Addon Version: 1.0.0
Addon Author: Talonos
Addon Description:
This extension will add a Image Slider block to your portal page that will rotate upto 6 images
choose from 13 different animations and each image can have its own animation
lots of options for color styling the caption and navigation controls
caption and navigation location can be changed in settings.
option to slide images manually or automaticly and how often in seconds
adjust maximum image height to better suite your sizing (all images will use this setting to not break styling of portal)
Download Link: ... p=475#p475
1. Unzip the downloaded release and copy it to ext/talonos (PHPBBROOT/ext/talonos/b3pimgslider/composer.json)directory of your phpBB board. Navigate in the ACP to Customise -> Manage extensions . Look for Board3 Image Slider under the Disabled Extensions list, and click its Enable link
2. navigate to Extensions -> Portal -> Portal Modules and click "Add Module" for any Central column and add Image Slider.
3. all ACP settings are controlled via youtube gallery extension.
Code: Select all
Initial Release -
Extension Dedicated to Kevin Watson
(a close friend who helped me develope a few extensions that passed from cancer last year)