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What have you done before the problem was there?
Its not a problem persay.. It just doesnt let me change the name so when I use custom block and make a custom block it says "Custom Block" on it on my webpage.
What have you already tryed to solve the problem?
Tried looking here couldnt really figure out what to do
Description and Message
It doesnt let me change the name so when I use custom block and make a custom block it says "Custom Block" on it on my webpage. Do I need to edit the code for the custom block itself?
Changing name when using custom block
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Re: Changing name when using custom block
Click on this block to the green cogs,
at Module name you can change the name.

at Module name you can change the name.

Gruß Udo
Topic author - Active Member
- Posts: 2
- Joined: 29. September 2015 03:01
- User: tigg
- User: tigg
Re: Changing name when using custom block
When I try that it doesnt change what it says at the top of the block on my site where it is added... am I missing something?