Recent & last news block question

Current Version: 1.0.6
Released: 09.01.10
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Recent & last news block question

Post by shadow »

Your Portal Version: 1.0.0RC3
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Description and Message

when I try board 3 I was noticed Recent & last news block NOT shows all new topics !!!

I'm using NV Recent topics mod for my board index and it shows all new topics easily,but the Recent & last news block in board3 portal NOT shows all topics title and shows something different (may be they are old topics too !)

how can I solve this problem ?
Last edited by Kevin on 5. October 2008 18:20, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: This is no bug report ;)
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Re: [BUG report]Recent & last news block

Post by Kevin »

First of all: Your Portal Version: 1.0.0RC3
Is this the version you are using? If so - it's outdated (1.0.2 is the actual version). Please update and see if the problem still exists.

We need more Information how you have set the settings for the portal, as you are the first one who reports this problem.
So i assume that you've maybe done some misconfiguration.
With this lag of information, we can say anything. I can't reproduce it as well.
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Re: [BUG report]Recent & last news block

Post by shadow »

NO,I was downloaded lastest version (1.0.2) and installed.

I cant explain problem when I dont understand what is it exactly !!!

Some of posts show in portal correctly,but some posts show as recent topics are too old ! some of newest posts not showed at all !!!

I dont know what is the reason of problem !
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Re: [BUG report]Recent & last news block

Post by Kevin »

So you can surely understand that i can't help you.
No one else has reported this problem - after a few thousand downloads over the last versions.
As long as you don't tell us more details (e.g. how your settings for the news / recent topics are) and this problem is still not reproducible for us, nobody can help you.
And your forum is obviously a local installation, so no one can take a look on it.
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Re: [BUG report]Recent & last news block

Post by shadow »

Can you tell me what instructions is needed ?

Thanks a lot

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Re: [BUG report]Recent & last news block

Post by shadow »

I gess I found the problem,the recent block only detect first post of each topic date,so it can NOT detect which topic is updated and must go to first.

You can see the problem in too !

please help to solve this problem
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Re: [BUG report]Recent & last news block

Post by Kevin »

shadow wrote:You can see the problem in too !
Where should the problem be here on
Everything is working as it should.
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Re: [BUG report]Recent & last news block

Post by shadow »

So I'm wrong :wink:

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Re: [BUG report]Recent & last news block

Post by Kevin »

Yes,you are. :roll:

OK, one try to explain to you:

- The recent topics are sorted by the date of the first post (topic creation date). That's the way it's supposed to be. Otherwise we should call it "recent posts"
- The latest news are sorted by the last / newest post date. You can change this to the topic creation date in your ACP, there is an option for it.
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Re: Recent & last news block question

Post by shadow »

Thanks alot Kevin,Could you explain more abot it (Perhaps by images or full url?)
- The latest news are sorted by the last / newest post date. You can change this to the topic creation date in your ACP, there is an option for it.
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Re: Recent & last news block question

Post by Kevin »

I think it's enough, my explanation was clear enough, put a little more effort in it and try to understand it.
8 posts to sort out that you simply don't understand how the portal works and you obviously not even tried the ACP options. :roll:
Take a look in the ACP for the options, analyze the post with their dates and you will understand.

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