Video Gallery and Random Video Block

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Video Gallery and Random Video Block

Post by dv-design »

Was wondering if there already is, or if someone would be up t the challange of making 2 portal3 mods that would be heavily based on the already exsisting gallery and gallery block mods.

It would be nice to be able to do videos, much the same way the photo gallery and random image block already works.

is there already a gallery and block for videos, or does the exsisting one work with videos as well?

This would be great to have, if anyone knows of exsisting mods that work with portal3 and do this let me know, otherwise itd be awsome if someone made it.

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Re: Video Gallery and Random Video Block

Post by Keskes »

Das ist zwar was älter aber ich beantworte es trotzdem mal für alle Suchenden:

Hier findet man eine Videogallery zum einbinden von Videos.

That is what older but I still answer it once for all seekers:

Here you will find a video gallery to include some videos.
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