[RC] Portalview v1.0.0RC2

Dyos MOD Portalview - to show up Portal blocks in the whole forum.
Dyos MOD Portalview - um Portal Blöcke im gesamten Forum anzeigen zu lassen.

Moderator: Dyo

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Please note that this modification is not a official part of the Board3 Portal!
Bitte beachten das diese Modifikation kein offizieller Bestandteil des Board3 Portal ist!
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[RC] Portalview v1.0.0RC2

Post by Christian_N »

Addon: Portalview
Addon-Version: [REL] 1.0.0RC2
Portalview like Board3 for your phpBB3.
Addon-Requirements: board3 Portal v1.0.4 (to download)

Addon-Authors: Christian_N
Addon-Download: Download Block v1.0.0RC2

phpBB-Version: 3.0.5
phpBB-Styles: prosilver, subsilver2

BugTracker: http://www.phpbb-projekt.de/tracker.php?p=3

Please don't upload the mod anywhere (to offer it as a download), without asking me before, thanks.
Last edited by Christian_N on 4. October 2009 16:38, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: release 1.0.0RC2
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Re: MOD Portalview RC1

Post by Kevin »

Demo: ** Link entfernt **
Last edited by Marc on 13. December 2009 13:25, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Link entfernt, das Forum ist voll mit Spam
~~~ They say the definition of madness is doing the same thing and expecting a different result ~~~

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Re: MOD Portalview RC1

Post by dragz »

Thanks. I need this so bad :D

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Re: MOD Portalview RC1

Post by Jemme »

I just installed this mod and it works nicely with one exception. On the portal page I don't have the blocks on the right anymore... How do I get those back?

FYI, the board is here: http://www.mx-5club.be/forum

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Re: MOD Portalview RC1

Post by Dyo »

You have an error relatet to the poll-block.
Have a look at all changes made relatet to this block and the scripts, maybe a copypaste-error or so mething else.


Es gibt so viele schlaue Signaturtexte, nur mir fällt grade nix vernünftiges ein.
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In welcher Hinsicht überlasse ich der Phantasie des Lesers.

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Re: MOD Portalview RC1

Post by Fieke »


I do have the same error, no right blocks and I have checked several times if I have copied and pasted right, cannot find mistakes regarding that.

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in /home/dscrapping/domains/digitalscrapping.eu/public_html/forum2/cache/tpl_prosilver_portal.block.poll.html.php on line 64

When I delete the file tpl_prosilver_portal.block.poll.html.php through FTP and I refresh the portal page, I DO have the right blocks...but when I then refresh again, they are gone again.

So somehow it works OK - but there is a flaw somewhere. How else can it be possible for me to sometimes have the blocks show up, and after refreshing I see they're gone again. I doubt this could be a copy/paste error, because in that case they would NEVER show up.

Could you please help me figuring out how to solve this? Thanks in advance for your time!

Kind regards,


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Re: MOD Portalview RC1

Post by Fieke »

I have found the "problem" - in your install.xml there is a small mistake. See the post below,


where you state the following:

Code: Select all

open portal/block/poll.php

Code: Select all
          'S_HAS_POLL' => $has_poll,

replace with:
Code: Select all
          'S_PORTAL_HAS_POLL' => $has_poll,

open styles/prosilver/template/portal/block/poll.html

Code: Select all
       <!-- IF S_HAS_POLL -->

***replace with:***
Code: Select all
       <!-- IF S_PORTAL_HAS_POLL -->
whereas in your actual install.xml that is in the download, you state the following:

Code: Select all

Open: styles/prosilver/template/portal/block/poll.html

Tip: This may be a partial find and not the whole line.
Code:Select All

   <!-- IF S_HAS_POLL -->

***Add after***

Tip: Add these lines on a new blank line after the preceding line(s) to find.
Code:Select All

   <!-- IF S_PORTAL_HAS_POLL -->
I have now used replace instead of add after, and my blocks are back again and don't go away anymore after I refresh the page.

Hopefully this helps others who have bumped into the same problem. You might want to change that line in the install.xml ;)

Kind regards,


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Re: MOD Portalview RC1

Post by Dyo »

Many Thanks, to figure out the error.
It will be changed in the release 1.0.0.

The release will come online the next few weeks.


Es gibt so viele schlaue Signaturtexte, nur mir fällt grade nix vernünftiges ein.
Da sieht man mal für wie wichtig ich eine Signatur halte, Fliegendreck auf dem Monitor ist wichtiger für mich.
In welcher Hinsicht überlasse ich der Phantasie des Lesers.

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Re: MOD Portalview RC1

Post by everton1995 »

I still get the same problem after replacing the lines instead of adding....

Can someone post a working poll.php & a working poll.html please...........

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Re: MOD Portalview RC1

Post by Dyo »

Sorry, but I don't have these files without a lot of other changes at the moment.

Please have a look at poll.php if there is the same error as described in poll.html
Tomoroow I'll set up a new board with this MOD so than I can tell you if there is a bug.


Es gibt so viele schlaue Signaturtexte, nur mir fällt grade nix vernünftiges ein.
Da sieht man mal für wie wichtig ich eine Signatur halte, Fliegendreck auf dem Monitor ist wichtiger für mich.
In welcher Hinsicht überlasse ich der Phantasie des Lesers.

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Re: MOD Portalview RC1

Post by everton1995 »

This is my poll.php

Code: Select all

* @package - Board3portal
* @version $Id: poll.php 358 2008-08-31 18:22:03Z kevin74 $
* @copyright (c) kevin / saint ( www.board3.de/ ), (c) Ice, (c) nickvergessen ( www.flying-bits.org/ ), (c) redbull254 ( www.digitalfotografie-foren.de ), (c) Christian_N ( www.phpbb-projekt.de )
* @based on: phpBB3 Portal by Sevdin Filiz, www.phpbb3portal.com
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License
if (!defined('IN_PHPBB') or !defined('IN_PORTAL'))
	die('Hacking attempt');

* @ignore


$view = request_var('view', '');
$update = request_var('update', false);
$poll_view = request_var('polls', '');

$poll_view_ar = ( strpos(urldecode($poll_view), ',') !== FALSE ) ? explode(',', urldecode($poll_view)) : (($poll_view != '') ? array($poll_view) : array());

if ($update && $portal_config['portal_poll_allow_vote'])
	$up_topic_id = request_var('t', 0);
	$up_forum_id = request_var('f', 0);
	$voted_id = request_var('vote_id', array('' => 0));

	$cur_voted_id = array();
	if ($user->data['is_registered'])
		$sql = 'SELECT poll_option_id
			WHERE topic_id = ' . $up_topic_id . '
				AND vote_user_id = ' . $user->data['user_id'];
		$result = $db->sql_query($sql);

		while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
			$cur_voted_id[] = $row['poll_option_id'];
		// Cookie based guest tracking ... I don't like this but hum ho
		// it's oft requested. This relies on "nice" users who don't feel
		// the need to delete cookies to mess with results.
		if (isset($_COOKIE[$config['cookie_name'] . '_poll_' . $up_topic_id]))
			$cur_voted_id = explode(',', $_COOKIE[$config['cookie_name'] . '_poll_' . $up_topic_id]);
			$cur_voted_id = array_map('intval', $cur_voted_id);

	$sql = 'SELECT t.poll_length, t.poll_start, t.poll_vote_change, t.topic_status, f.forum_status, t.poll_max_options
			FROM ' . TOPICS_TABLE . ' t, ' . FORUMS_TABLE . " f
			WHERE t.forum_id = f.forum_id AND t.topic_id = " . (int) $up_topic_id . " AND t.forum_id = " . (int) $up_forum_id;
	$result = $db->sql_query_limit($sql, 1);
	$topic_data = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);

	$s_can_up_vote = (((!sizeof($cur_voted_id) && $auth->acl_get('f_vote', $up_forum_id)) ||
		($auth->acl_get('f_votechg', $up_forum_id) && $topic_data['poll_vote_change'])) &&
		(($topic_data['poll_length'] != 0 && $topic_data['poll_start'] + $topic_data['poll_length'] > time()) || $topic_data['poll_length'] == 0) &&
		$topic_data['topic_status'] != ITEM_LOCKED &&
		$topic_data['forum_status'] != ITEM_LOCKED) ? true : false;

	if( $s_can_up_vote )
		if (!sizeof($voted_id) || sizeof($voted_id) > $topic_data['poll_max_options'] || in_array(VOTE_CONVERTED, $cur_voted_id))
			$redirect_url = append_sid("./portal.$phpEx");
			meta_refresh(5, $redirect_url);
			if (!sizeof($voted_id))
				$message = 'NO_VOTE_OPTION';
			else if (sizeof($voted_id) > $topic_data['poll_max_options'])
				$message = 'TOO_MANY_VOTE_OPTIONS';
				$message = 'VOTE_CONVERTED';
			$message = $user->lang[$message] . '<br /><br />' . sprintf($user->lang['RETURN_PORTAL'], '<a href="' . $redirect_url . '">', '</a>');
		foreach ($voted_id as $option)
			if (in_array($option, $cur_voted_id))
			$sql = 'UPDATE ' . POLL_OPTIONS_TABLE . '
				SET poll_option_total = poll_option_total + 1
				WHERE poll_option_id = ' . (int) $option . '
					AND topic_id = ' . (int) $up_topic_id;
			if ($user->data['is_registered'])
				$sql_ary = array(
					'topic_id'			=> (int) $up_topic_id,
					'poll_option_id'	=> (int) $option,
					'vote_user_id'		=> (int) $user->data['user_id'],
					'vote_user_ip'		=> (string) $user->ip,
				$sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . POLL_VOTES_TABLE . ' ' . $db->sql_build_array('INSERT', $sql_ary);
		foreach ($cur_voted_id as $option)
			if (!in_array($option, $voted_id))
				$sql = 'UPDATE ' . POLL_OPTIONS_TABLE . '
					SET poll_option_total = poll_option_total - 1
					WHERE poll_option_id = ' . (int) $option . '
						AND topic_id = ' . (int) $up_topic_id;
				if ($user->data['is_registered'])
					$sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . POLL_VOTES_TABLE . '
						WHERE topic_id = ' . (int) $up_topic_id . '
							AND poll_option_id = ' . (int) $option . '
							AND vote_user_id = ' . (int) $user->data['user_id'];
		if ($user->data['user_id'] == ANONYMOUS && !$user->data['is_bot'])
			$user->set_cookie('poll_' . $up_topic_id, implode(',', $voted_id), time() + 31536000);
		$sql = 'UPDATE ' . TOPICS_TABLE . '
			SET poll_last_vote = ' . time() . "
			WHERE topic_id = $up_topic_id";
		//, topic_last_post_time = ' . time() . " -- for bumping topics with new votes, ignore for now
		$redirect_url = append_sid("./portal.$phpEx");
		meta_refresh(5, $redirect_url);
		trigger_error($user->lang['VOTE_SUBMITTED'] . '<br /><br />' . sprintf($user->lang['RETURN_PORTAL'], '<a href="' . $redirect_url . '">', '</a>'));

$where = '';
$poll_forums = false;

if( $portal_config['portal_poll_topic_id'] !== '' )
	$poll_forums_config  = explode(',' ,$portal_config['portal_poll_topic_id']);
	foreach($poll_forums_config as $poll_forum )
		if ( is_numeric(trim($poll_forum)) === TRUE )
			$poll_forum = (int) trim($poll_forum);
			if( $auth->acl_get('f_read', $poll_forum) )
				$poll_forums = true;
				$where .= ($where == "") ? "t.forum_id = '{$poll_forum}'" : " OR t.forum_id = '{$poll_forum}'";
	$forum_list = $auth->acl_getf('f_read', true);

	foreach($forum_list as $pf => $pf_data )
		$pf = (int) trim($pf);
		$poll_forums = true;
		$where .= ($where == "") ? "t.forum_id = '{$pf}'" : " OR t.forum_id = '{$pf}'";

$where = ($where !== '') ? "AND ({$where})" : '';

if( $poll_forums === TRUE )
	$sql = 'SELECT t.poll_title, t.poll_start, t.topic_id,  t.topic_first_post_id, t.forum_id, t.poll_length, t.poll_vote_change, t.poll_max_options, t.topic_status, f.forum_status, p.bbcode_bitfield, p.bbcode_uid
			FROM ' . TOPICS_TABLE . ' t, ' . POSTS_TABLE . ' p, ' . FORUMS_TABLE . " f
			WHERE t.forum_id = f.forum_id AND t.topic_approved = 1 AND t.poll_start > 0
			AND t.topic_moved_id = 0
			AND p.post_id = t.topic_first_post_id
			ORDER BY t.poll_start DESC";

	$limit = ( isset($portal_config['portal_poll_limit']) ) ? $portal_config['portal_poll_limit'] : 3;

	$result = $db->sql_query_limit($sql, $limit);
	$has_poll = false;

	if ($result)
		while( $data = $db->sql_fetchrow($result) )
			$has_poll = true;
			$poll_has_options = false;

			$topic_id = (int) $data['topic_id'];
			$forum_id = (int) $data['forum_id'];

			$cur_voted_id = array();
			if( $portal_config['portal_poll_allow_vote'] )
				if ($user->data['is_registered'])
					$vote_sql = 'SELECT poll_option_id
						WHERE topic_id = ' . $topic_id . '
							AND vote_user_id = ' . $user->data['user_id'];
					$vote_result = $db->sql_query($vote_sql);
					while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($vote_result))
						$cur_voted_id[] = $row['poll_option_id'];
					// Cookie based guest tracking ... I don't like this but hum ho
					// it's oft requested. This relies on "nice" users who don't feel
					// the need to delete cookies to mess with results.
					if (isset($_COOKIE[$config['cookie_name'] . '_poll_' . $topic_id]))
						$cur_voted_id = explode(',', $_COOKIE[$config['cookie_name'] . '_poll_' . $topic_id]);
						$cur_voted_id = array_map('intval', $cur_voted_id);
				$s_can_vote = (((!sizeof($cur_voted_id) && $auth->acl_get('f_vote', $forum_id)) ||
					($auth->acl_get('f_votechg', $forum_id) && $data['poll_vote_change'])) &&
					(($data['poll_length'] != 0 && $data['poll_start'] + $data['poll_length'] > time()) || $data['poll_length'] == 0) &&
					$data['topic_status'] != ITEM_LOCKED &&
					$data['forum_status'] != ITEM_LOCKED) ? true : false;
			} else {
				$s_can_vote = false;

			$s_display_results = ( !$s_can_vote || ( $s_can_vote && sizeof($cur_voted_id) ) || ( $view == 'viewpoll' && in_array($topic_id, $poll_view_ar) ) ) ? true : false;

			$poll_sql = 'SELECT po.poll_option_id, po.poll_option_text, po.poll_option_total
				WHERE po.topic_id = {$topic_id}
				ORDER BY po.poll_option_id";

			$poll_result = $db->sql_query($poll_sql);
			$poll_total_votes = 0;

			$poll_data = array();

			if ($poll_result)
				while( $polls_data = $db->sql_fetchrow($poll_result) )
					$poll_has_options = true;
					$poll_data[] = $polls_data;
					$poll_total_votes += $polls_data['poll_option_total'];

			$make_poll_view = array();
			if( in_array($topic_id, $poll_view_ar) === FALSE )
				$make_poll_view[] = $topic_id;
				$make_poll_view = array_merge($poll_view_ar, $make_poll_view);
			$poll_view_str = urlencode( implode(',', $make_poll_view) );

			$portalpoll_url= append_sid("./portal.$phpEx", "polls=$poll_view_str");
			$portalvote_url= append_sid("./portal.$phpEx", "f=$forum_id&t=$topic_id");
			$viewtopic_url = append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}viewtopic.$phpEx", "f=$forum_id&t=$topic_id");

			$poll_end = $data['poll_length'] + $data['poll_start'];
// Parse BBCode title

			if ($data['bbcode_bitfield'])
				$poll_bbcode = new bbcode();
				$poll_bbcode = false;

			$data['poll_title'] = censor_text($data['poll_title']);

			if ($poll_bbcode !== false)
				$poll_bbcode->bbcode_second_pass($data['poll_title'], $data['bbcode_uid'], $data['bbcode_bitfield']);

			$data['poll_title'] = bbcode_nl2br($data['poll_title']);
			$data['poll_title'] = smiley_text($data['poll_title']);

			$template->assign_block_vars('poll', array(
				'S_POLL_HAS_OPTIONS' => $poll_has_options,
				'POLL_QUESTION' => $data['poll_title'],
				'U_POLL_TOPIC' => append_sid($phpbb_root_path . 'viewtopic.' . $phpEx . '?t=' . $topic_id . '&f=' . $forum_id),
				'POLL_LENGTH' => $data['poll_length'],
				'TOPIC_ID' => $topic_id,

				'TOTAL_VOTES' 		=> $poll_total_votes,
				'L_MAX_VOTES'		=> ($data['poll_max_options'] == 1) ? $user->lang['MAX_OPTION_SELECT'] : sprintf($user->lang['MAX_OPTIONS_SELECT'], $data['poll_max_options']),
				'L_POLL_LENGTH'		=> ($data['poll_length']) ? sprintf($user->lang[($poll_end > time()) ? 'POLL_RUN_TILL' : 'POLL_ENDED_AT'], $user->format_date($poll_end)) : '',
				'S_CAN_VOTE'		=> $s_can_vote,
				'S_DISPLAY_RESULTS'	=> $s_display_results,
				'S_IS_MULTI_CHOICE'	=> ($data['poll_max_options'] > 1) ? true : false,
				'S_POLL_ACTION'		=> $portalvote_url,
				'U_VIEW_RESULTS'   => $portalpoll_url . '&view=viewpoll#viewpoll',
				'U_VIEW_TOPIC'		=> $viewtopic_url

			foreach($poll_data as $pd)
				$option_pct = ($poll_total_votes > 0) ? $pd['poll_option_total'] / $poll_total_votes : 0;
				$option_pct_txt = sprintf("%.1d%%", ($option_pct * 100));
			// Parse BBCode option text

			if ($data['bbcode_bitfield'])
				$poll_bbcode = new bbcode();
				$poll_bbcode = false;

			$pd['poll_option_text'] = censor_text($pd['poll_option_text']);

			if ($poll_bbcode !== false)
				$poll_bbcode->bbcode_second_pass($pd['poll_option_text'], $data['bbcode_uid'], $data['bbcode_bitfield']);

			$pd['poll_option_text'] = bbcode_nl2br($pd['poll_option_text']);
			$pd['poll_option_text'] = smiley_text($pd['poll_option_text']);

				$template->assign_block_vars('poll.poll_option', array(
					'POLL_OPTION_ID' 		=> $pd['poll_option_id'],
					'POLL_OPTION_CAPTION' 	=> $pd['poll_option_text'],
					'POLL_OPTION_RESULT' 	=> $pd['poll_option_total'],
					'POLL_OPTION_PERCENT' 	=> $option_pct_txt,
					'POLL_OPTION_PCT'		=> round($option_pct * 100),
					'POLL_OPTION_IMG' 		=> $user->img('poll_center', $option_pct_txt, round($option_pct * 250)),
					'POLL_OPTION_VOTED'		=> (in_array($pd['poll_option_id'], $cur_voted_id)) ? true : false


		'S_DISPLAY_POLL' => true,
                'S_PORTAL_HAS_POLL' => $has_poll,
		'POLL_LEFT_CAP_IMG'	=> $user->img('poll_left'),
		'POLL_RIGHT_CAP_IMG'=> $user->img('poll_right'),

As you can see 'S_PORTAL_HAS_POLL' => $has_poll, has replaced <!-- IF S_HAS_POLL -->

...........and this is my poll.html which also has the edit.


Code: Select all

<!--version $Id: poll.html 358 2008-08-31 18:22:03Z kevin74 $ //-->
<a name="viewpoll"></a>
<div class="forabg"><span class="corners-top"><span></span></span>
	<ul class="topiclist">
		<li class="header"><dl><dt>{L_POLL}</dt></dl></li>

	<div class="panel">
		<div class="inner">
		<!-- BEGIN poll -->
Im not sure whats happening but I still nave no right side blocks, and only 1 or two on the left...........any ideas?
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Re: MOD Portalview RC1

Post by Silkdream »

Mod eingebaut aber sieht grausig aus wie bekommt man den Forumsteil wieder auf Normale Größe, zur Zeit wird das Forum gestaucht wenn die Boxen Links und Rechts sind?

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Re: MOD Portalview RC1

Post by everton1995 »

Silkdream wrote:Hallo
Mod eingebaut aber sieht grausig aus wie bekommt man den Forumsteil wieder auf Normale Größe, zur Zeit wird das Forum gestaucht wenn die Boxen Links und Rechts sind?


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Re: MOD Portalview RC1

Post by amroth »

Funzt diese Mod auch bei WoWMoonclaw ?

Oder wie kann ich sie bei WoWMoonclaw einbinden?
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Re: MOD Portalview RC1

Post by derkubi »

Habe auch einen Fehler in einem neuen Testboard :

Im Portal sieht alles normal aus , klicke ich aber z.B. auf ein Forum dann fehlen Blocks teilweise wie Calendarblock On Portal
oder ganz wie Custom Small Block (das Youtubevideo )

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