php

Posted: 21. April 2009 18:59
by wbcforum

I'm trying to use the Chronicles Style and have installed phpBB3 portal however for some reason the background boxes do not show up and the centre section isnt formatted correctly :S how do i solve this????

the test site address is if you want to have a look


Re: Problem on Portal.php

Posted: 21. April 2009 20:47
by Mike
This is totally offtopic. :roll:
But you use prosilver files, for a subsilver2 based style.

Re: Problem on Portal.php

Posted: 21. April 2009 22:08
by Brandonjjon
Mike wrote:This is totally offtopic. :roll:
But you use prosilver files, for a subsilver2 based style.
Haha, was that reply for me or for the other guy?

No but I downloaded this:

So I figure everything should work correctly.

I made an account for another support forum, you can login with:
