Unclear of install instructions

Current Version: 1.0.6
Released: 09.01.10
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Unclear of install instructions

Post by embryo321 »

Your Portal Version: 1.0.0RC3
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: No
Your knowledge: Beginner

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Description and Message
In the install xml it says,

File Copy

Copy: root/portal.php
To: portal.php

Where exactly am I copying this too? and once i've copied it, where do I upload it to? my home folder on ftp, or some sub folder?

I'm a bit unsure of where to put these files, and edited files. Any help would be great. Thanks

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Re: Unclear of install instructions

Post by Onetimer »

You should just copy all files that are in the root directory in the downloaded package straight into your phpbb3 folder.

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Re: Unclear of install instructions

Post by pavlovapete »


I am finding the install instructions very hard to understand as well.

"copy all files that are in the root directory in the downloaded package straight into your phpbb3 folder" - is this correct? My ftp program will over-write folders.

Are these the right instructions?

Copy the following file to your root folder
copy the portal.php file

Copy the following folders to your root folder
copy the install_portal folder
copy the portal folder

copy the following files to the corresponding folder of your phpBB installation.
language\en\mods\lang_portal_acp.php (and the others)
etc, etc

Is this what I need to do?

Is there a way to automate the copying of these files? It seems very difficult to do it manually (compared to some of the other mod systems I have seen) Maybe I am missing something?

Thankyou for your attention.

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Re: Unclear of install instructions

Post by Onetimer »

You're over-thinking it! Just copy everything into the root folder, easy as that.

As some of the files go into folder that already exist your FTP program will warn you that your could be over-writing files. But in fact those are just new files that go into existing folders, nothing is written over. This is the same way that Windows works. Try creating a folder on your desktop named New Folder, then create a text document inside that folder called New Text Document. Then create a new folder somewhere else on your harddrive, like in your My Documents folder and call that folder the same name; New Folder, but inside you create a text document called something else, like New Text Document (2). Now end this exercise with copying your folder in My Documents over to your desktop. Windows will warn that a folder with the same name already exists and ask if you want to overwrite it, chose yes. Now look into the folder and you'll see that both text documents are still there!

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Re: Unclear of install instructions

Post by pavlovapete »

OK onetimer
thanks :D

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