Chrimbo style with board3 Please help!

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Chrimbo style with board3 Please help!

Post by Gobby »

Your Portal Version: 1.0.0RC3
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: Yes
Your knowledge: Beginner

What have you done before the problem was there?
I have installed the Crimbo style onto the portal ( removed it again)

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?
beg steal and borrow as well as bang my head against wall and panic.

Description and Message
Hi all,

As we draw near to the festive season I thought I'd get the forum ready for a grand switch on etc. In view of this I installed the Chrimbo theme onto the forum. Great stuff and apart from needing to design a new header for it ( another major issue for me :oops: ) it looked good.

Then I discovered that the portal wasn't there and thought oops. I'm so new to all this forum stuff that i'm yet to be born. Anyway I asked on phpbb and was told that some code needs to be messed with. Now I have never messed with the code and to be honest apart from not having a clue I'm scared to death. I lost my old forum messing as I messed with the databse and well it vanished :oops:

I've got the new forum up and running with some help but I just don't have a clue.

Is it really easy and foolproof to sort this chrimbo style to the forum or better still are there any really nice peeps out there that would be willing to help a new guy out? :roll:
Last edited by Gobby on 14. November 2008 17:18, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Chrimbo style with board3

Post by Gobby »

Bump ;)

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Re: Chrimbo style with board3 Please help!

Post by Gobby »

Anyone care to help out? It's almost Christmas :D
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Re: Chrimbo style with board3 Please help!

Post by Christian_N »

Just so I understand it correctly, you have the style "Chrimbo" installed and want it now adapted to the portal have?
Then put it on my page in the right forum will be a request Marc or I to customize the portal.

Link to the "Neue Aufträge / New adaptions" forum:
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Re: Chrimbo style with board3 Please help!

Post by Gobby »

Hi all,

I have now managed to install the Chrimbo style at my site however as you can see it does not work well with the portal.

As it's Christmas my member really would like to be in the festive spirit especially with the credit issues we are all facing so could someone please do what needs to be done so the style works with the portal as good as the portal works with phpbb3.

Pretty pretty please. :D

It would be great for the side blocks to be the same as the center blocks and for the clock to work.

If it is me that has done something incorrect please let me know as I am new to this and learning as I go.

I also tried to do as you said above Christian but the forum is locked and so couldnt add anything. :oops:

Oh and Merry Christmas to all ;)

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