Surely someone has an answer to this?DianaRae wrote:I too would really appreciate knowing what file to change & what to change to make the "events" date have the Day and month like this for October 20: [10.25] instead of how it is current showing [25.10]
Can anyone please help?
Calendar block for phpBB Calendar 0.0.8
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This forum is not for support requests.
Only post Modifications for Board3 Portal 1.0.x in this forum.
This forum is not for support requests.
Only post Modifications for Board3 Portal 1.0.x in this forum.
Re: US date
- Site Admin
- Posts: 2990
- Joined: 7. January 2006 20:11
- User: Saint
- User: Saint_hh
- Location: Hamburg
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Re: Calendar block for phpBB Calendar 0.0.8
As i took a first look on the code, please try the following (not tested, as i don't use this block)):
Open includes/functions_calendar.php
replace with:
Open includes/functions_calendar.php
Code: Select all
$event_output['NUMBER'] = $dayOfEvent["mday"].".".$dayOfEvent["mon"].".";
Code: Select all
$event_output['NUMBER'] = $dayOfEvent["mon"].".".$dayOfEvent["mday"].".";
~~~ They say the definition of madness is doing the same thing and expecting a different result ~~~
Kein Support per PN / No support via PM!
Kein Support per PN / No support via PM!
Re: Calendar block for phpBB Calendar 0.0.8
Kevin wrote:As i took a first look on the code, please try the following (not tested, as i don't use this block)):
Open includes/functions_calendar.php
search:replace with:Code: Select all
$event_output['NUMBER'] = $dayOfEvent["mday"].".".$dayOfEvent["mon"].".";
Code: Select all
$event_output['NUMBER'] = $dayOfEvent["mon"].".".$dayOfEvent["mday"].".";
- Site Admin
- Posts: 2990
- Joined: 7. January 2006 20:11
- User: Saint
- User: Saint_hh
- Location: Hamburg
- Contact:
Re: Calendar block for phpBB Calendar 0.0.8
~~~ They say the definition of madness is doing the same thing and expecting a different result ~~~
Kein Support per PN / No support via PM!
Kein Support per PN / No support via PM!
Re: Calendar block for phpBB Calendar 0.0.8
I wasn't able to get to work, however it looks like a section is missing
I started to follow the next section however I couldn't find this section in my code..frold wrote: OPEN
FINDAFTER ADDCode: Select all
$mode_sel_code = "";
I recommand you do the changes you find in this treat too....Code: Select all
Graceland wrote: SEARCHREPLACE THE COMPLETE FUNCTION WITH (UP TO function get_weekday_names_mini ...)Code: Select all
function calendar_display_mini_month() {
OPEN styles/prosilver/template/portal/block/calendar.htmlCode: Select all
function calendar_display_mini_month() { global $auth, $db, $user, $config, $template, $date, $available_etype_colors, $available_etype_images, $available_etype_display_names, $month_sel_code, $day_sel_code, $year_sel_code, $mode_sel_code; global $phpEx, $phpbb_root_path; init_calendar_data(); init_view_selection_code("month"); // data of akt. month $time = getdate(time()); //create next and prev links set_date_prev_next( "month" ); $calling_page = (!empty($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) ? $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] : $_ENV['PHP_SELF']; $mini_prev_link = append_sid($calling_page, "calM=".$date['prev_month']."&calY=".$date['prev_year']); $mini_next_link = append_sid($calling_page, "calM=".$date['next_month']."&calY=".$date['next_year']); //find the first day of the week $first_day_of_week = get_calendar_config_value("first_day_of_week", 0); get_weekday_names_mini( $first_day_of_week, $sunday, $monday, $tuesday, $wednesday, $thursday, $friday, $saturday ); //get the first day of the month $date['num'] = "01"; $date['fday'] = get_fday( $date['num'], $date['month_no'], $date['year'], $first_day_of_week ); $number_days = gmdate("t", gmmktime( 0,0,0,$date['month_no'], $date['day'], $date['year'])); //$mini_calendar_header_txt = $user->lang['MONTH_OF'] . sprintf($user->lang['LOCAL_DATE_FORMAT'], $user->lang['datetime'][$date['month']], $date['day'], $date['year'] ); $mini_calendar_header_txt = $user->lang['datetime'][$date['month']] . ' - ' . $date['year']; $subject_limit = get_calendar_config_value("display_truncated_name", 0); // Is the user able to view ANY events? $user_can_view_events = false; if ( $auth->acl_get('u_calendar_view_events') ) { $user_can_view_events = true; /* find the group options here so we do not have to look them up again for each day */ $group_options = get_sql_group_options($user->data['user_id']); } $counter = 0; for ($j = 1; $j < $number_days+1; $j++, $counter++) { // if it is the first week if ($j == 1) { // find how many place holders we need before day 1 if ($date['fday'] < 7) { $date['fday'] = $date['fday']+1; for ($i = 1; $i < $date['fday']; $i++, $counter++) { // create dummy days (place holders) if( $i == 1 ) { $mini_calendar_days['START_WEEK'] = true; } else { $mini_calendar_days['START_WEEK'] = false; } $mini_calendar_days['END_WEEK'] = false; $mini_calendar_days['HEADER_CLASS'] = 'bg3'; $mini_calendar_days['DAY_CLASS'] = 'bg2'; $mini_calendar_days['NUMBER'] = 0; $mini_calendar_days['DUMMY_DAY'] = true; $mini_calendar_days['ADD_LINK'] = ''; $mini_calendar_days['BIRTHDAYS'] = ''; $template->assign_block_vars('mini_calendar_days', $mini_calendar_days); } } } // start creating the data for the real days $mini_calendar_days['START_WEEK'] = false; $mini_calendar_days['END_WEEK'] = false; $mini_calendar_days['DUMMY_DAY'] = false; $mini_calendar_days['HEADER_CLASS'] = 'bg3'; $mini_calendar_days['DAY_CLASS'] = 'bg2'; $mini_calendar_days['NUMBER'] = 0; $mini_calendar_days['ADD_LINK'] = ''; $mini_calendar_days['BIRTHDAYS'] = ''; $mini_calendar_days['WRITE_BOLD'] = 100; if($counter % 7 == 0) { $mini_calendar_days['START_WEEK'] = true; } if($counter % 7 == 6 ) { $mini_calendar_days['END_WEEK'] = true; } $mini_calendar_days['NUMBER'] = $j; if( $auth->acl_get('u_calendar_create_events') ) { $mini_calendar_days['ADD_LINK'] = append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}calendarpost.$phpEx", "mode=post&calD=".$j."&calM=".$date['month_no']."&calY=".$date['year']); } $mini_calendar_days['DAY_VIEW_URL'] = append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}calendar.$phpEx", "view=day&calD=".$j."&calM=".$date['month_no']."&calY=".$date['year']); $mini_calendar_days['WEEK_VIEW_URL'] = append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}calendar.$phpEx", "view=week&calD=".$j."&calM=".$date['month_no']."&calY=".$date['year']); //highlight selected day if( $j == $date['day'] && $date["month_no"] == $time["mon"]) { $mini_calendar_days['DAY_CLASS'] = 'bg4'; } //highlight current day $test_start_hi_time = mktime( 0,0,0,$date['month_no'], $j, $date['year']) + date('Z'); $test_end_hi_time = $test_start_hi_time + 86399; $test_hi_time = time() + $user->timezone + $user->dst; if( ($test_start_hi_time <= $test_hi_time) && ($test_end_hi_time >= $test_hi_time)) { $mini_calendar_days['HEADER_CLASS'] = 'bg3'; $mini_calendar_days['DAY_CLASS'] = 'bg4'; } /* if ( $user_can_view_events && $auth->acl_get('u_viewprofile') ) { // find birthdays $mini_calendar_days['BIRTHDAYS'] = generate_birthday_list( $j, $date['month_no'], $date['year'] ); } */ $arrayOfDays[] = $mini_calendar_days; } if ( $user_can_view_events ) { if($time["mon"] == $date["month_no"]) $day = $date['day']; else $day = 1; // startDate = first Day of viewed month $start_temp_date = gmmktime( 0,0,0,$date['month_no'], $day, $date['year']); $end_temp_date = $start_temp_date + 2678400; // find all day events that are still taking place $sort_timestamp_cutoff = $start_temp_date - 86400+1; // don't list events that are more than 1 year in the future $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . CALENDAR_EVENTS_TABLE . ' WHERE ( (event_access_level = 2) OR (event_access_level = 0 AND poster_id = '.$db->sql_escape($user->data['user_id']).' ) OR (event_access_level = 1 AND ('.$db->sql_escape($group_options).') ) ) AND ((( event_start_time >= '.$db->sql_escape($start_temp_date).' AND event_start_time <= '.$db->sql_escape($end_temp_date).' ) OR ( event_end_time > '.$db->sql_escape($start_temp_date).' AND event_end_time <= '.$db->sql_escape($end_temp_date).' ) OR ( event_start_time < '.$db->sql_escape($start_temp_date).' AND event_end_time > '.$db->sql_escape($end_temp_date)." )) OR (sort_timestamp > ".$db->sql_escape($sort_timestamp_cutoff)." AND event_all_day = 1) ) ORDER BY sort_timestamp ASC"; // find next 5 events $result = $db->sql_query_limit($sql, 5, 0); // $result = $monthEventResult; while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $dayOfEvent = getdate($row["sort_timestamp"]); $event_output['COLOR'] = $available_etype_colors[$row['etype_id']]; $event_output['IMAGE'] = $available_etype_images[$row['etype_id']]; $event_output['EVENT_URL'] = append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}calendar.$phpEx", "view=event&calEid=".$row['event_id']); $event_output['NUMBER'] = $dayOfEvent["mday"].".".$dayOfEvent["mon"]."."; $event_output['DAY_VIEW_URL'] = append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}calendar.$phpEx", "view=day&calD=".$dayOfEvent["mday"]."&calM=".$dayOfEvent["mon"]."&calY=".$dayOfEvent["year"]); $event_output['WEEK_VIEW_URL'] = append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}calendar.$phpEx", "view=week&calD=".$dayOfEvent["mday"]."&calM=".$dayOfEvent["mon"]."&calY=".$dayOfEvent["year"]); if($date["month_no"] == $dayOfEvent["mon"]) { $arrayOfDays[$dayOfEvent["mday"]-1]["WRITE_BOLD"] = "bold"; } // if the event was created by this user // display it in bold if( $user->data['user_id'] == $row['poster_id'] ) { $event_output['DISPLAY_BOLD'] = true; } else { $event_output['DISPLAY_BOLD'] = false; } $event_output['ETYPE_DISPLAY_NAME'] = $available_etype_display_names[$row['etype_id']]; $event_output['EVENT_SUBJECT'] = censor_text($row['event_subject']); if( $subject_limit > 0 ) { if(utf8_strlen($event_output['EVENT_SUBJECT']) > $subject_limit) { $event_output['EVENT_SUBJECT'] = truncate_string($event_output['EVENT_SUBJECT'], $subject_limit) . '...'; } } $template->assign_block_vars('events', $event_output); } $db->sql_freeresult($result); } for($a=0;$a<count($arrayOfDays);$a++) { if(!empty($arrayOfDays[$a]["NUMBER"])) { $template->assign_block_vars('mini_calendar_days', $arrayOfDays[$a]); } } $counter--; $dummy_end_day_count = 6 - ($counter % 7); for ($i = 1; $i <= $dummy_end_day_count; $i++) { // create dummy days (place holders) $mini_calendar_days['START_WEEK'] = false; if( $i == $dummy_end_day_count ) { $mini_calendar_days['END_WEEK'] = true; } else { $mini_calendar_days['END_WEEK'] = false; } $mini_calendar_days['HEADER_CLASS'] = ''; $mini_calendar_days['DAY_CLASS'] = ''; $mini_calendar_days['NUMBER'] = 0; $mini_calendar_days['DUMMY_DAY'] = true; $mini_calendar_days['ADD_LINK'] = ''; $mini_calendar_days['BIRTHDAYS'] = ''; $template->assign_block_vars('mini_calendar_days', $mini_calendar_days); } // A typical usage for sending your variables to your template. $template->assign_vars(array( 'CALENDAR_HEADER_MINI' => $mini_calendar_header_txt, 'DAY_IMG' => $user->img('button_calendar_day', 'DAY'), 'WEEK_IMG' => $user->img('button_calendar_week', 'WEEK'), 'CALENDAR_PREV_MINI' => '<a href=\''.$mini_prev_link.'\'><img src="' . $phpbb_root_path . 'styles/' . $user->theme['theme_path'] . '/theme/images/portal/mini_cal_icon_left_arrow.png' . '" title="' . $user->lang['View_previous_month'] . '" height="16" width="16" alt="<<" /></a>', 'CALENDAR_NEXT_MINI' => '<a href=\''.$mini_next_link.'\'><img src="' . $phpbb_root_path . 'styles/' . $user->theme['theme_path'] . '/theme/images/portal/mini_cal_icon_right_arrow.png' . '" title="' . $user->lang['View_next_month'] . '" height="16" width="16" alt=">>" /></a>', 'CALENDAR_VIEW_OPTIONS' => $mode_sel_code.' '.$month_sel_code.' '.$day_sel_code.' '.$year_sel_code, 'SUNDAY_MINI' => $sunday, 'MONDAY_MINI' => $monday, 'TUESDAY_MINI' => $tuesday, 'WEDNESDAY_MINI' => $wednesday, 'THURSDAY_MINI' => $thursday, 'FRIDAY_MINI' => $friday, 'SATURDAY_MINI' => $saturday, 'S_POST_ACTION_MINI' => append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}calendar.$phpEx" ), )); }
REPLACE ALL WITHI hope you understand my english and could use these modifications.Code: Select all
<div class="portal-panel"> <div class="inner"> <span class="corners-top"><span></span></span> <h3><table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><td><img src="{T_THEME_PATH}/images/portal/portal_calendar.gif" width="18px" height="15px" alt=""/> </td><td><a href="{U_CALENDAR}" title="{L_CALENDAR}">Kalender</a></td></table></h3> <table cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td align="left" colspan="2"><!-- IF CALENDAR_PREV_MINI -->{CALENDAR_PREV_MINI}</a><!-- ENDIF --></td> <td colspan="3" align="center"><span class="genmed">{CALENDAR_HEADER_MINI}</span></td> <td align="right" colspan="2"><!-- IF CALENDAR_NEXT_MINI -->{CALENDAR_NEXT_MINI}</a><!-- ENDIF --></td> </tr> </table> <table class="table_minical" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <!--<tr> <th style="text-align:left;" colspan="7">{L_MINI_CAL_CALENDAR}</td> </tr>--> <tr class="row1"> <td style="width: 5%; text-align: center"><span class="gensmall" style="color:#0000FF">{SUNDAY_MINI}</span></td> <td style="width: 5%; text-align: center"><span class="gensmall" style="color:#0000FF">{MONDAY_MINI}</span></td> <td style="width: 5%; text-align: center"><span class="gensmall" style="color:#0000FF">{TUESDAY_MINI}</span></td> <td style="width: 5%; text-align: center"><span class="gensmall" style="color:#0000FF">{WEDNESDAY_MINI}</span></td> <td style="width: 5%; text-align: center"><span class="gensmall" style="color:#0000FF">{THURSDAY_MINI}</span></td> <td style="width: 5%; text-align: center"><span class="gensmall">{FRIDAY_MINI}</span></td> <td style="width: 5%; text-align: center"><span class="gensmall" style="color:#FF0000">{SATURDAY_MINI}</span></td> </tr> <!-- BEGIN mini_calendar_days --> <!-- IF mini_calendar_days.START_WEEK --> <tr> <!-- ENDIF --> <!-- IF mini_calendar_days.DUMMY_DAY --> <td valign="top" class="bg3_calMon"> </td> <!-- ELSE --> <td valign="top" class="{mini_calendar_days.DAY_CLASS}"> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1" border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td class="{mini_calendar_days.HEADER_CLASS}" style="font-weight:{mini_calendar_days.WRITE_BOLD}; text-align:center;"> <!-- IF mini_calendar_days.ADD_LINK --> <a href="{mini_calendar_days.ADD_LINK}">{mini_calendar_days.NUMBER}</a> <!-- ELSE --> {mini_calendar_days.NUMBER} <!-- ENDIF --> <br /> </td> </tr> </table></td> <!-- ENDIF --> <!-- IF mini_calendar_days.END_WEEK --> </tr> <!-- ENDIF --> <!-- END mini_calendar_days --> </table> <br clear="all" /> <table class="table_minical" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%"> <tr class="row1"> <td style="width: 100%; text-align: center" class="bg4">Veranstaltungen</td> </tr> </table> <table class="table_minical" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td class="row1"> <!-- BEGIN events --> <!-- IF events.S_FIRST_ROW --> <!-- ELSE --><hr><!-- ENDIF --> <a href="{events.DAY_VIEW_URL}"><!-- IF events.COLOR --><span style="color:#{events.COLOR}"><!-- ENDIF --> [{events.NUMBER}]<!-- IF events.COLOR --></span><!-- ENDIF --></a> <a href="{events.EVENT_URL}" title="{events.EVENT_SUBJECT}"> <!-- IF events.COLOR --><span style="color:#{events.COLOR}"><!-- ENDIF --> <!-- IF events.DISPLAY_BOLD --><strong><!-- ENDIF --> <!-- IF events.IMAGE --><img src="{events.IMAGE}" title="{events.ETYPE_DISPLAY_NAME}" height="20" width="20" /><!-- ENDIF --> <!-- IF events.ETYPE_DISPLAY_NAME -->{events.ETYPE_DISPLAY_NAME}:<!-- ENDIF --> {events.EVENT_SUBJECT} <!-- IF events.DISPLAY_BOLD --></strong><!-- ENDIF --> <!-- IF events.SHOW_TIME --><br /><!-- IF events.ALL_DAY -->{L_ALL_DAY}<!-- ELSE --> {L_FROM_TIME}: {events.START_TIME} <br />{L_TO_TIME}: {events.END_TIME}<!-- ENDIF --> <!-- ENDIF --> <!-- IF events.COLOR --></span><!-- ENDIF --></a><br /> <!-- END events --> </td> </tr> </table> <span class="corners-bottom"><span></span></span> </div> </div> <br style="clear:both" />
Urgent! Code missing.
Seems that it got lost somehow.pizza_guy wrote:I wasn't able to get to work, however it looks like a section is missing
frold wrote: OPEN
FINDAFTER ADDCode: Select all
$mode_sel_code = "";
Code: Select all
Please provide the missing lines of code, because without the mod won't work.
Thank you.
Re: Urgent! Code missing.
Should be fixed now...schnapp wrote:Seems that it got lost somehow.pizza_guy wrote:I wasn't able to get to work, however it looks like a section is missing
frold wrote: OPEN
FINDAFTER ADDCode: Select all
$mode_sel_code = "";
Code: Select all
Please provide the missing lines of code, because without the mod won't work.
Thank you. - Portal for doctors and medical students in Denmark
Re: Calendar block for phpBB Calendar 0.0.8
I do not find this file:
All other is OK.
This is a phpBB 3.0 with standard board3 Portal 1.02
File is not included with
All other is OK.
This is a phpBB 3.0 with standard board3 Portal 1.02
File is not included with
Re: Calendar block for phpBB Calendar 0.0.8 - Portal for doctors and medical students in Denmark
Re: Calendar block for phpBB Calendar 0.0.8
Please help me.
Where do I find this file: includes/functions_calendar.php
Where do I find this file: includes/functions_calendar.php
Re: Calendar block for phpBB Calendar 0.0.8
You find it there - after you have installed phpBB Calendar 0.0.8 properly!!jotne wrote:Please help me.
Where do I find this file: includes/functions_calendar.php - Portal for doctors and medical students in Denmark
Re: Calendar block for phpBB Calendar 0.0.8
It is not included with
And it is not created following the first post in this thread.
This is created during install:
Can you provide an exact link to point out where it is created.
Or can you upload it here, or post it to me?
And it is not created following the first post in this thread.
This is created during install:
Can you provide an exact link to point out where it is created.
Or can you upload it here, or post it to me?
Re: Calendar block for phpBB Calendar 0.0.8
you are wasting my time...
Before using this block you need to install phpBB Calendar 008 you have obviously not done that!
Before using this block you need to install phpBB Calendar 008 you have obviously not done that! - Portal for doctors and medical students in Denmark
Re: Calendar block for phpBB Calendar 0.0.8
That did make it some more clear.
I thought that this mod was for upgrading the function in Board3portals calender, and did not see anywhere that you needed to download and install phpBB Calendar 0.0.8.
I thought this was "phpBB Calendar 0.0.8"
It may be made some more clear in the 1st post, what prerequest that you have to have to install this mod.
A link to the calender also should be listed. ... 0&t=666195
Now all do work fine.
That did make it some more clear.
I thought that this mod was for upgrading the function in Board3portals calender, and did not see anywhere that you needed to download and install phpBB Calendar 0.0.8.
I thought this was "phpBB Calendar 0.0.8"
It may be made some more clear in the 1st post, what prerequest that you have to have to install this mod.
A link to the calender also should be listed. ... 0&t=666195
Now all do work fine.
Re: Calendar block for phpBB Calendar 0.0.8
So this actually does not display upcoming events? Just a mini calendar that links to the main calendar?