I have the above block on my guilds page, and we've recently changed styles. Unfortunately the background for the block is pulling in the border colors which makes it very difficult to read.
How could I add a set background color? I've tried adding a background color to the html file but it didn't seem to pick this up.
Any help would be appreciated.
Warcraft Guild Recent Activity Block
Re: Warcraft Guild Recent Activity Block
have you a link to your portal so i can look into it for you.
Creating board3 website? check the sites out below for board3 compatible extensions
Talonos: Pretereo stormrage EU OFFLINE!
Talonos: Pretereo stormrage EU OFFLINE!
Re: Warcraft Guild Recent Activity Block
ok heres a fix.
in styles/wowwarlords/template/portal/modules/wow_recent.html
near the bottom of that file
and replace with
clear your styles cache and it should be good to go.
in styles/wowwarlords/template/portal/modules/wow_recent.html
Code: Select all
<div class="panel bg1" style="margin-bottom: 0px">
<div class="inner"><span class="portal-corners-top-inner"></span>
<div class="postbody" style="width: 100%">
and replace with
Code: Select all
<div class="panel bg2" style="margin-bottom: 0px">
<div class="content"><span class="portal-corners-top-inner"></span>
<div class="postbody" style="width: 100%">
Creating board3 website? check the sites out below for board3 compatible extensions
Talonos: Pretereo stormrage EU OFFLINE!
Talonos: Pretereo stormrage EU OFFLINE!
Topic author - Active Member
- Posts: 11
- Joined: 31. December 2014 15:03
- phpBB.de User: gazmon
- phpBB.com User: gazmon
Re: Warcraft Guild Recent Activity Block
Ah that's amazing thank you so much!
Re: Warcraft Guild Recent Activity Block
glad to see it working right on your forums now 

Creating board3 website? check the sites out below for board3 compatible extensions
Talonos: Pretereo stormrage EU OFFLINE!
Talonos: Pretereo stormrage EU OFFLINE!