Portal Link Redirection

Current Version: 2.1.0
Released: 2015-10-26
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Portal Link Redirection

Post by Xx_iDon_xX »

Your Portal Version: 2.1.0-RC2
Your phpBB Type: other phpBB Distribution
MODs installed: No
Your knowledge: Basic Knowledge
Boardlink: http://clan-tac.com

PHP Version: 5.6.8

What have you done before the problem was there?

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?

Description and Message
I want to be able to redirect or when i type clan-tac.com that it would go straight into the portal, so when that people visit my site clan-tac.com it will go straught into the portal instead of the index/forums. how would i make that happen? like instead when i click on the portal link on my page, and instead of being http://clan-tac.com/app.php/portal it would be http://clan-tac.com without having the app.php/portal. any help would be appreciated
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Re: Portal Link Redirection

Post by Kirk »

Open: root/.htaccess
add at the end of the file this:

Code: Select all

DirectoryIndex app.php/portal index.php index.html index.htm
Go to ACP/Server settings set at Enable URL Rewriting: yes.
Gruß Udo

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Re: Portal Link Redirection

Post by Xx_iDon_xX »

Kirk wrote:Hi
Open: root/.htaccess
add at the end of the file this:

Code: Select all

DirectoryIndex app.php/portal index.php index.html index.htm
Go to ACP/Server settings set at Enable URL Rewriting: yes.

Hi, thanks for your reply. i did that and everything is fine, but now when i click on the Portal link/image i get this error

Internal Server Error

The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.

Please contact the server administrator, and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.

More information about this error may be available in the server error log.

Additionally, a 500 Internal Server Error error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

also i noticed when i hover over the portal link/image it says http://www.clan-tac.com/portal

thats when i get the error. any suggestions? thanks.
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Re: Portal Link Redirection

Post by Kirk »

Support question in a web space provider for whether the server URL rewriting
Gruß Udo

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Re: Portal Link Redirection

Post by Xx_iDon_xX »

Kirk wrote:Support question in a web space provider for whether the server URL rewriting

i dont understand, sorry. explain better please?
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Re: Portal Link Redirection

Post by Marc »

Please check with your hosting provider if they support URL rewriting and/or how you can enable it for your website. This error will only pop up if URL rewriting isn't working on your server side right now.

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Re: Portal Link Redirection

Post by ruffle »

I have the same problem (the landing page being the Forum Index instead of the Board3 Portal page).

I've changed .htaccess like so:

Code: Select all

DirectoryIndex app.php/portal index.php index.html index.htm
(I also put the same DirectoryIndex line in my Virtualhost section). I checked the rewrite module is enabled with apache2ctl -M and turned on "Enable URL Rewriting" in the ACP->Server Settings.

Now the landing page is the Board2 Portal which is good but the "Portal" link in the breadcrumbs bit at the top of the forum links to <mysiteaddress>/portal which isn't as that generates a 404 /portal not found error.

There's obviously something else I need to do... any suggestions?
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Re: Portal Link Redirection

Post by Kirk »

Turned off "Enable URL Rewriting" in the ACP->Server Settings and try if it works.
Gruß Udo

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Re: Portal Link Redirection

Post by ruffle »

Yes. That seems to do the trick.

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Re: Portal Link Redirection

Post by pokyto »


i have almost the same issue

i get this error with URL Rewriting" in the ACP->Server Settings Enable or Disable ...

Code: Select all

No route found for "GET /portal.php"
i edited as required the .htaccess file with

Code: Select all

DirectoryIndex app.php/portal index.php index.html index.htm
and the mod_rewrite module is loaded on my hosting server

fun fact ... i get this error with firefox but not with chrome

any idea?
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Re: Portal Link Redirection

Post by Kirk »

Do you still have an extra forwarding in .htaccess?
Gruß Udo
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Re: Portal Link Redirection

Post by pokyto »

Kirk wrote:Hi
Do you still have an extra forwarding in .htaccess?
I don't know!!!
Here is the content of my .htaccess file

Code: Select all

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine on

# Uncomment the statement below if you want to make use of
# HTTP authentication and it does not already work.
# This could be required if you are for example using PHP via Apache CGI.
#RewriteRule .* - [E=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%{HTTP:Authorization},L]

# The following 3 lines will rewrite URLs passed through the front controller
# to not require app.php in the actual URL. In other words, a controller is
# by default accessed at /app.php/my/controller, but can also be accessed at
# /my/controller
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ app.php [QSA,L]

# If symbolic links are not already being followed,
# uncomment the line below.
# http://anothersysadmin.wordpress.com/2008/06/10/mod_rewrite-forbidden-403-with-apache-228/
#Options +FollowSymLinks

# With Apache 2.4 the "Order, Deny" syntax has been deprecated and moved from
# module mod_authz_host to a new module called mod_access_compat (which may be
# disabled) and a new "Require" syntax has been introduced to mod_authz_host.
# We could just conditionally provide both versions, but unfortunately Apache
# does not explicitly tell us its version if the module mod_version is not
# available. In this case, we check for the availability of module
# mod_authz_core (which should be on 2.4 or higher only) as a best guess.
<IfModule mod_version.c>
	<IfVersion < 2.4>
		<Files "config.php">
			Order Allow,Deny
			Deny from All
		<Files "common.php">
			Order Allow,Deny
			Deny from All
	<IfVersion >= 2.4>
		<Files "config.php">
			Require all denied
		<Files "common.php">
			Require all denied
<IfModule !mod_version.c>
	<IfModule !mod_authz_core.c>
		<Files "config.php">
			Order Allow,Deny
			Deny from All
		<Files "common.php">
			Order Allow,Deny
			Deny from All
	<IfModule mod_authz_core.c>
		<Files "config.php">
			Require all denied
		<Files "common.php">
			Require all denied

DirectoryIndex app.php/portal index.php index.html index.htm
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Re: Portal Link Redirection

Post by Kirk »

The .htaccess is OK, I do not know to what it is.
Gruß Udo
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Re: Portal Link Redirection

Post by pokyto »

ach! damn!
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Re: Portal Link Redirection

Post by pokyto »

Hi folks

i still have this frakin error just with firefox regardless of the settings ... it works fine with IE and chrome

Any idea(s) ?


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