Installing new style - but how?

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Installing new style - but how?

Post by eita »

Your Portal Version: 1.0.0RC3
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB3
MODs installed: No
Your knowledge: Beginner

What have you done before the problem was there?

What have you already tryed to solve the problem?
Reading hte forum and KB.

Description and Message
This is a question that probably seems stupid, but I haven't been able to figure it out, so...

Do the changes listed in the information for the style options always, never or sometimes need to be done "by hand", or will the style authomaticly be reflected also on the portal?
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Re: Installing new style - but how?

Post by cpg »


download your style
upload the folder to your site into: phpBB3/styles/
You find there the standard-folder (prosiver, subsilver2)
Than you can - in your admin-center in STYLES
install the new one


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Re: Installing new style - but how?

Post by eita »

Thank you, cpg. But I must have missed something...? I did as you say:
*unpacked the zip to my desktop
*uploaded the folder to the portal>styles (where prosilver and subsilver already are as standard
*the new style is now listed in the ACP>style
*refreshed template, themes ans imageset (the new style)
*purged the cache under "general".

When I entered the site the new style is installed on the board...but no link or sign to/of the portal. Hovever this error/warning displays:

Code: Select all


The requested file could not be found: styles/art_black/theme/images/portal/

Actually I do understand what is tells, but have no idea how to fix it :oops:

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Re: Installing new style - but how?

Post by Graaft »

you have to follow the portal install instructions for the prosilver/subsilver style for your new style..
check on which one your new style is based and follow the install instructions

should work then :-)
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Re: Installing new style - but how?

Post by archivar »

eita wrote:Thank you, cpg. But I must have missed something...? I did as you say:
*unpacked the zip to my desktop
*uploaded the folder to the portal>styles (where prosilver and subsilver already are as standard
*the new style is now listed in the ACP>style
*refreshed template, themes ans imageset (the new style)
*purged the cache under "general".

When I entered the site the new style is installed on the board...but no link or sign to/of the portal. Hovever this error/warning displays:

Code: Select all


The requested file could not be found: styles/art_black/theme/images/portal/

Actually I do understand what is tells, but have no idea how to fix it :oops:
See it here ==> viewtopic.php?f=57&t=5418
V.G. archivar
sorry for my bad english

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Re: Installing new style - but how?

Post by eita »

Thank you, all of you. I figured it out, was very confused in thee beginning because I didn't understand if all the changes listed in the documentation was supposed to be done. When I finaly understood it was only those listed to be copied from the extracted download it was no problem.

GREAT portal, by the way. :)
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