Installation nicht möglich

Aktuelle Version: 2.0.2
Veröffentlicht: 27.10.2013
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Installation nicht möglich

Post by Rhapsodos »

Hallo, da ich anhand der Suche keine Lösung für mein Problem finden konnte, versuche ich es einmal so:

Ich habe bereits alle nötigen Dateien kopiert und auch die Passagen in den Codes geändert.
Wenn ich nun aber die Index Datei ausführen will, erhalte ich folgende Fehlermeldung:

session_begin(); $auth->acl($user->data); $user->setup(); if (!file_exists($phpbb_root_path . 'umil/umil_auto.' . $phpEx)) { trigger_error('Please download the latest UMIL (Unified MOD Install Library) from:', E_USER_ERROR); } if (!function_exists('board3_basic_install')) { include($phpbb_root_path . 'portal/includes/functions.' . $phpEx); } /** * Check if we need to convert from Board3 Portal 1.0.6 */ global $config; if (!defined('PORTAL_CONFIG_TABLE')) { include($phpbb_root_path . 'portal/includes/constants.' . $phpEx); } if (sql_table_exists(PORTAL_CONFIG_TABLE) && !isset($config['board3_portal_version'])) { $portal_config = obtain_portal_config(); /** * We only allow conversions from Board3 Portal 1.0.6 */ if (isset($portal_config['portal_version']) && $portal_config['portal_version'] == '1.0.6') { set_config('board3_portal_version', '1.0.6'); } } // The name of the mod to be displayed during installation. $mod_name = 'Board3 Portal'; global $user; /* * The name of the config variable which will hold the currently installed version * UMIL will handle checking, setting, and updating the version itself. */ $version_config_name = 'board3_portal_version'; // The language file which will be included when installing $language_file = 'mods/info_acp_portal'; /* * Optionally we may specify our own logo image to show in the upper corner instead of the default logo. * $phpbb_root_path will get prepended to the path specified * Image height should be 50px to prevent cut-off or stretching. */ //$logo_img = 'styles/prosilver/imageset/site_logo.gif'; /* * The array of versions and actions within each. * You do not need to order it a specific way (it will be sorted automatically), however, you must enter every version, even if no actions are done for it. * * You must use correct version numbering. Unless you know exactly what you can use, only use X.X.X (replacing X with an integer). * The version numbering must otherwise be compatible with the version_compare function - */ $versions = array( '1.0.6' => array( 'permission_add' => array( array('a_portal_manage', 1), ), 'permission_set' => array( array('ADMINISTRATORS', 'a_manage_portal', 'group'), ), 'table_add' => array( array(PORTAL_CONFIG_TABLE, array( 'COLUMNS' => array( 'config_name' => array('VCHAR:255', ''), 'config_value'=> array('MTEXT', ''), ), 'PRIMARY_KEY' => 'config_name', )), ), 'module_add' => array( array('acp', 'ACP_CAT_DOT_MODS', 'ACP_PORTAL_INFO'), array('acp', 'ACP_PORTAL_INFO', array( 'module_basename' => 'portal', 'module_langname' => 'ACP_PORTAL_GENERAL_INFO', 'module_mode' => 'config', 'module_auth' => 'acl_a_manage_portal', ), ), array('acp', 'ACP_PORTAL_INFO', array( 'module_basename' => 'portal', 'module_langname' => 'ACP_PORTAL_NEWS_INFO', 'module_mode' => 'modules', 'module_auth' => 'acl_a_manage_portal', ), ), array('acp', 'ACP_PORTAL_INFO', array( 'module_basename' => 'portal', 'module_langname' => 'ACP_PORTAL_ANNOUNCEMENTS_INFO', 'module_mode' => 'modules', 'module_auth' => 'acl_a_manage_portal', ), ), array('acp', 'ACP_PORTAL_INFO', array( 'module_basename' => 'portal', 'module_langname' => 'ACP_PORTAL_WELCOME_INFO', 'module_mode' => 'modules', 'module_auth' => 'acl_a_manage_portal', ), ), array('acp', 'ACP_PORTAL_INFO', array( 'module_basename' => 'portal', 'module_langname' => 'ACP_PORTAL_RECENT_INFO', 'module_mode' => 'modules', 'module_auth' => 'acl_a_manage_portal', ), ), array('acp', 'ACP_PORTAL_INFO', array( 'module_basename' => 'portal', 'module_langname' => 'ACP_PORTAL_WORDGRAPH_INFO', 'module_mode' => 'modules', 'module_auth' => 'acl_a_manage_portal', ), ), array('acp', 'ACP_PORTAL_INFO', array( 'module_basename' => 'portal', 'module_langname' => 'ACP_PORTAL_PAYPAL_INFO', 'module_mode' => 'modules', 'module_auth' => 'acl_a_manage_portal', ), ), array('acp', 'ACP_PORTAL_INFO', array( 'module_basename' => 'portal', 'module_langname' => 'ACP_PORTAL_ATTACHMENTS_INFO', 'module_mode' => 'modules', 'module_auth' => 'acl_a_manage_portal', ), ), array('acp', 'ACP_PORTAL_INFO', array( 'module_basename' => 'portal', 'module_langname' => 'ACP_PORTAL_MEMBERS_INFO', 'module_mode' => 'modules', 'module_auth' => 'acl_a_manage_portal', ), ), array('acp', 'ACP_PORTAL_INFO', array( 'module_basename' => 'portal', 'module_langname' => 'ACP_PORTAL_POLLS_INFO', 'module_mode' => 'modules', 'module_auth' => 'acl_a_manage_portal', ), ), array('acp', 'ACP_PORTAL_INFO', array( 'module_basename' => 'portal', 'module_langname' => 'ACP_PORTAL_BOTS_INFO', 'module_mode' => 'modules', 'module_auth' => 'acl_a_manage_portal', ), ), array('acp', 'ACP_PORTAL_INFO', array( 'module_basename' => 'portal', 'module_langname' => 'ACP_PORTAL_POSTER_INFO', 'module_mode' => 'modules', 'module_auth' => 'acl_a_manage_portal', ), ), array('acp', 'ACP_PORTAL_INFO', array( 'module_basename' => 'portal', 'module_langname' => 'ACP_PORTAL_MINICALENDAR_INFO', 'module_mode' => 'modules', 'module_auth' => 'acl_a_manage_portal', ), ), array('acp', 'ACP_PORTAL_INFO', array( 'module_basename' => 'portal', 'module_langname' => 'ACP_PORTAL_CUSTOMBLOCK_INFO', 'module_mode' => 'modules', 'module_auth' => 'acl_a_manage_portal', ), ), array('acp', 'ACP_PORTAL_INFO', array( 'module_basename' => 'portal', 'module_langname' => 'ACP_PORTAL_LINKS_INFO', 'module_mode' => 'modules', 'module_auth' => 'acl_a_manage_portal', ), ), array('acp', 'ACP_PORTAL_INFO', array( 'module_basename' => 'portal', 'module_langname' => 'ACP_PORTAL_FRIENDS_INFO', 'module_mode' => 'modules', 'module_auth' => 'acl_a_manage_portal', ), ), array('acp', 'ACP_PORTAL_INFO', array( 'module_basename' => 'portal', 'module_langname' => 'ACP_PORTAL_BIRTHDAYS_INFO', 'module_mode' => 'modules', 'module_auth' => 'acl_a_manage_portal', ), ), ), ), '2.0.0-a1' => array( 'permission_remove' => array( 'a_portal_manage', ), 'permission_add' => array( array('u_view_portal', 1), array('a_manage_portal', 1), ), 'permission_set' => array( array('GUESTS', 'u_view_portal', 'group'), array('REGISTERED_COPPA', 'u_view_portal', 'group'), array('GLOBAL_MODERATORS', 'u_view_portal', 'group'), array('ADMINISTRATORS', 'u_view_portal', 'group'), array('BOTS', 'u_view_portal', 'group'), array('NEWLY_REGISTERED', 'u_view_portal', 'group'), ), 'table_add' => array( array(PORTAL_MODULES_TABLE, array( 'COLUMNS' => array( 'module_id' => array('UINT:3', NULL, 'auto_increment'), 'module_classname' => array('VCHAR:64', ''), 'module_column' => array('TINT:3', 0), 'module_order' => array('TINT:3', 0), 'module_name' => array('VCHAR', ''), 'module_image_src' => array('VCHAR', ''), 'module_image_width' => array('INT:3', 0), 'module_image_height' => array('INT:3', 0), 'module_group_ids' => array('VCHAR', ''), 'module_status' => array('TINT:1', 1), ), 'PRIMARY_KEY' => 'module_id', )), ), 'config_add' => array( array('board3_enable', 1, 0), array('board3_left_column', 1, 0), array('board3_right_column', 1, 0), array('board3_version_check', 1, 0), array('board3_forum_index', 1, 0), array('board3_left_column_width', 180, 0), array('board3_right_column_width', 180, 0), array('board3_phpbb_menu', 0, 0), array('board3_display_jumpbox', 1, 0), ), 'module_remove' => array( array('acp', 'ACP_PORTAL_INFO', 'ACP_PORTAL_GENERAL_INFO'), array('acp', 'ACP_PORTAL_INFO', 'ACP_PORTAL_NEWS_INFO'), array('acp', 'ACP_PORTAL_INFO', 'ACP_PORTAL_ANNOUNCEMENTS_INFO'), array('acp', 'ACP_PORTAL_INFO', 'ACP_PORTAL_WELCOME_INFO'), array('acp', 'ACP_PORTAL_INFO', 'ACP_PORTAL_RECENT_INFO'), array('acp', 'ACP_PORTAL_INFO', 'ACP_PORTAL_WORDGRAPH_INFO'), array('acp', 'ACP_PORTAL_INFO', 'ACP_PORTAL_PAYPAL_INFO'), array('acp', 'ACP_PORTAL_INFO', 'ACP_PORTAL_ATTACHMENTS_INFO'), array('acp', 'ACP_PORTAL_INFO', 'ACP_PORTAL_MEMBERS_INFO'), array('acp', 'ACP_PORTAL_INFO', 'ACP_PORTAL_POLLS_INFO'), array('acp', 'ACP_PORTAL_INFO', 'ACP_PORTAL_BOTS_INFO'), array('acp', 'ACP_PORTAL_INFO', 'ACP_PORTAL_POSTER_INFO'), array('acp', 'ACP_PORTAL_INFO', 'ACP_PORTAL_MINICALENDAR_INFO'), array('acp', 'ACP_PORTAL_INFO', 'ACP_PORTAL_CUSTOMBLOCK_INFO'), array('acp', 'ACP_PORTAL_INFO', 'ACP_PORTAL_LINKS_INFO'), array('acp', 'ACP_PORTAL_INFO', 'ACP_PORTAL_FRIENDS_INFO'), array('acp', 'ACP_PORTAL_INFO', 'ACP_PORTAL_BIRTHDAYS_INFO'), ), 'module_add' => array( array('acp', 'ACP_CAT_DOT_MODS', 'ACP_PORTAL'), array('acp', 'ACP_PORTAL', array( 'module_basename' => 'portal', 'module_langname' => 'ACP_PORTAL_GENERAL_INFO', 'module_mode' => 'config', 'module_auth' => 'acl_a_manage_portal', ), ), array('acp', 'ACP_PORTAL', array( 'module_basename' => 'portal', 'module_langname' => 'ACP_PORTAL_MODULES', 'module_mode' => 'modules', 'module_auth' => 'acl_a_manage_portal', ), ), array('acp', 'ACP_PORTAL', array( 'module_basename' => 'portal', 'module_langname' => 'ACP_PORTAL_UPLOAD', 'module_mode' => 'upload_module', 'module_auth' => 'acl_a_manage_portal', ), ), ), 'custom' => array('board3_basic_install'), ), '2.0.0b1' => array( // no changes ), '2.0.0' => array( // no changes ... purge caches anyways 'cache_purge' => array( 'imageset', 'template', 'theme', '', ), ), ); // Include the UMIL Auto file, it handles the rest include($phpbb_root_path . 'umil/umil_auto.' . $phpEx);

Ich habe leider keine Ahnung, wo hierbei nun das Problem liegt, da ich die aktuelle Version von UMIL habe und das das einzige ist, was mit aus diesem Text als Error aufgefallen ist.

Ich hoffe jemand von euch kann mir helfen.

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Re: Installation nicht möglich

Post by TheReelaatiiv »

Scheint so, als würde das

Code: Select all

am Anfang der Datei verloren gegangen sein. Das scheint mir nämlich ein Inhalt einer PHP-Datei zu sein.

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Re: Installation nicht möglich

Post by Rhapsodos »

Also das ist der Inhalt der PHP Datei

Code: Select all


* @package Board3 Portal v2
* @copyright (c) Board3 Group ( )
* @license GNU Public License

 * @ignore
define('UMIL_AUTO', true);
define('IN_INSTALL', true);
$phpbb_root_path = (defined('PHPBB_ROOT_PATH')) ? PHPBB_ROOT_PATH : '../';
$phpEx = substr(strrchr(__FILE__, '.'), 1);
define('IN_PHPBB', true);
include($phpbb_root_path . 'common.' . $phpEx);

if (!file_exists($phpbb_root_path . 'umil/umil_auto.' . $phpEx))
	trigger_error('Please download the latest UMIL (Unified MOD Install Library) from: <a href=""></a>', E_USER_ERROR);
if (!function_exists('board3_basic_install'))
	include($phpbb_root_path . 'portal/includes/functions.' . $phpEx);

* Check if we need to convert from Board3 Portal 1.0.6
global $config;

if (!defined('PORTAL_CONFIG_TABLE'))
	include($phpbb_root_path . 'portal/includes/constants.' . $phpEx);

if (sql_table_exists(PORTAL_CONFIG_TABLE) && !isset($config['board3_portal_version']))
	$portal_config = obtain_portal_config();
	* We only allow conversions from Board3 Portal 1.0.6
	if (isset($portal_config['portal_version']) && $portal_config['portal_version'] == '1.0.6')
		set_config('board3_portal_version', '1.0.6');

// The name of the mod to be displayed during installation.
$mod_name = 'Board3 Portal';

global $user;

* The name of the config variable which will hold the currently installed version
* UMIL will handle checking, setting, and updating the version itself.
$version_config_name = 'board3_portal_version';

// The language file which will be included when installing
$language_file = 'mods/info_acp_portal';

* Optionally we may specify our own logo image to show in the upper corner instead of the default logo.
* $phpbb_root_path will get prepended to the path specified
* Image height should be 50px to prevent cut-off or stretching.
//$logo_img = 'styles/prosilver/imageset/site_logo.gif';

* The array of versions and actions within each.
* You do not need to order it a specific way (it will be sorted automatically), however, you must enter every version, even if no actions are done for it.
* You must use correct version numbering.  Unless you know exactly what you can use, only use X.X.X (replacing X with an integer).
* The version numbering must otherwise be compatible with the version_compare function -
$versions = array(
	'1.0.6' => array(
		'permission_add' => array(
			array('a_portal_manage', 1),

		'permission_set' => array(
			array('ADMINISTRATORS', 'a_manage_portal', 'group'),

		'table_add' => array(
			array(PORTAL_CONFIG_TABLE, array(
				'COLUMNS' => array(
					'config_name' => array('VCHAR:255', ''),
					'config_value'=> array('MTEXT', ''),
				'PRIMARY_KEY'	=> 'config_name',


		'module_add' => array(
			array('acp', 'ACP_CAT_DOT_MODS', 'ACP_PORTAL_INFO'),

			array('acp', 'ACP_PORTAL_INFO', array(
					'module_basename'	=> 'portal',
					'module_langname'	=> 'ACP_PORTAL_GENERAL_INFO',
					'module_mode' 		=> 'config',
					'module_auth'		=> 'acl_a_manage_portal',
			array('acp', 'ACP_PORTAL_INFO', array(
					'module_basename'	=> 'portal',
					'module_langname'	=> 'ACP_PORTAL_NEWS_INFO',
					'module_mode'		=> 'modules',
					'module_auth'		=> 'acl_a_manage_portal',

			array('acp', 'ACP_PORTAL_INFO', array(
					'module_basename'	=> 'portal',
					'module_langname'	=> 'ACP_PORTAL_ANNOUNCEMENTS_INFO',
					'module_mode'		=> 'modules',
					'module_auth'		=> 'acl_a_manage_portal',

			array('acp', 'ACP_PORTAL_INFO', array(
					'module_basename'	=> 'portal',
					'module_langname'	=> 'ACP_PORTAL_WELCOME_INFO',
					'module_mode'		=> 'modules',
					'module_auth'		=> 'acl_a_manage_portal',

			array('acp', 'ACP_PORTAL_INFO', array(
					'module_basename'	=> 'portal',
					'module_langname'	=> 'ACP_PORTAL_RECENT_INFO',
					'module_mode'		=> 'modules',
					'module_auth'		=> 'acl_a_manage_portal',

			array('acp', 'ACP_PORTAL_INFO', array(
					'module_basename'	=> 'portal',
					'module_langname'	=> 'ACP_PORTAL_WORDGRAPH_INFO',
					'module_mode'		=> 'modules',
					'module_auth'		=> 'acl_a_manage_portal',

			array('acp', 'ACP_PORTAL_INFO', array(
					'module_basename'	=> 'portal',
					'module_langname'	=> 'ACP_PORTAL_PAYPAL_INFO',
					'module_mode'		=> 'modules',
					'module_auth'		=> 'acl_a_manage_portal',

			array('acp', 'ACP_PORTAL_INFO', array(
					'module_basename'	=> 'portal',
					'module_langname'	=> 'ACP_PORTAL_ATTACHMENTS_INFO',
					'module_mode'		=> 'modules',
					'module_auth'		=> 'acl_a_manage_portal',

			array('acp', 'ACP_PORTAL_INFO', array(
					'module_basename'	=> 'portal',
					'module_langname'	=> 'ACP_PORTAL_MEMBERS_INFO',
					'module_mode'		=> 'modules',
					'module_auth'		=> 'acl_a_manage_portal',

			array('acp', 'ACP_PORTAL_INFO', array(
					'module_basename'	=> 'portal',
					'module_langname'	=> 'ACP_PORTAL_POLLS_INFO',
					'module_mode'		=> 'modules',
					'module_auth'		=> 'acl_a_manage_portal',

			array('acp', 'ACP_PORTAL_INFO', array(
					'module_basename'	=> 'portal',
					'module_langname'	=> 'ACP_PORTAL_BOTS_INFO',
					'module_mode'		=> 'modules',
					'module_auth'		=> 'acl_a_manage_portal',

			array('acp', 'ACP_PORTAL_INFO', array(
					'module_basename'	=> 'portal',
					'module_langname'	=> 'ACP_PORTAL_POSTER_INFO',
					'module_mode'		=> 'modules',
					'module_auth'		=> 'acl_a_manage_portal',

			array('acp', 'ACP_PORTAL_INFO', array(
					'module_basename'	=> 'portal',
					'module_langname'	=> 'ACP_PORTAL_MINICALENDAR_INFO',
					'module_mode'		=> 'modules',
					'module_auth'		=> 'acl_a_manage_portal',

			array('acp', 'ACP_PORTAL_INFO', array(
					'module_basename'	=> 'portal',
					'module_langname'	=> 'ACP_PORTAL_CUSTOMBLOCK_INFO',
					'module_mode'		=> 'modules',
					'module_auth'		=> 'acl_a_manage_portal',

			array('acp', 'ACP_PORTAL_INFO', array(
					'module_basename'	=> 'portal',
					'module_langname'	=> 'ACP_PORTAL_LINKS_INFO',
					'module_mode'		=> 'modules',
					'module_auth'		=> 'acl_a_manage_portal',

			array('acp', 'ACP_PORTAL_INFO', array(
					'module_basename'	=> 'portal',
					'module_langname'	=> 'ACP_PORTAL_FRIENDS_INFO',
					'module_mode'		=> 'modules',
					'module_auth'		=> 'acl_a_manage_portal',

			array('acp', 'ACP_PORTAL_INFO', array(
					'module_basename'	=> 'portal',
					'module_langname'	=> 'ACP_PORTAL_BIRTHDAYS_INFO',
					'module_mode'		=> 'modules',
					'module_auth'		=> 'acl_a_manage_portal',

	'2.0.0-a1' => array(
		'permission_remove' => array(
		'permission_add' => array(
			array('u_view_portal', 1),
			array('a_manage_portal', 1),

		'permission_set' => array(
			array('GUESTS', 'u_view_portal', 'group'),
			array('REGISTERED_COPPA', 'u_view_portal', 'group'),
			array('GLOBAL_MODERATORS', 'u_view_portal', 'group'),
			array('ADMINISTRATORS', 'u_view_portal', 'group'),
			array('BOTS', 'u_view_portal', 'group'),
			array('NEWLY_REGISTERED', 'u_view_portal', 'group'),

		'table_add' => array(
			array(PORTAL_MODULES_TABLE, array(
				'COLUMNS' => array(
					'module_id' => array('UINT:3', NULL, 'auto_increment'),
					'module_classname' => array('VCHAR:64', ''),
					'module_column' => array('TINT:3', 0),
					'module_order' => array('TINT:3', 0),
					'module_name' => array('VCHAR', ''),
					'module_image_src' => array('VCHAR', ''),
					'module_image_width' => array('INT:3', 0),
					'module_image_height' => array('INT:3', 0),
					'module_group_ids' => array('VCHAR', ''),
					'module_status' => array('TINT:1', 1),

				'PRIMARY_KEY'	=> 'module_id',

		'config_add' => array(
			array('board3_enable', 1, 0),
			array('board3_left_column', 1, 0),
			array('board3_right_column', 1, 0),
			array('board3_version_check', 1, 0),
			array('board3_forum_index', 1, 0),
			array('board3_left_column_width', 180, 0),
			array('board3_right_column_width', 180, 0),
			array('board3_phpbb_menu', 0, 0),
			array('board3_display_jumpbox', 1, 0),

		'module_remove' => array(

		'module_add' => array(
			array('acp', 'ACP_CAT_DOT_MODS', 'ACP_PORTAL'),

			array('acp', 'ACP_PORTAL', array(
					'module_basename'	=> 'portal',
					'module_langname'	=> 'ACP_PORTAL_GENERAL_INFO',
					'module_mode' 		=> 'config',
					'module_auth'		=> 'acl_a_manage_portal',
			array('acp', 'ACP_PORTAL', array(
					'module_basename'	=> 'portal',
					'module_langname'	=> 'ACP_PORTAL_MODULES',
					'module_mode'		=> 'modules',
					'module_auth'		=> 'acl_a_manage_portal',
			array('acp', 'ACP_PORTAL', array(
					'module_basename'	=> 'portal',
					'module_langname'	=> 'ACP_PORTAL_UPLOAD',
					'module_mode'		=> 'upload_module',
					'module_auth'		=> 'acl_a_manage_portal',
		'custom'	=> array('board3_basic_install'),


	'2.0.0b1' => array(
		// no changes

	'2.0.0' => array(
		// no changes ... purge caches anyways
		'cache_purge' => array(

// Include the UMIL Auto file, it handles the rest
include($phpbb_root_path . 'umil/umil_auto.' . $phpEx);
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Re: Installation nicht möglich

Post by archivar »

In deiner Fehlermeldung ist dieser Link ==>
Kann sein Du hast dein Board nicht auf PHP 5 umgestellt ?!
Steht als Voraussetzung für B3P v. 2 in der install.xml :
Hinweise des Autors: Dieser MOD benötigt PHP5.
und hier im unteren Bereich ==> viewtopic.php?f=40&t=5476
V.G. archivar
sorry for my bad english

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Re: Installation nicht möglich

Post by Rhapsodos »

Also, ich hab jetzt versucht, das ganze nochmal aufzusetzen, um sicher zu gehen, dass alles richtig funktioniert hat.
Leider mit dem selben Fehler.

Was die PHP Version angeht, sagt mir mein Forum, dass ich Version 5.3.8 habe.
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Re: Installation nicht möglich

Post by Marc »

Also deine PHP Datei sollte überhaupt nicht im Klartext angezeigt werden. Bitte kontaktiere deinen Hoster und frage nach, wieso die php Datei in dem Ordner nicht ausgeführt wird.

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Re: Installation nicht möglich

Post by Rhapsodos »

Ich habe nun meinen Hoster kontaktiert.
Als Antwort habe ich diese beiden Links mit den PHP-Werten erhalten:
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Re: Installation nicht möglich

Post by cpg »


... ist ja lustig (traurig) "Faq-Center". Das würde ich glatt umtaufen in "F...Center", aber ich lasse es lieber :)

Man müsste wohl wissen, welches "Paket" Du hast und dann die entsprechenden Angaben und Häkchen raussuchen und mit den Anforderungen für das Board vergleichen.


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Re: Installation nicht möglich

Post by Rhapsodos »

Ich hab das BasicWeb XL Paket
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Re: Installation nicht möglich

Post by MyLady »

das ist ja wohl verdammt traurig.
Für diesen Preis bekommst du auch einen anständigen Hoster. Strato... also echt. Von so einer großen Bude sollte man mehr erwarten können.
Derartige Probleme kenne ich so nicht, ich habe 20GB Speicherplatz und wenn mir was fehlt schreib ich ne Mail oder rufe an.
sorry for my bad english - I'm german and google is my friend :D

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