Black Pearl Width for Portal

Current Version: 1.0.6
Released: 09.01.10
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Black Pearl Width for Portal

Post by naijababy »

Your Portal Version: 1.0.0RC3
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: No
Your knowledge: Beginner

What have you done before the problem was there?

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Description and Message
I've searched and searched on both the Board3 site and site but I can't find any references to this yet. When I switch my style to Black Pearl, the portal looks "squished" together....I love the way the portal looks in Subsilver...nice and spread fills the screen but in Black still has blank spaces on the side. Where do I make the changes to get rid of the blank spaces and/or increase the width of the columns. Could someone please a me out? thanks
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Re: Black Pearl Width for Portal

Post by Huor »

in your template folder there should be a file called _mg_config.html. There is the width of your site defined by the line

<!-- DEFINE $MG_GLOBAL_WIDTH = 'your width' -->

just replace your width with the width you want to use (auto or * should work -> dunno haven't tested it yet).

or in a previous version for black pearl its in the stylesheet.css under wrapper defined (default was something about 960px) change this to your needs.

Hope this works for ya.


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Re: Black Pearl Width for Portal

Post by naijababy »

YOU ARE DA MAN! Works perfectly with the _mg_config.html edit. Thanks bro! :D :D
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Re: Black Pearl Width for Portal

Post by Huor »

yw - its always a plessure for me to help. Sometimes someone only needs a little impulse and the rest is done automatically ;)

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