Portal 2.1.0 with PhpBB 3.3.0 ACP

Current Version: 2.1.0
Released: 2015-10-26
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Portal 2.1.0 with PhpBB 3.3.0 ACP

Post by Berni69 »

I just installed the portal on my PhpBB forum.
The extension .yml helped me to adapte the .yml files in ../config and there is no more problem.
The issue i have is when i go on the Extension part of the ACP and go to the "Portal" Menu. When i click on "General parameters" or on "modules" i have a message that says :
"The page you are trying to see cannot be displayed because it uses an invalid or unsupported compression type"

And of course... i don't know what i could do.

Thanks for helping.
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Re: Portal 2.1.0 with PhpBB 3.3.0 ACP

Post by Kirk »

Take this customized version of me, link in my signature. Uninstall the portal first.
Gruß Udo

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Re: Portal 2.1.0 with PhpBB 3.3.0 ACP

Post by Berni69 »

Hi, it works super well ! Thanks a lot for the job and conception !
If you need translation in french, i am ready to help you, let me know...
Best regards

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