Portal page always logs you out when leaving.

Current Version: 2.1.0
Released: 2015-10-26
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Portal page always logs you out when leaving.

Post by NecroWolf »

Your Portal Version: 2.1.0 RC2
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: Yes
Your knowledge: Basic Knowledge
Boardlink: http://necrowolf.x10host.com

PHP Version: 5.5.19
MySQL Version: MySQL(i) 5.5.42-MariaDB-cll-lve

What have you done before the problem was there?
Nothing, but I have serveral mods installed before this one.

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?
Changed cookie settings, uninstalled, reinstalled Portal.

Description and Message
Any time I leave the portal page to go to another page on the forum I get logged out. I can go anywhere else as long as I never visit the portal page itself as once you leave you get logged out. I've changed cookie settings countless times to no avail. Disabled, enabled tons of times. I have no idea what is causing this. I suspect it may be the hosting?
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Re: Portal page always logs you out when leaving.

Post by archivar »

Clear the Portal to see if the problem persists.
V.G. archivar
sorry for my bad english
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Re: Portal page always logs you out when leaving.

Post by NecroWolf »

Okay I cleared all the data for the portal--disabled, cleared, enabled. Also while I was in the ACP if I go to the extensions tab and click Portal Modules then click anywhere else I get logged completely out. General Settings works fine, just logs me out upon leaving the Portal Module part. I just noticed it just now so now I am thinking a bad module somehow logging me out on both these sections? But yes it's still doing it same as before.
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Re: Portal page always logs you out when leaving.

Post by NecroWolf »

I fixed it. I noticed that it worked perfect in prosilver, even while in APC as long as I was set for prosilver it worked fine. So I renamed prosilver to Cynthia (my other style) in the ext/board3/portal/styles folder and uploaded so there were three listed styles in the extension and refreshed and changed back to Cynthia style and no more problems. Why this is I do not know but I do have a couple other extensions that had the same problem logging out when not supposed to so that my be it that it requires an actual folder for other styles set up.

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