Board3 v. 2.0.2 & includephp tag

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Board3 v. 2.0.2 & includephp tag

Post by rickc59 »

Your Portal Version: 2.0.2
Your phpBB Type: Premodded phpBB
MODs installed: Yes
Your knowledge: Basic Knowledge

PHP Version: 5.3.28
MySQL Version: 5.5.35

What have you done before the problem was there?
I added an includephp tag to portal_body.html

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?
Remove the includephp tag & refresh page.

Description and Message

I have Board3 version 2.0.2 installed and am having a problem using the includephp tag for phpbb3 templates. After adding includephp to the portal_body.html file, it actually works fine until I clear the cache in phpbb3's acp.
Afterwards, I get the error below.

To restore the portal page, I have to remove the includephp tag & refresh the page. After that, I can put the includephp tag back in the template and all is well until the cache is cleared again.

Thanks...any help/suggestions would be appreciated.

General Error
SQL ERROR [ mysql4 ]



SELECT * FROM phpbb_styles_template_data WHERE template_id = 2 AND (template_filename = '' OR template_included LIKE '')


FILE: (not given by php)
LINE: (not given by php)
CALL: msg_handler()

FILE: [ROOT]/includes/db/dbal.php
LINE: 757
CALL: trigger_error()

FILE: [ROOT]/includes/db/mysql.php
LINE: 193
CALL: dbal->sql_error()

FILE: [ROOT]/includes/template.php
LINE: 348
CALL: dbal_mysql->sql_query()

FILE: [ROOT]/includes/template.php
LINE: 657
CALL: template->_tpl_load()

FILE: [ROOT]/includes/template.php(230) : eval()'d code
LINE: 35
CALL: template->_tpl_include()

FILE: [ROOT]/includes/template.php
LINE: 230
CALL: eval()

FILE: [ROOT]/includes/functions.php
LINE: 4873
CALL: template->display()

FILE: [ROOT]/portal.php
LINE: 185
CALL: page_footer()

Topic author
Active Member
Posts: 2
Joined: 23. February 2014 10:32

Re: Board3 v. 2.0.2 & includephp tag

Post by rickc59 »

After further testing, I've realized the problem is not the portal, but in the php script that I'm trying to include.

Sorry for not figuring that out before I posted.

Thanks for a great mod.

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