
Current Version: 1.0.6
Released: 09.01.10
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Post by GAME_OVER »

I'm not sure what to do if you are not using subsilver or prosilver. I've tried looking around the forums but found no tut or any faq on how to change the portal. If somebody would like helping me that would be greatly apprectiated. ^_^

Also, when I was reading the install instructions, what does "/*.*" mean? I'm guessing you upload everything?
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Re: Styles

Post by thomas.d »

GAME_OVER wrote:I'm not sure what to do if you are not using subsilver or prosilver. I've tried looking around the forums but found no tut or any faq on how to change the portal. If somebody would like helping me that would be greatly apprectiated. ^_^
You will have to find out what your style is based on, either subsilver or prosilver.

Then you go and copy the appropriate template files plus making the neccessary edits.
GAME_OVER wrote:Also, when I was reading the install instructions, what does "/*.*" mean? I'm guessing you upload everything?
Yes, that means that you have to upload everything what is right from the slash, each file and each subfolder (the "*"-symbol is a wildcard thing from old DOS times and stands for "any legal character in any legal amount")
Viele Grüße


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Re: Styles

Post by GAME_OVER »

Ok, thanks. A few more questions.

How would I be able to tell what my style is based on?
And once I do discover what it is based on, what necessary edits are needed?

Sorry, I'm really inexperienced in making my very own website with phpbb. I had a friend help me last time, but he is very busy. And I'm trying to do another more on my own.

Thanks for the help,
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Re: Styles

Post by GCypher »

If u need and hand i can help u, i dont mind at all ;)
Just send me PM.

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Re: Styles

Post by Heinrich-XIV »


I think, it's better for you to take a look at Christian_N's Forum. Thats the Style Support Forum for the Board3 Portal. The only Problem for you is, the native Language there is is german, but a few Users in this Forum can give you Support in english Language, or we use the google translator. :roll: :P

The Link to this Forum is placed here in the Forum list:

board3 Portal Styles - the cooperation site for board3 Portal styling

Click on this, and you will magical moved to this Forum. ;)

There are also Portal ready Styles to download for you.



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Re: Styles

Post by GAME_OVER »

Ok, thanks, I'll use google to translate the whole site. ^_^

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